The issue is that the European Union and NATO are next to the core heartlands of European Russia where the vast majority of the population and economic activity reside. It's only 500km from Ukraine to Moscow, so there's no strategic depth if a few battles are lost.
The main parties instigating any conflict between the two are the US and the UK.
Just look which countries lead the European Deterrence Initiative NATO battlegroups - in Poland it's the US, in Estonia it's the UK, in Latvia it's Canada and in Lithuania it's Germany.
This is the Five-eyed Anglo gang with Germany as its hostage. Note that France was not invited as a framework nation and participates as a regular alliance member.
It's all part of the strategy to physically separate the EU and Germany in particular from Russia.
The EU has capital markets and a common currency (Euro) which comprises the world's second largest financial reserve. Russia is one of the world's biggest resource producers with proximity and a lot of infrastructure already in place due to its development as part of COMECON.
It's all about making sure that European (and German in particular) economy and industry doesn't have an energy source that is independent from American control. Not only because it is a form of political influence but also because if Europe and Russia create an international energy market denominated in Euro suddenly the US dollar loses its status as world's "oil standard" currency that it has due to the petrodollar arrangements and American threat of war to anyone who wants to challenge it.
US and EU have comparable economies yet USD comprises 60% of world reserves and EUR only 20%. At least a third of that is due to Asian markets stockpiling USD but another third is due to the "petrodollar". Imagine what happens to USD purchasing power if suddenly that demand ceased to be rigidly fixed to USD.
After Bretton Woods was dissolved in 1971 US Dollar was migrated to oil standard (petrodollar) and the Pound was
decimated (pun on decimate and decimal) because the life support of Bretton Woods was all that held it up (and also caused massive problems for British economy that last to this day). Without Bretton Woods there was no demand for Sterling. Empire dies with a whimper. Without petrodollar there will be no demand for USD. Empire dies with an agonizing scream of a major internal struggle resembling the French or Russian revolution as its unsustainable unreformed economy goes to shambles.
This is what the war with China is all about. And this is why the US and the pro-US circles in Britain are the main source of EU destabilization efforts. The EU is after all a
French geopolitical project to counter-balance Anglo-American influence in Europe. This is also why AUKUS is what it is and why it purposefully excluded France.
At the same time, the EU comprises a much larger economic bloc. If the EU expands to the Russian border, Russia faces the prospect of being a resource appendage and being dependent on EU trade whilst the reverse is not true. That will keep the disputes in Ukraine and the Baltic States alive.
What kind of delusional Brexit-land nonsense is this?
The conflict in Ukraine is caused by American and British involvement, not the EU. The EU is a neutral party and was responsible for the mediation in 2014 that was destroyed by American agents who needed war to destabilize the EU and turn it against Russia. Without EU sanctions the economic war on Russia wouldn't be possible.
This is the origin of the infamous "fuck the EU" conversation by Victoria Nuland that Russians leaked. This is the origin of the "Euro"maidan funded by US Department of State and friendly oligarchs.
Then the EU led the western initiative in Minsk to end the Donbas conflict while Americans and Brits did all they could to continue the war. Who funded the neo-nazis of Azov when regular Ukrainians fled the draft or refused to fight?
The hysteria about Russian invasion of the Baltics is also a pure fabrication by the Anglos. Russia has exactly zero rationale to invade those countries as they serve as "soft underbelly" of both the EU and NATO. Without leaving its own territory Russia can credible threaten both the blocs if it needs to and retain strategic advantage.
The EU are not the bad guys here - the US and UK are. Both of these countries are the reason for the war in Georgia in 2008. Both conflicts are all about American and British energy supermajors and the banks that finance their operations and their attempts to force themselves into Russian energy markets.
Defang the Anglos - most importantly the Americans - and suddenly so much peace breaks out in continental Europe that ordinary people will be angry about it (joke). For a time obviously, humans are inherently stupid so we'll find a reason to fight but the main cause of instability is America and its British poodle. It's to weaken Europe and also put pressure on Russia so it turns on China.
As for motivations:
Russia is much more self-sufficient without EU's capital than the EU is without Russian energy.
Russia would be in the stronger position and EU would focus on Africa were the existential threat for the bloc is.
Russia would re-direct forces to the East and get a better position for long-term "wary cooperation" with China and to better protect its main strategic project: the Northern Sea Route or the SevMorPut.
Climate change will open the shortest maritime route from Asia to Europe that will go almost exclusively through Russian territory. Energy might change with time but not space and time. Now Russia trades in energy but it can trade in space and time in the future - either through sea or land. That's the 21st century vision for Moscow. It just needs to remain independent into the 2040s-50s to start cashing in big time.
This would make the new balance of power with China, Russia and the EU geopolitically sustainable in the long term which would exclude the Anglos from the "world island".
It's old school geopolitics. It's the main reason why Americans are rabid and bent on starting wars everywhere.
If they don't divide Eurasia then Eurasia will throw them out back across the Atlantic/Pacific and it's a question of time before the greater resources of Eurasia will be used to project power to South America and perhaps even North America. The "American Century" is as unnatural as was the "British Century". The only way to continue it is through endless war and that's precisely what the Anglos are doing.
And the rest is the delusional supremacist propaganda of Anglo-American imperial elites.
Ok, that's enough of this rant. Apologies.