Decades ago, I was surprised that Japanese came all the way to buy Japanese goods in Singapore.
They say the quality of export models are better.
Later I came to realised this is true, after watching what a drinks bottler(Big International but forgot the name) and a Knitting Machine manufacturer were doing.
The logic is they are able to rectify better and much cheaper if product faults develop at where it is produced and therefore the QC is relaxed vs those meant for export.
Especially for the Knitting Machine manufacturer who had to fly 2 technicians with spare parts overseas and hotel expenses.
When Singapore had a lot of Hard Disk manufacturers, e.g. Seagate, they sold most of their borderline defective Harddisk at the local retail stores.
The big PC manufacturers like Dell had their own QC stationed at Seagate factory floor to make sure they get the best, so not a problem for them.
To know quality of a product, do not check with the DIY who have experience with tens of the product.
Check with the people at the Service Center of the product.
I have experience with LG where different models are found to be better or worse and which models have a high return rate.
You have to be acquainted with them though, as their service personel are couched to say they are not aware of the high return rate and you are the first one he/she have encountered with this problem.
That may backfire though when customer realise others at the Service Center are having the same problem.
Or you sit at the Service Center and witness the long queues of unhappy customers.