You may wish to read what this very smart American guy, RON UNZ (he's said to have IQ 200 plus, his mother is a Jewish Ukrainian, emigrated to US), said, who himself is an author, Editor-in-Chief and PUBLISHER of the online media, THE UNZ REVIEW, about the dominance of the news media in English-speaking world by the media networks from the United States plus the junior partner, the former British Empire.
If you have some kind of illusion, or strong wish, that the Chinese state media (even in combination with the Russian ones) can directly match the overwhelming media domination by the USA + UK plus other Five-Eyes media in ENGLISH-speaking world... then you need to adjust your worldview to be more realistic! Media like CCTV / CGTN, RT, and so on maintain their relevance by staying closer to the truth, the verifiable facts compared to the Western MSM.
RON UNZ is a
theoretical physicist by training, with undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard University, Cambridge University, and Stanford University. In the late 1980s, he entered the financial services software industry, and soon founded Wall Street Analytics, Inc., a small but successful company in that field. A few years later, he became strongly involved in politics and public policy writing, and he has subsequently oscillated between software and public policy activities.
“I tend to doubt that Chinese leaders have any overwhelming commitment to the truth, and the reasons for their greater veracity are probably practical ones. American news and entertainment completely dominate the global media landscape and they face no significant domestic rival.
So China recognizes that it is vastly outmatched in any propaganda conflict, and as the far weaker party must necessarily try to stick closer to the truth, lest its lies be immediately exposed. Meanwhile, America’s overwhelming control over global information may inspire considerable hubris, with the government sometimes promoting the most outrageous and ridiculous falsehoods in the confident belief that a supportive American media will cover for any mistakes.” —
Above excerpt was taken directly from his following meticulous article on the pandemic:
By Ron Unz, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher | THE UNZ REVIEW
His special column ‘American Pravda Series’ at the UNZ REVIEW platform is fascinating to follow:
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I strongly suggest any one who is not familiar with Ron Unz to pay close attention to his articles, his American Pravda column as well as the Unz Review platform in general, which facilitates the free expression curbed in the Big Tech platforms let alone the many false publications called MSM.;, The Saker, Moon of Alabama...etc etc are those few minorities that articulate credible different voices from the mainstream and Big Tech outlets.