Miscellaneous News


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I don't know how important this is to anyone else, but Kenny Chiu, an anti-China politician here in Canada, and someone sanctioned by China, is losing his seat in the Canadian Elections. Its not over yet but with 182 of 188 polls reporting, the Liberal Candidate has a 9.1% lead over the incumbent. Unfortunately his partner-in-crime Michael Chong won his election, but its a big deal because both politicians were incumbents in their districts and both believed themselves to be in safe seats.

Kenny Chiu campaigned in part on his anti-Chinese stance, stating he'll "wear his [Chinese] sanctions as a badge of honor."

Clearly, Canadians do not share his and the Conservative party's view that Canada should be a toady to the United States in this new cold war that is brewing. While Chiu has repeatedly characterized the Liberal Party as being "weak on China" and conservative MP's throughout this campaign election have clamored for a significantly more aggressive stance in pushing down China, Chiu and his warhawk compatriots are on track to lose three seats to the Liberals in British Columbia in an election that sees the Liberals lose 1 seat overall in Canada and the Conservatives pick up 0 seats overall.

Canadians have soundly rejected the party that characterized China's anti-extremism measures as "genocide" and have decisively supported Trudeau's Liberals in keeping Canada out of the AUKUS imperialist expedition.

Ok so not all of that was strictly true, I just decided to put on my "western journalist" hat and indulge in a little creative writing exercise in almost-but-not-quite propaganda. We really did have elections today in Canada and Kenny Chiu really did lose, and he really get sanctioned and all that. All the facts in that little bit are 100% facts. But the election really wasn't characterized by foreign affairs, it was on Covid recovery and the housing crisis. Still, I just find it a little funny that in BC, the most rabid anti-China politician just lost, and lost big. And the conservatives really did campaign on being tougher on China, and they lost seats in BC in an election that should've been really good for them in an area that's been traditionally safe for them.

That's not to say Canada is separating from the US, the constant barrage of propaganda from anti-China groups is relentless, its just that apparently, anti-China doesn't mean good-governance, (thankfully) and that it alone isn't enough to get you elected.


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Um....I can't not recall where i got the information on this matter, but i couldn't edit or delete the post.
I should research more before comment on anything, sorry for the maybe misleading information.
You just have 15-20 minutes or so to edit your post, after that it's fixed. Unsure but it may be possible to be deleted by poster.


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PR war? LOL you guys must be joking.

The world's biggest media outlets are owned by the West. Murdoch, Reuters, Twitter, FB, Youtube.

They literally control what 82% of the world's population sees, hears, and reads.

You guys really think China can win a "PR war" against this?

Xi Jinping could be making speeches denouncing American war crimes 24/7 and the average person outside of China would never hear of it.

This is the power of Capital.

Only fools fight battles they can't win.
PROPAGANDA MULTIPLIER – By Swiss Policy Research

It is one of the most important aspects of our media system, and yet hardly known to the public: most of the international news coverage in Western media is provided BY ONLY THREE global news agencies.

“Therefore, you always have to ask yourself: Why do I get this specific information, in this specific form, at this specific moment? Ultimately, these are always questions about power.”
~ Dr. Konrad Hummler, Swiss banking and media executive

“The Invisible Nerve Center of the Media System”

So what are the names of these agencies that are “always at the source of the story”? There are now only three global news agencies left:

(1) The American Associated Press (AP) with over 4000 employees worldwide. The AP belongs to US media companies and has its main editorial office in New York. AP news is used by around 12,000 international media outlets, reaching more than half of the world’s population every day.

(2) The quasi-governmental French Agence France-Presse (AFP) based in Paris and with around 4000 employees. The AFP sends over 3000 stories and photos every day to media all over the world.

(3) The British agency Reuters in London, which is privately owned and employs just over 3000 people. Reuters was acquired in 2008 by Canadian media entrepreneur Thomson – one of the 25 richest people in the world – and merged into Thomson Reuters, headquartered in New York.

In addition, many countries run their own news agencies. These include, for instance, the German DPA, the Austrian APA, and the Swiss SDA. When it comes to international news, however, national agencies usually rely on the three global agencies and simply copy and translate their reports.


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propaganda-multiplier-1103×1266.pngPropaganda Multiplier.jpg

Prior to that Swiss article, many years ago there's one highlighting nearly total domination of media biz, info feeds and worldwide dissemination including all means of info mediums, almost everything you Watch, See, Hear and Read...
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You may wish to read what this very smart American guy, RON UNZ (he's said to have IQ 200 plus, his mother is a Jewish Ukrainian, emigrated to US), said, who himself is an author, Editor-in-Chief and PUBLISHER of the online media, THE UNZ REVIEW, about the dominance of the news media in English-speaking world by the media networks from the United States plus the junior partner, the former British Empire.

If you have some kind of illusion, or strong wish, that the Chinese state media (even in combination with the Russian ones) can directly match the overwhelming media domination by the USA + UK plus other Five-Eyes media in ENGLISH-speaking world... then you need to adjust your worldview to be more realistic! Media like CCTV / CGTN, RT, and so on maintain their relevance by staying closer to the truth, the verifiable facts compared to the Western MSM.

RON UNZ is a theoretical physicist by training, with undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard University, Cambridge University, and Stanford University. In the late 1980s, he entered the financial services software industry, and soon founded Wall Street Analytics, Inc., a small but successful company in that field. A few years later, he became strongly involved in politics and public policy writing, and he has subsequently oscillated between software and public policy activities.

“I tend to doubt that Chinese leaders have any overwhelming commitment to the truth, and the reasons for their greater veracity are probably practical ones. American news and entertainment completely dominate the global media landscape and they face no significant domestic rival.

So China recognizes that it is vastly outmatched in any propaganda conflict, and as the far weaker party must necessarily try to stick closer to the truth, lest its lies be immediately exposed. Meanwhile, America’s overwhelming control over global information may inspire considerable hubris, with the government sometimes promoting the most outrageous and ridiculous falsehoods in the confident belief that a supportive American media will cover for any mistakes.”

Above excerpt was taken directly from his following meticulous article on the pandemic:

By Ron Unz, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher | THE UNZ REVIEW
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His special column ‘American Pravda Series’ at the UNZ REVIEW platform is fascinating to follow:
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Ron Unz 1999.pngRon Unz 2016 gettyimages-1268519178-2048x2048.jpg

I strongly suggest any one who is not familiar with Ron Unz to pay close attention to his articles, his American Pravda column as well as the Unz Review platform in general, which facilitates the free expression curbed in the Big Tech platforms let alone the many false publications called MSM. GlobalResearch.ca; Counterpunch.org, The Saker, Moon of Alabama...etc etc are those few minorities that articulate credible different voices from the mainstream and Big Tech outlets.
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Lieutenant General
The myth of super men... The same fist that swells my face up, swells theirs. The same club that bashes my skull in, bashes theirs in. The same knife that plunges into my back, plunges into theirs. The same gun that blows my head off, blows off theirs. So what do they have that gives them the edge...? Better weapons technology that allows them to stand safely far away from the enemy that can't do the same. That makes the majority of the casualties inflicted upon their enemies not man-to man combat. Now you know why it's so important to stop Chinese technology. They try to fool people it's about genetic inferiority. Then they wouldn't be afraid of Chinese technology but like centuries ago the Vatican banned the crossbow that came from China. It was a game-changing weapon they couldn't allow to get into the wrong hands. Today they try to claim those that are genetically inferior can't even do it so don't even try.

That's why they try to bring up the spectre of the Japanese Empire that they'll unleash to try to scare the Chinese into submission. They weren't genetically superior. They exploited the ruins left from Western imperialism who addicted people to opium so they couldn't fight and therefore easier to takeover. Today you have the cos-play weekend warriors of Jan. 6th who think they're bunch of Rambos. Yeah and when they were arrested, they cried to the judge to let them out of jail because people there were being mean to them. Can you imagine how these guys will be in a foreign prisoner of war camp?
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Registered Member
Why China need to stop letting in all the creepy male expat to teach english and make creepy youtube videos. Letting people in because the main skill they have is being born in a country with native english... doesn't exactly seem to bring the best and brightest.

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Lieutenant General
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Frankly if I see a Chinese by-line on an article whether it's pro or anti China meant for Western audiences, it's pointless because Western experts will not take anything but an anti-China assessment seriously because they'll see it as biased and not honest and they will likely do the opposite so why bother? When I see a roundtable discussion on TV on China, it's all white people as experts on China talking about China. When I see these types of discussions about Africa, there's always Africans at the table because they know how racist that looks if it were only whites talking about Africa.

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Now this is on the other end. Why would Chinese listen to Westerners about what's good for China when Westerners are openly talking about undermining and eliminating China as competition? If China's handling of COVID-19 comes at a price, then that's what needs to be done. You going to take advice from countries that have failed handling COVID-19? They brag about their vaccine yet still have a COVID-19 problem. If Chinese vaccines are ineffective like they believe and they want China to treat the pandemic as they do, that is a disaster waiting to happen. So do they really care? Wouldn't it be that they want an outbreak to happen in China so they can look down at China and continue the propaganda that Chinese can't take care of themselves and that US vaccine companies profit off of selling their "only effective out of the entire world" vaccines to China? How many Chinese will die in the meantime because the West is committing vaccine nationalism? China's zero tolerance policy works so why would China change it for US/Western sensibilities to save face from their failures? It's like Hilary Clinton claiming she's the most discriminated against woman in the entire world. Then don't dictate to other countries about discrimination against women when the West obviously hasn't figured it out themselves to judge other countries. They know they're giving you bad advice but on principle thinking they're naturally superior to you, you're still suppose to do as they command. Or how about Obama telling China how to be innovative when Chinese technological innovation keeps them awake at night?


Lieutenant General
I tend to agree on this regard. China's seeming inability to capitalize on every western led mistakes is head scratching at times. It's like from the outside looking in, their PR people are composed from individuals that have based their studies from the time of Churchill/Roosevelt era which is why I find their reactions cringy and lame.

Chinese official diplomatic approach is best summed up as, the dragon does not concern itself with the opinion of sheep.

The job of Chinese officials when they speak on behalf of the state is to express the wishes and opinion of the state in as clear and precise a way as possible, and in a matter in keeping with the dignity of their office. It is not their job to try to speak hip or tailor its tone to appease to any foreign tastes because it’s not their job to sell China’s official position to anyone. They tell you what China’s position is, and you ignore or dismiss it at your own cost. Just ask the Australians and Lithuanians how much petty wordplay and pedantic arguments matter.

It’s the same with Chinese official policy. Often it doesn’t do tit for tat because it views meaninglessly petty actions designed purely to cause annoyance as below its position. But do not for one second think that a lack of immediate receptivity is a sign of acceptance or acquiesce. China had merely decided what you have done so far is not worthy of its response, but it has not forgotten and is tallying your bill up. Once enough has accumulated to be worthy of response, China will repay the bill with interest.

China is behaving like a superpower, not a common street thug. It can afford to do that because it has the hard power necessary to play by its own rules. Little powers need to learn how to play China’s game or they will get spanked hard until they do.

That’s the big leagues of how world leading powers behave. Not the class clown antics of what is being pass off as leadership and gravitas now.


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lol if true
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Now those in mainland China cannot have outbound trips due to the pandemic, no wonder if many have instead visited the vast land of the westernmost part of China, Xinjiang. With population of 1446 million, the number of the domestic tourists is not something out of touch at all.

My wife and myself have been planned to visit Xinjiang for sightseeing before the pandemic but due to the offered tour did not fit our wanted points of destinations there we still postponed the trip. One day when thing gets back to normal, we still wanna realize the dreamed trip to the exotic land of the ancient Silk Road. Indeed if one likes history, culture and nature he should like a journey to visit Xinjiang!