A quick rant.
To me, the Huawei fight against the US government is still the most important one on the geopolitical scale, for China, and a important one for the world.
This is a global fight.
Take for example the United Arab Emirates cancelling their F-35 contract for now, and they committed to buying Rafale jets, all because they would not accept the demands of the United States to ban Huawei 5G from their networks.
What's next? Qatar won't ban Huawei 5G from their networks, and they are an very close US ally in the region. The Americans probably livid over that.
Saudi Arabia, they happy with their Huawei gear. Iraq probably too, lol. Iran has that mega-deal with China. The entire Middle East is a Huawei 5G world. Only exception is Israel, simply because they never used Huawei in the first place, so no need to change, but they do have a Huawei research center in the Jewish state. Heh.
France never fully banned Huawei, and they got stabbed in the back with the submarines.
The new German government has not given any indication they will be any different from Merkel regarding Huawei 5G. Few countries in Europe have actually banned Huawei. Simply put, we need evidence. They might not want to talk about it, because that could worsen tensions with the US.
They cancelled a F-35 deal because of Huawei, and France got stabbed in the back, because they were not fully onboard on issues (they never are) with Huawei being one of them.
Everyone is waiting for more clarity from the Germans about Huawei in Germany. When that happens, whether for or against, then the geopolitical tectonic plates will move once more.
Brazil is cool with Huawei. Brazil is South America's largest nation and economy, and we knew from reports that all countries in South America will be using Huawei. The Brazil leader was a little flaky, so the Americans thought they had a chance, which turned out to be false. All of South America is a Huawei world, just like the Middle East, just like most of ASEAN, and Africa too.
The only battle ground remaining for Huawei 5G versus the US government is again, Europe, where no one wants to say anything.
If the Germans do not accede to US demands of limiting Huawei 5G in their networks, so far they have not, and like hardly anyone else has, then we really have to wonder how deep this fracture will be.
There is a lot of noise right now about how America is punishing [sic] Chinese tech companies. Is it a diversion to hide the fact a F-35 deal was cancelled for now because the buyer preferred Huawei 5G instead?
Look, even Mexico is a big client of Huawei. If the Mexicans won't listen to the United States, not sure what is the motivation for others to listen to the United States about the 5G.
Let's not forget that the sanctioning of SMIC started only because they could not get anywhere by sanctioning Hauwei 5G.
The way I see it, once they started bombing Cambodia, the Vietnam War was lost.
With these extra sanctions against other Chinese companies the last couple of days by the Americans, now they are bombing Laos.