Miscellaneous News


That's why it's so important for the West to have everyone in the world embrace Western culture not because it's better for people's lives. They want those hundreds of millions of dollars going to them for just existing. It's like those T-shirts Americans can buy that say, "I'm famous in Japan." Just because they were American, that automatically meant they were treated as a celebrity in Japan. Hollywood talents agents and managers who had some unknown as a client that they thought could be big celebrities would send them to Japan and let the word out that this American "celebrity" would be arriving and then blindly hundreds of Japanese girls would show-up screaming at the airport to greet this person that they never heard of except that someone said he was an American celebrity. The agents and managers would record it and used it in selling their client in Hollywood. Or look at when used blue jeans worn by Americans would sell in Japan for hundreds of American dollars. That's why I argue that the US doesn't want to isolate China. They want Chinese to hand them their money they earned to Americas for essentially nothing. When the West calls for freedom in China, they're literally talking about freedom for Westerners in China to do this.

If these influencers in China are making that kind of money, it tells you how much more money the companies that hire them to sponsor their products are making. The US wants to be in control of that and tell what US products Chinese should be buying. This is what it's all about really and not what they accuse China. Human rights is just an excuse to have the West have more freedom and influence in China to setup these things. That's why the West is worried China is going against their system. Some Chinese actors make more money than A-list Hollywood actors. These Chinese influencers seem to be making more money than A-list Hollywood actors as well. That pisses them off because they have to be number one in everything and China is not making them number one in everything. They don't like Chinese being innovative because that means they won't be making all the money from licensing fees and royalties. Look at how the US uses it to control countries and which countries they can sell to.
Just a little OT

I wonder how many folks here buy a particular product on the recommendation of these social influencers. I can honestly say I am not brand conscious and do my own research before buying. I wanted a domestic expresso machine and I took so long to make up my mind and updated La Marzocco came out which cost around. $6600. Some of you might wonder WTF, but this was a domestic version of their commercial one with exactly the same parts made from metal. Domestic ones from appliance shops are normally plastic parts with a vibration pump system which results in inferior coffee.
A couple of years ago I bought a jacket from an Opportunity shop for $100. My partner said the same jacket was selling the previous year in upmarket fashion houses in Sydney for $3000 in 2018.


Lieutenant General
Just a little OT

I wonder how many folks here buy a particular product on the recommendation of these social influencers. I can honestly say I am not brand conscious and do my own research before buying. I wanted a domestic expresso machine and I took so long to make up my mind and updated La Marzocco came out which cost around. $6600. Some of you might wonder WTF, but this was a domestic version of their commercial one with exactly the same parts made from metal. Domestic ones from appliance shops are normally plastic parts with a vibration pump system which results in inferior coffee.
A couple of years ago I bought a jacket from an Opportunity shop for $100. My partner said the same jacket was selling the previous year in upmarket fashion houses in Sydney for $3000 in 2018.

I don't but apparently it's a huge business. Kim Kardashian made tens of millions of dollars just because some gaming company made a shopping game with her name on it. If she was making that much just for her name, just imagine what that company was making from people downloading that game.


Registered Member
I wonder how many folks here buy a particular product on the recommendation of these social influencers
That's advertising. Your question is basically "does advertising work?"

There are ample studies showing that, it does work. And the reason (to summarise), is that while humans think that we are not animals, we still have monkey brains

So, the same way advertising works in monkeys, it also works in humans

As for the rest of your post, I am 100% sure that in the past month, at least 1 item you purchased was because of advertising (subconsciously)


Registered Member
That's advertising. Your question is basically "does advertising work?"

There are ample studies showing that, it does work. And the reason (to summarise), is that while humans think that we are not animals, we still have monkey brains

So, the same way advertising works in monkeys, it also works in humans

As for the rest of your post, I am 100% sure that in the past month, at least 1 item you purchased was because of advertising (subconsciously)
Basically means, "monkey see, monkey do"


Registered Member
Pres.Putin is not playing. I watched this speech and I was riveted and felt patriotic and am not even Russian. The west has pushed and pushed Russia too far and has face no consequences with respect to the disregarding of their actions, breaking of promises, treaties broken at will and using international institutions as it's plaything designed to impede, curtail, and punish countries like Russia and now China for their supposed "misdeeds" while the worst offenders are hoisted as heroes which is beyond sick.



Registered Member
Pres.Putin is not playing. I watched this speech and I was riveted and felt patriotic and am not even Russian. The west has pushed and pushed Russia too far and has face no consequences with respect to the disregarding of their actions, breaking of promises, treaties broken at will and using international institutions as it's plaything designed to impede, curtail, and punish countries like Russia and now China for their supposed "misdeeds" while the worst offenders are hoisted as heroes which is beyond sick.

For some strange reason, people still think that Putin is bluffing and he doesn't dare to attack Ukraine, provoke the West etc

I still think that Russia will attack Ukraine if the US doesn't change course soon