Its time for China to coup AustraliaThe big dummy just exposed the conspiracy to commit an act of war so China knows who to blame and retaliate militarily.
Its time for China to coup AustraliaThe big dummy just exposed the conspiracy to commit an act of war so China knows who to blame and retaliate militarily.
No need, just squeeze them economically, they will soon devolve into third world statusIts time for China to coup Australia
Perhaps some PHD's are not that hard to get.He's no DUMMY, Don't you know he (Paul Monk) has a PHD. Lol
Quite true but at the same time, this so called alliance must be set upIn the Post Peak Energy New World Order where Climate Change and other resource depletions means the new reality is that of dwindling reserves being the rate limiting factor its now a negative-sum game of everyone's pie getting smaller... The real divide will be that of white against China.... All the white and anglo nations of the world will be ganging up to try and get rid of the 1.4 billion Chinese civilization state... this is the true nature of what China is up against, not just AUKUS and 5eyes, but categorically every white person, white nation, white interests everywhere...
Sigh, these western nations need to taste of there own medicine. One they Xi is going to do what he has done to all of those who seek to harm China from within. Only this time, it’s going to be a comprehensive dose. I am surprised that Australia refuses to learn their lesson, maybe once the world goes to shit and the USA crumples, well Israelis can finally get a very good taste of Chinese technology advancements, on their own door step at speeds greater then anything that those australia commanders have ever experienced from the Viet warChina’s the main game. Removing Xi is how to play it’ commentator Paul Monk, writing in The Australian, speculated that the only way to avoid a devastating conflict with China is to facilitate a coup and suggested it should be on the agenda at the upcoming Quad conference between Australia, the US, India and Japan – described as Asia’s NATO.
“Xi needs to be removed from power and a broad path to democratic reform opened up at long last in China,” says Monk. “The Communist Party must make the shift to democratic rule that Taiwan and South Korea made from the late 1980s. The Quad should openly call for such a transition.”
In support of his suggestion, he cites a recent article from former Aussie PM Kevin Rudd in which he suggested the Quad could “provide a rallying point for all those concerned about Xi’s jingoism and arrogance”.
Warming to his topic, Monk declares, “Xi must go, and with him the reactionary dictatorship and hubris he espouses. This must be our stance. It must be the stance of the Quad. It must be the mantra of all those seeking a peaceful, prosperous future for Asia and the world.”
white nations are bound by a sense of racial superiority, irrespective of the realities of the world; sadly China will have to use the language of force and violence in order to get barbarians to behave.EU-Australia trade deal will happen. French drama, is fake drama
I agree with the sentiment that these outlets are mere stock market mouthpiece . But i would disagree that CCP will intervene to save evergrande. I have been watching this saga from beginning. Their reaction is pretty much " please". Since the ZTE drama, CCP seems to have developed allergic reaction to foreign exposure in sensitive sectors such as this one. I think they will let go of evergrande & i don't see the fallout being too heavy for them even if this slows down the economy a bit. You can see that alreadyThey want to mitigate market fears since the US stock market took a dip due to the Evergrand fiasco. Their analysis has no bearings on whether Evergrand will be allowed to default, how big the fallout will be, etc.
What are the odds of US shedding American blood for Taiwan if US refuses to even sell it's best technologies (F-35 stealth fighters) ? The chances are NONE. These Western arm-chair pundits are living in an entirely different era where Chinese navy is like 1980's antiquated Cold War junk.
Which, I think is good. Let them enter Taiwan straits and get defeated and Taiwan conquered. US defense credibility would absolutely be shattered. More power to China.