I think many have misconception on the Soft Power, and put too much importance on that idea. Perhaps being misled by some authors/thinkers in the West or the MSM keep on singing the Soft Power lullaby to soften the cruel realities of the Hard Power!
I will ask frankly every one here, what will you think of the US Soft Power and its influences supposed the United States has NO military bases outside its own territory and has NO the eleven CVBG. It can still keep all the military muscles minus the CVBG at home but the the outcome will be much different. Will you still believe in such Soft Power? I basically believe that the Soft Power means in limited ways if it is not being backed by overwhelming Hard Power!
Just think, how much the Soft Power of the former greatest empire on earth, Britain, has compared to the United States today? And what makes the differences between the two Anglo entities?