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This doesn't look good.
In the Post Peak Energy New World Order where Climate Change and other resource depletions means the new reality is that of dwindling reserves being the rate limiting factor its now a negative-sum game of everyone's pie getting smaller... The real divide will be that of white against China.... All the white and anglo nations of the world will be ganging up to try and get rid of the 1.4 billion Chinese civilization state... this is the true nature of what China is up against, not just AUKUS and 5eyes, but categorically every white person, white nation, white interests everywhere...


Lieutenant General
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After the Afghanistan drone strike debacle, I wouldn't be bragging that the Pentagon is buying DJI drones to find out ways to counter Chinese spying through commercial drones and not because they're using them because they're just good. Right after that drone strike, those in the media were orgasmic over how US technology was able to track and follow an individual putting together a improvised bomb and kill him before he could do harm.


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China’s the main game. Removing Xi is how to play it’ commentator Paul Monk, writing in The Australian, speculated that the only way to avoid a devastating conflict with China is to facilitate a coup and suggested it should be on the agenda at the upcoming Quad conference between Australia, the US, India and Japan – described as Asia’s NATO.

Xi needs to be removed from power and a broad path to democratic reform opened up at long last in China,” says Monk. “The Communist Party must make the shift to democratic rule that Taiwan and South Korea made from the late 1980s. The Quad should openly call for such a transition.”

In support of his suggestion, he cites a recent article from former Aussie PM Kevin Rudd in which he suggested the Quad could “provide a rallying point for all those concerned about Xi’s jingoism and arrogance”.

Warming to his topic, Monk declares, “Xi must go, and with him the reactionary dictatorship and hubris he espouses. This must be our stance. It must be the stance of the Quad. It must be the mantra of all those seeking a peaceful, prosperous future for Asia and the world.”

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China’s the main game. Removing Xi is how to play it’ commentator Paul Monk, writing in The Australian, speculated that the only way to avoid a devastating conflict with China is to facilitate a coup and suggested it should be on the agenda at the upcoming Quad conference between Australia, the US, India and Japan – described as Asia’s NATO.

Xi needs to be removed from power and a broad path to democratic reform opened up at long last in China,” says Monk. “The Communist Party must make the shift to democratic rule that Taiwan and South Korea made from the late 1980s. The Quad should openly call for such a transition.”

In support of his suggestion, he cites a recent article from former Aussie PM Kevin Rudd in which he suggested the Quad could “provide a rallying point for all those concerned about Xi’s jingoism and arrogance”.

Warming to his topic, Monk declares, “Xi must go, and with him the reactionary dictatorship and hubris he espouses. This must be our stance. It must be the stance of the Quad. It must be the mantra of all those seeking a peaceful, prosperous future for Asia and the world.”

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There's a lot of "here's a simple solution to a complex issue" type proposal these days in the west. Unfortunately when you ask them "and how do you propose we go about this to achieve that solution" they all shrug and say that's someone else's problem.


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China’s the main game. Removing Xi is how to play it’ commentator Paul Monk, writing in The Australian, speculated that the only way to avoid a devastating conflict with China is to facilitate a coup and suggested it should be on the agenda at the upcoming Quad conference between Australia, the US, India and Japan – described as Asia’s NATO.

Xi needs to be removed from power and a broad path to democratic reform opened up at long last in China,” says Monk. “The Communist Party must make the shift to democratic rule that Taiwan and South Korea made from the late 1980s. The Quad should openly call for such a transition.”

In support of his suggestion, he cites a recent article from former Aussie PM Kevin Rudd in which he suggested the Quad could “provide a rallying point for all those concerned about Xi’s jingoism and arrogance”.

Warming to his topic, Monk declares, “Xi must go, and with him the reactionary dictatorship and hubris he espouses. This must be our stance. It must be the stance of the Quad. It must be the mantra of all those seeking a peaceful, prosperous future for Asia and the world.”

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The content of the article alluded in that piece was about a provocative article written by a Dr. Paul Monk, who is apparently one of Australia's foremost THINKER.

Here's one of his great intellectual masterpiece discussing all things China. Take a listen and absorb the man's incredible genius brought to you by the very best of Australia.

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Xin Jinping spoke on Tuesday at the 76th UN General Assembly. I bet not one Western media picks up what he said.
Among things said by President Xi :

- one country's success does not have to mean another country's failure, and the world is big enough to accommodate common development and progress of all countries.

-democracy is not a special right reserved to an individual country, but a right for the people of all countries to enjoy.

- China has never and will never invade or bully others, or seek hegemony.

-China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low-carbon energy, and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad.
