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I don't think autism is related to this. It doesn't turn someone into BAE. She is hugely bitter and seems to have a personal vendetta against Chinese.

I'm just surprised that BAE accuses all Chinese men of patriarchy... And marries a Middle Eastern guy?

I mean she wants to use statistical arguments to be a racist against Chinese men but I wonder what she thinks of WM who do the same with Middle Easterners?
When i refer to autism, i'm referring to the socially awkward, beta white males and low quality, low SMV males who tend to infest East Asia because east asian societies tend to be more tolerant and accepting of the dregs of white societies. These individuals would otherwise die involuntary celibates were it not for the fact that their ancestors raped and pillaged and destroyed so much of the social fabric of east Asia that many impoverished asians look at them like tom cruise or cate blanchett.

Taking someone like BAE, you have a narcissist who can't stand being a nobody back home in christian fundamentalist america; the CIA tends to pick these missionary types which is why the Mormon church is a key source of recruits since these types would already have the basics of language down already and a belief in the manifest destiny of white america- a facet of Mormonism that cannot be denied.

Now you take all of that and consider the history of the collective west vis-a-vis China and you can see that many westerners like to use China as a foil to try to band all white caucasoid nations together in some mighty empire alliance; it's what motivates the lithuanian elites who have nothing else going for them except white skin and the wannabe white people like turkish nationalists who still come to taiwan to eke out a living whilst being arrogant little turds.


I don't watch her shows or any other influencer, I buy my stuffs based on my own searches. However, in the past several years, most of the stuffs that I bought (electronics, home appliances, gadgets, utensils, etc) were imported from China, incl. China's own brands. I witness a significant surge in quality from products made in China in the last few years, incl. from those China's native brands. In earlier period, I might still find some significant gap compared with those products made in Japan or South Korea. But later it is no longer true.

For sure I am not seeking for the lowest prices but I pay attention into quality (built quality), specs, material... I am ready to pay more at those better Chinese products to obtain the qualities, and I am avoiding those unknown at the lowest prices, those that compete based on pricing solely... but I also hate to pay steep, unreasonable premium just for the brand names (I ain't that kind of consumer). I am that kind that won't pay USD6,600 for a coffee maker :) so item like that or the comparatively pricey is a big no-no for me. After all I still have to spend wisely my bucks... life just does not shower me with such generous fortune as well as I hate to be rigged.

Principally I tend to be a consumer of quality and functionality and stick to price/performance ratio than brand name :p but in some aspect brand names also guarantee built quality and that's what I found with Huawei products. I have repeatedly bought Huawei consumer products from GSM Wi-Fi dongle long in the past to Wi-Fi Repeater to smartphone to tablet to notebook for I find the built qualities are assuring. Now my Huawei smartphone has been over 5 years old, time for replacement after being postponed for 2 years, and now I am awaiting the launch of
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. The blockage by Google gives some minus but as I have my 2nd android phone (Oppo) so I can ignore the absence of GMS and few Google key apps, something that I can afford to miss. I also have a Huawei Matebook (laptop) that will take advantage of the direct communication (file transfer capability both directions) with Huawei's new smartphones (those mid-to-high end models as of 2019 or so), my current phone is too old to support this feature. Well, at the very end I am still relatively quite a rational consumer... a complicated purchaser for serious item :)
I wrote the price I paid for the expresso maker in $NZ in US$4500. I have put the Expresso machine down to a business purchase, thus claiming the usual write downs etc etc. Where I live I have to drive 25ks for a not very good coffee at the local petrolstation/cafe/ drop point for goods etc.
I put the other old coffee maker which is an automated filter coffee maker in the farms lunchroom for the farm staff to use and the new expresso maker in the homestead where the seven adults would consume about 30 cups a day. Cafe owners are now contemplating charging $7.50 a for a cup of coffee so it can be quite a saving.

I bought Huawei's first android phone for my brother as a present. His boss and other workmates would ask if they could look at it, after which they pretended to throw it in the rubbish bin. I must admit althoughy it was a bit laggy he must have used it for the best part of two years.


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Who wants these inferior Australian wines anyway? Drink Chilean and French.

I myself drink hard liquors. They give the greatest buzz.
Many Australian wines are of premium qualities and many good cheaper ones too but they are innocent victims of the present government geopolitical folly and domestic political rhetoric (general
federal election in a few months). Similar to seafood, agriculture, mining and other exporters, these companies have little interest in "trade disputes" and the pandemic is making their situations worse.


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Many Australian wines are of premium qualities and many good cheaper ones too but they are innocent victims of the present government geopolitical folly and domestic political rhetoric (general
federal election in a few months). Similar to seafood, agriculture, mining and other exporters, these companies have little interest in "trade disputes" and the pandemic is making their situations worse.
Perhaps they are innocents in this anglo american declared Race War, but judging by the rhetoric of Australian traders and investors and the impression i have is not that they're upset at the Australian Government, but at the Chinese for not taking it on the chin and giving money whilst accepting insult.

It's the same thing you see across the western world, particularly the anglosphere; white anglos hate having to be in the position of catering for Chinese Capital, especially when they're in the service/finance industry, but they want and need Chinese Capital; this is why they'd bitch and moan about Chinese real estate investors and Chinese buyers of Australian vitamins and milk, but bitch even louder if that money is taken away.

I once worked with a Australian employers who hated China and yet sucked up when Chinese clients were around; they'd make sure to have only Chinese female mandarin speakers around because the sight of fit heterosexual Asian males drove these white Australians into an Incel type rage.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I am still not fully convinced Russia wants to invade Ukraine.

What would be the end game? A full annexation is ridiculous and untenable, while taking just the Russian majority half does very little to change the broader Russian grievance of NATO expansion.

I feel it is more likely that China has made up its mind that its time to take Taiwan back, and this is both Russia playing decoy, and also planting some options for future moves to undermine NATO.

The Russians are making way too much noise about invading Ukraine when they can’t win such a fight against a determined US led NATO interventional (even going nuclear will not win him the fight, since best came scenario there is that it ends up as a draw). It’s almost like they are trying to get the US to commit massive military forces to Eastern Europe to guard against such a Russian invasion. Would be mean those US military forces are not available to be rapidly deployed against China in a Taiwan reunification scenario.

America seems to also smell something fishy, and it’s military response to all the Russian threats are conspicuous in its absence, which is not a great look for NATO.

If and when China takes Taiwan and America deploys the bulk of its best forces into Asia, it will leave Ukraine and NATO high and dry. Because without massive American military commitments, NATO has no viable military option against a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

But then the original question of what Russia’s endgame in such an invasion comes back into play. Unless the whole point is to show how weak and toothless NATO has become as America refocuses on Asia and China. But that seems like a lot of costs and risks to play for so little return. It might be worth it if Putin thinks he can somehow leverage an invasion of Ukraine to collapse NATO, but I just cannot see how that will actually work.
Russia doesn't want to annex/conquer Ukraine just like China didn't want to annex/conquer Vietnam during the Sino-Vietnam war.

Russia might consider limited 'punitive expedition' against Ukraine to "punish it" and then withdraw, just like China launched a limited 'punitive war' to "punish" Vietnam, China declared limited objectives achieved and unilaterally ended the war.

In Russia's case, it's punishing Ukraine for pro-Western/anti-Russian attitude and soliciting NATO alliance. In China's cases, it's punishing Vietnam for pro-Soviet/anti-Chinese attitude, attacking Chinese allies (Cambodia), and USSR-Vietnam mutual defense treaty (encirclement)

In Russia's case, a limited attack on Ukraine would demonstrate NATO's un-reliablity and un-trustworthiness to Ukraine and the world, while at same time demonstrate Russian willingness to assert sphere of influence and confront NATO. In China's case, a limited attack on Vietnam is most visible proof that USSR-Vietnam mutual defense treaty is a paper tiger and useless, China is willing to protect it's tributaries and sphere of influence in SEAsia, and China will never be contained by USSR-Vietnam axis.

In Russia's case, they may annex small parts of Ukraine (Crimea), just like China annexed small parts of Vietnam (Nam Quan Gate)

China shattered the USSR-Vietnam mutual defense pact and encirclement containment effort, and Russia is attempt the same punitive attack to achieve similar results vis-a-vis NATO encirclement.

That's why this talk that Ukraine is to Russia as Taiwan is to China is non-sense. Ukraine is Russian sphere of influence (ex-colony too) encroached by West just like Vietnam is Chinese sphere (ex-colony too) encroached by West/Soviet. China even mobolized 1 million troops along Sino-Soviet border to dare them to protect Vietnam (which they didn't, shattering the encirclement effort).
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Junior Member
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I would not buy any of them. Why not just buy a Chinese brand since it is designed, developed and made in China.

If any foreign brand has a critical expertise that makes their car better at a acceptable price, I am willing to buy. But not for a name tag. Anyway, neither Toyota nor Mitsubishi are attractive to me in anyway.
Since the Japanese Government ban Chinese from owning Toyota shares, the next best thing is to manufacture Chinese cars and sell them as Japanese cars under the Toyota brand.
A high risk privileged arrangement Toyota given to a competitor.
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Yet again, another INSIDIOUS LIE propagated by the hateful and lying western countries about China's so-called "Social Credit System" which is essentially nothing more than a Sinicized version of the west's "Credit Score System/Credit Rating."

The degree of outright lying and projections these fascists tend to create about China are beyond ridiculous and scary to be honest. Their reporting is not even based on factual and objective truth but on whatever versions of truth they love to invent. It's unfortunate and genocidal to be quite frank.

Just an FYI, the 'Asian Boss' YouTube channel is owned/made by South Korean. I am forever happy Koreans are vassal dogs of West and forever happy Korea will be permanently divided forever!


Since the Japanese Government ban Chinese from owning Toyota shares, the next best thing is to manufacture Chinese cars and sell them as Japanese cars under the Toyota brand.

I don't think it is a correct statement that Japanese Govt ban Chinese owning Toyota shares, anybody could buy Toyota shares, even I have some

What Japanese rule is that need to get approval from Japanese govt to own certain % of certain industries. So for minor buyers, won't get impacted. And it applies to any foreigners, not only Chinese