I have this creeping concern that if and when the worst case scenario unfortunately happens due to the Taiwan issue, countries like India, Japan, etc would assist U. S. NATO led alliance in attacking China no question about it. It's imperative from a pure strategic reasons that countries who may oppose Washington do not want to change the status quo or upend the existing order only to be replaced with a country that's only NOT WESTERN, A RACE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE INFERIOR IN EVERY POSSIBLE Way; but most of all the POLITICAL SYSTEM that rhymes with Barbarism a.k.a. COMMUNISM will gain so much traction worldwide that if China succeeds on all front it'll help bring down or topple the democratic governments in the world whose population have been the most unhappy and dissatisfied with the system or governance of which they have been operating under.
Let's not forget that we have all been told from toddler to adulthood that democracy is the best system bar none and communism was the system designed for tyranny and is anthetisis to Free people of the world. But as we have been able to witness China has managed to grow her economy in a manner that's unprecedented in history under a system that's supposed to be the most ineffective and inefficient in delivering material wealth to anyone. And as China seeks to move up the value chain while at the same time the economic conditions and societal crisis are hitting and affecting the western world society at an inflection point, their governments have decidedly made the conscious effort to make an all out BLITZKRIEG attack on China's government to divert away their failures and incompetence against a country whose governance system have a strong negative impact on their population. So the transition to hate, dislike a country that is never been understood is very easy. The demonization of the CPC by pointing out ad nauseum the party's failures, missteps while disregarding the party's achievements that's frankly unequalled in history for obvious reasons. Great leap famine, cultural revolution, tianmen Square, have been repeated, exaggerated ad infinitum.
The denial of legitimacy invite and foment instability, dissatisfaction, chaos, and then revolution. A revolution that western interests almost succeeded in 1989.
China I hope is prepared to go Banzai if that's the eventual outcome the controlling interest seeks. If China fails then we will always be forever in servitude of the west in my opinion.
Let's not forget that we have all been told from toddler to adulthood that democracy is the best system bar none and communism was the system designed for tyranny and is anthetisis to Free people of the world. But as we have been able to witness China has managed to grow her economy in a manner that's unprecedented in history under a system that's supposed to be the most ineffective and inefficient in delivering material wealth to anyone. And as China seeks to move up the value chain while at the same time the economic conditions and societal crisis are hitting and affecting the western world society at an inflection point, their governments have decidedly made the conscious effort to make an all out BLITZKRIEG attack on China's government to divert away their failures and incompetence against a country whose governance system have a strong negative impact on their population. So the transition to hate, dislike a country that is never been understood is very easy. The demonization of the CPC by pointing out ad nauseum the party's failures, missteps while disregarding the party's achievements that's frankly unequalled in history for obvious reasons. Great leap famine, cultural revolution, tianmen Square, have been repeated, exaggerated ad infinitum.
The denial of legitimacy invite and foment instability, dissatisfaction, chaos, and then revolution. A revolution that western interests almost succeeded in 1989.
China I hope is prepared to go Banzai if that's the eventual outcome the controlling interest seeks. If China fails then we will always be forever in servitude of the west in my opinion.
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