i was thinking the same thing. They need that gas. They are really hurting themselves. Before the German election, I had a feeling that if the new German government decided to cancel the Nordstrom 2, then they are letting US influence and politics hurt their own industry and that does not bode well for Germany in the medium to long term.
supplies can be made immediately available if russia wants them to and if germany wants or needs them to.
yes that’s true but in the short and medium term they are still paying more for gas, there is still an extra cost to their economy. Also if in the future Germany then needs more gas and requests it, wouldn’t that make them even more dependent on Russia? I see it as an indirect way of subsidizing Ukraine, who in turn will thank the Americans and still be under US influence while the US continues purchases from Russia. Lol oh the irony. If the new German govt is this easily swayed by the US, they will be doomed To becoming less competitive globally, but this is just my opinion.