And here's the rebuttal to that article linked by @escobar the response is penned by the Carl Von Clausewitz of America, Elkridge Colby.Lol. What is this garbage?
Is the author saying that the US can hurt China by shooting itself in thefoothead?
I can just imagine the US banning dollar transactions and next day realising that its dollars have less value than toilet paper haha
These two important passages from thr article are the meat and bones/raison d'etre of why American must aid Taiwan. The zero sum game mentality is what's pushing this insane and dangerous line of thinking not to mention specious assumptions and projections of China’s geopolitical intentions. There's no mention of the important historical legacy of why China is hell bend on reuniting Taiwan back into it's fold; no acknowledgement of the Shanghai communique that tacitly acknowledge that there's is ONE China and Taiwan and China are not separate which contributes to the misinformation and intentional ommittal of such important facts if the Americans were in fact being asked to die for something worthy of their blood, sweat, treasure, and tears.
"The fundamental reason is, counterintuitively, China’s awesome power, and the very real danger that this power, if allowed to expand too far, will pose to Americans’ prosperity and freedom. The United States should defend Taiwan because it is important to deny China hegemony over Asia, by far the world’s largest market area. If China could dominate Asia, as it has made increasingly clear it seeks to do, Beijing would determine the terms, tempo, and distribution of global economic power. This would have the most profound and direct implications for Americans’ economic fortunes and, because our economic security is tightly linked to our freedom, it would ultimately endanger our liberties. A China dominant over Asia would have the power and wealth to dictate to Americans, fundamentally altering — and undermining — our national life......
"In Beijing’s aspirations, the yuan would replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, with grave consequences for the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. Regulators in Beijing, not Washington or U.S. state capitals, would set the terms of global economic activity. The result of this would be an America diminished in economic vitality, with many of our freedoms increasingly at the mercy of Beijing"....
The rest of his essay can be read on the link below: