Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Sure its a claim on china, but it also seems to be a claim on a quarter of Russia?
Yes. This shows how of an idiot Erdogan is. He has made enemies of everyone, his economic policies are bs, his country is isolated in Eastern Med etc

With inflation running at 22% (unofficialy it is at least double), he keeps playing these "I am very smart" games with China and Russia.

Nevermind though, as from what i have heard, China is starting to raise the Kurdish issue now. Never too late to dismember Turkey if it keeps pulling this kind of bs


Lieutenant General
There might be a silver lining with Erdogan. He has ambitions to bring back the Ottoman Empire. The West as usual always tries to predict who its future enemies it will go to war with are and they always get it wrong. The West is going to fear the new Ottoman Empire more than China because of its proximity. Turkey has to "gobble up" other countries for it to be a true superpower and the West isn't going to like that. The rise of modern China was done without war, conquering, and invading. Turkey will have to do that for the Ottoman Empire to be reborn. Turkey has a long way to go to becoming a superpower and it will be a mess that the West will have to deal with along the way. As it was said in the 2014 Godzilla movie... "Let them fight!"


Bob Smith

Junior Member
Registered Member
There might be a silver lining with Erdogan. He has ambitions to bring back the Ottoman Empire. The West as usual always tries to predict who its future enemies it will go to war with are and they always get it wrong. The West is going to fear the new Ottoman Empire more than China because of its proximity. Turkey has to "gobble up" other countries for it to be a true superpower and the West isn't going to like that. The rise of modern China was done without war, conquering, and invading. Turkey will have to do that for the Ottoman Empire to be reborn. Turkey has a long way to go to becoming a superpower and it will be a mess that the West will have to deal with along the way. As it was said in the 2014 Godzilla movie... "Let them fight!"
No one sees them as a threat except Armenia. They have the EU to their northwest, Russia to their northeast, Iran to their southeast, Israel/Arabs to their South. Their GDP is $720 billion for 2020 and will decrease in 2021 due to their currency losing over 50% of its value.


Registered Member
Erdogan sure loves to talk bullishly combined with great b.s. on Turkey being an economic giant considering it's current economic downturn and currency devaluation. Plus, the man just promised to provide 25 million of covid-19 vaccines to Africa which is great but with what vaccine? Sinovac, Sinopharm? And the way he buttered the emotions of the African leaders were too freaking cringy when the best economic "help" he can do is TO SELL MILITARY WEAPONS to the African countries. He sound like an Indian Jai Hind. Pretty interesting leader.

Erdogan is a snake. And as all with all snakes, he should be put down. This "Turkish World Map" is from some weeks ago.
Do you notice anything strange showing in China.......
View attachment 80096

Apart from those highly-publicized Turkish drones, Turkey has little to offer in the global defence markets. Their large ticket items like Tanks and Helicopters are hampered by their reliance on Western-made components like the engines, and sensors.

Erdogan must feel like his Turkey is on top of the world. But he forgets that many years of making and betraying friends is gonna take its toll. His NATO partners despises him. Russia dislikes him, but would still sell arms to him. Israel, who used to supply him with military technology doesn't like him too. Almost the whole Middle East and North Africa hates him. India hates him too (LOL!). South Korea is ok with him so far, lets see how long that lasts. China is cautious about him, but would do business with him. The only friends he has left are Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Qatar, and Pakistan.

Its only a matter of time to see who he betrays next. My guest is that the next country he could betray is China. There would be intense pressure on him to re-establish ties with the West. In any case, Erdogan is already quietly supporting the TIP and ETIM. So, he could easily progress to again making noises about the Uighurs in China, and then to openly supporting ETIM activities. The West would fall in love with him all over again. How about the Kurds, Armenians, and those goodwill from China? Naah, he doesn't really care. Just like how he goes back and forth with Russia, Israel, and the West. Pakistan might be sandwiched in a spat between Erdogan and China. But Pakistan will choose China over Turkey anytime. So Erdogan will loose 2 more friends.

China must understand that they are not dealing with President Erdogan, but with Sultan Erdogan. That's how to make sense of all his foreign policy antics. Erdogan wants to be the Sultan of a Pan-Turkic empire. He will play around with other countries to get what he wants. But by doing what he did, he will crash and burn one day.


Registered Member
There might be a silver lining with Erdogan. He has ambitions to bring back the Ottoman Empire. The West as usual always tries to predict who its future enemies it will go to war with are and they always get it wrong. The West is going to fear the new Ottoman Empire more than China because of its proximity. Turkey has to "gobble up" other countries for it to be a true superpower and the West isn't going to like that. The rise of modern China was done without war, conquering, and invading. Turkey will have to do that for the Ottoman Empire to be reborn. Turkey has a long way to go to becoming a superpower and it will be a mess that the West will have to deal with along the way. As it was said in the 2014 Godzilla movie... "Let them fight!"

I doubt there would be any war between the West and Erdogan's Ottoman Empire anytime soon. The West is just too powerful for Erdogan to fight against. My prediction is that Erdogan will flip-flop again. He always does that. I do think that he will betray China one day. He could play the Uighur card again like he did back in 2009. The Grey Wolves, TIP and ETIM are his pet terrorists. He could resume supporting them again against China at any time. It'll help to progress his Pan-Turkic agenda, while at the same time defuse a lot of the tensions with the West. The West would see him as a useful tool to destabilize China, and so they'll suddenly become great friends with him again.

With his regained friendship with the West, he could find some relief from those Western sanctions. He knows that China won't come out if its way to depose or kill him unlike the West. At the very worst, China would cut him off from the BRI and sanction him. Turkey's economy is more intertwined with the West, Middle East, and Central Asia than China. So Erdogan is not gonna really mind those Chinese sanctions.

So yes, lets enjoy this little fight show between Erdogan and the West. But don't expect him to be a perpetual friend to China. He is only using China as leverage now. He will betray China at some point. We just don't know when.


Registered Member
Turks have screwed it up by messing all of their foreign relations with major powers in recent years. Turks should wait in a line to get some bread and some other basic necessities before starving because of Erdogan bs economic management.
Erdogan is not concerned what people inside Turkey can buy rather how much Turkey can export for German firms. cheapest labor is the best. or better immigrate to Germany. It is artificial country created from German backed Ottoman empire. there is Turk Minister in German government from green party. i just dont think Turkey can survive if Germany goes down economically which is more than likely.


Lieutenant General
I never said Erdogan was going to be successful. I never said it was going to happen quickly. I never said that Turkey was rich. I never said China can trust Erdogan. That's why he's going to have to be aggressive if he want to see the Ottoman Empire reborn. Erdogan does want Make Turkey Great Again and that means a return to the glory of the Ottoman Empire and that means not being a lap dog of anyone. Remember when Bush was ready to target China and then 9-11 happened that threw those plans against China in a totally different direction. Erdogan sucking up to the African Union is about having resource rich Africa under its wing. It's the same reason why the West/resourceless-Europe was alarmed China was in Africa. They see Africa as their backyard. Those resources are theirs and no one else's.