I totally understand all the excellent points you wrote but what's puzzling and disappointing at the same time with
@Hendrik_2000 is his seeming disregard to the country that ought to be rightfully compared to China which is India. Both countries are similar in size, population, and had 2 years overlapped with respect to their independence India in 1947 and the PRC in 1949. As we can all bear witness the two countries growth and development couldn't be further apart from each other. While China managed and still manages to find a way to work with it's avowed strategic rivals like America, Europe, and before Soviet Russia to ensure that China's economic development would not be impeded - which also shows that CPC leadership are not governed by emotional tantrums - and progress unencumbered. Compares that to India's boisterous and loud pronouncements of Superpower India without building up it's important sectors to actually realize that laudable goal, not to mention that it's people and leaders are guided by the misallocation of misplaced confidence of picking a fight with a much more powerful country in China. So rather than allowing their partnership with China to blossom to it's fullest potential the Ladakh episode and their strategic miscalculation has only brought an inevitable slowdown to that countries vital technology sector. Their deficit and procurement of goods from China has actually INCREASED not DECREASE DESPITE THE JAI HINDS DECLARATION and gloating of kicking Chinese investments etc....
@Hendrik_2000 admonishments and pleading were actually heeded by preceding CPC leadership then the China we all know today wouldn't exist full stop. China would be a giant North Korea always willing to fire their missiles whenever the leadership feels slighted and would then threaten to unleash hell in the world because of massive insecurity complex. None of us Chinese would be proud of this type of belligerent, emotionally stunted government coming from the version of China
@Hendrik_2000 would love to see.