Xi makes that sort of speech from time to time but you know what happens in the western media. Instead of reporting it as it is they deliberately mistranslate 头破血流 and focus on that.President Xi should make a speech to address this ongoing and recent provocative moves that are primarily designed against China. That way he can put Biden and the rest of his crew into a defensive for once when Pres. Xi lays point by point what's going on right now, how and why the current disintegration of Sino-U.S. relationship occur from the perspective of China. His speech would include or reference in a respectful but direct almost blunt message that peace and prosperity are what the country, the party wants and striving to deliver for China and that the Chinese people deserve just as much economic freedom and prosperity just as the people in the west. Highlight the painstaking steps that China has taken to ensure the peace and stability both from within and without; talk about it's non interference role not because it loves to turn the blind eyes towards perceived injustice but because China itself isn't in the position to be telling other countries on how to run their affairs since China still has a long way to go in helping realize the potential of all her people etc...
Pres.Xi should then show line by line the steps America has taken and the offences that China has decided to take and accept them in stride for the sake not only of regional peace but for the peace of the world. But there's a limit to everything and that China is not the China of the 1840's where it was riddled by internal decay rife with leaders and political system that were indifferent to the needs of it's people. There will be no repeat of that era nor are the Chinese people prepared to relive the century of humiliation ever again and so long that the party stands United and one with it's people that tragic part of China's history will not be repeated again.
And then he should frankly declare that any more expansion of nuclear transfer on anyone in the region will be interpreted as a direct threat to China's sovereignty and it will no longer hesitate to use it's nuclear missiles against anyone in the world if her national security, sovereignty, and the safety of her people are threatened. This is not a threat but a statement of principle that will guide every future leaders of the country.
I would love to see how the strategic calculus of America and her lackeys change or such declaration going to ensure that war will actually break out?
It's pointless trying to play a rigged game, hence why China is focused on the doing and letting facts speak for themselves.