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I don't think @escobar is inherently anti-China or pro-China or even pro-west/America on this great game currently unfolding. Perhaps we should ask @escobar what actions he would have preferred China taken giving the current circumstances the country is dealing with and why his policy recommendations and actions have the probability of attaining the desired effect that in his mind China has failed or continuously failed to capitalize and pounce on to create the desired outcome.
Anti or pro are just fanboyism crap. Since AU started their shitshow, I said CN should just ignore them. AU are totally brainwashed by US PR. You can't talk with them or try to reason them by issuing a stupid list of 14 grievances. Same with USG, I said CN should ignore them and rather have meeting with Wall Street executives. This is exactly what CN are doing now with these two war criminal gov. What's left now, CN should radically transform its weak, pathetic and incompetent external PR. Any hot war is always preceded by a PR war.


Registered Member
Anti or pro are just fanboyism crap. Since AU started their shitshow, I said CN should just ignore them. AU are totally brainwashed by US PR. You can't talk with them or try to reason them by issuing a stupid list of 14 grievances. Same with USG, I said CN should ignore them and rather have meeting with Wall Street executives. This is exactly what CN are doing now with these two war criminal gov. What's left now, CN should radically transform its weak, pathetic and incompetent external PR. Any hot war is always preceded by a PR war.
What's left now, CN should radically transform its weak, pathetic and incompetent external PR. Any hot war is always preceded by a PR war.
I tend to agree on this regard. China's seeming inability to capitalize on every western led mistakes is head scratching at times. It's like from the outside looking in, their PR people are composed from individuals that have based their studies from the time of Churchill/Roosevelt era which is why I find their reactions cringy and lame.


I tend to agree on this regard. China's seeming inability to capitalize on every western led mistakes is head scratching at times. It's like from the outside looking in, their PR people are composed from individuals that have based their studies from the time of Churchill/Roosevelt era which is why I find their reactions cringy and lame.
They are themselves brainwashed by US PR. How can you lose again and again a PR war against a war criminal gov? this is simply unacceptable
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Registered Member
I tend to agree on this regard. China's seeming inability to capitalize on every western led mistakes is head scratching at times. It's like from the outside looking in, their PR people are composed from individuals that have based their studies from the time of Churchill/Roosevelt era which is why I find their reactions cringy and lame.

Chinese people do not understand the west.

What seems like something really stupid, they are so proud. Best to keep the mouth shut in those cases.

Look at me. I live in the west, yet I know I am completely fresh off the boat.

I may be aware of what is going on in a general sense, but if someone asked me which buttons I should push for some specific goal, that I would not have a clue, and then pretend I don't speak English.

Imagine the ministry of propaganda people who did not even live here.

President Trump wanted people to drink bleach.

Sorry, I don't speak English. :oops:

But if anyone wants to know, take the Green Bay Packers tonight, in a moneyline parlay with Buffalo and Denver next Sunday. It could be guarantee win night in Packer-land-istan tonight, and the other two games have the visitors with quarterbacking issues.



Registered Member
President Xi should make a speech to address this ongoing and recent provocative moves that are primarily designed against China. That way he can put Biden and the rest of his crew into a defensive for once when Pres. Xi lays point by point what's going on right now, how and why the current disintegration of Sino-U.S. relationship occur from the perspective of China. His speech would include or reference in a respectful but direct almost blunt message that peace and prosperity are what the country, the party wants and striving to deliver for China and that the Chinese people deserve just as much economic freedom and prosperity just as the people in the west. Highlight the painstaking steps that China has taken to ensure the peace and stability both from within and without; talk about it's non interference role not because it loves to turn the blind eyes towards perceived injustice but because China itself isn't in the position to be telling other countries on how to run their affairs since China still has a long way to go in helping realize the potential of all her people etc...

Pres.Xi should then show line by line the steps America has taken and the offences that China has decided to take and accept them in stride for the sake not only of regional peace but for the peace of the world. But there's a limit to everything and that China is not the China of the 1840's where it was riddled by internal decay rife with leaders and political system that were indifferent to the needs of it's people. There will be no repeat of that era nor are the Chinese people prepared to relive the century of humiliation ever again and so long that the party stands United and one with it's people that tragic part of China's history will not be repeated again.

And then he should frankly declare that any more expansion of nuclear transfer on anyone in the region will be interpreted as a direct threat to China's sovereignty and it will no longer hesitate to use it's nuclear missiles against anyone in the world if her national security, sovereignty, and the safety of her people are threatened. This is not a threat but a statement of principle that will guide every future leaders of the country.

I would love to see how the strategic calculus of America and her lackeys change or such declaration going to ensure that war will actually break out?


Registered Member
President Xi should make a speech to address this ongoing and recent provocative moves that are primarily designed against China. That way he can put Biden and the rest of his crew into a defensive for once when Pres. Xi lays point by point what's going on right now, how and why the current disintegration of Sino-U.S. relationship occur from the perspective of China. His speech would include or reference in a respectful but direct almost blunt message that peace and prosperity are what the country, the party wants and striving to deliver for China and that the Chinese people deserve just as much economic freedom and prosperity just as the people in the west. Highlight the painstaking steps that China has taken to ensure the peace and stability both from within and without; talk about it's non interference role not because it loves to turn the blind eyes towards perceived injustice but because China itself isn't in the position to be telling other countries on how to run their affairs since China still has a long way to go in helping realize the potential of all her people etc...

Pres.Xi should then show line by line the steps America has taken and the offences that China has decided to take and accept them in stride for the sake not only of regional peace but for the peace of the world. But there's a limit to everything and that China is not the China of the 1840's where it was riddled by internal decay rife with leaders and political system that were indifferent to the needs of it's people. There will be no repeat of that era nor are the Chinese people prepared to relive the century of humiliation ever again and so long that the party stands United and one with it's people that tragic part of China's history will not be repeated again.

And then he should frankly declare that any more expansion of nuclear transfer on anyone in the region will be interpreted as a direct threat to China's sovereignty and it will no longer hesitate to use it's nuclear missiles against anyone in the world if her national security, sovereignty, and the safety of her people are threatened. This is not a threat but a statement of principle that will guide every future leaders of the country.

I would love to see how the strategic calculus of America and her lackeys change or such declaration going to ensure that war will actually break out?
Easy, China can counter this by donating some DF-41 to Pakistan, North Korea and Iran....


Registered Member
President Xi should make a speech
President Xi doesn't make a speech every time a termite farts. All of this will probably be vaguely referenced somewhere in a single-sentence footnote of a two hour speech that focuses on China's many accomplishments during the period since the the last two hour speech, and that's already giving the termites more than they're due.