Don't you find it perplexing and gnawing at times when all of what they describe happens in all democratically governed countries like the metoo movement, economic collapse (2008), Iraq illegal war and zillions more in the mideast that has cost and caused the wave of migrant refugees into the borders of Europe, no one dares to question or asked if their political system is on the brink of any collapse or must be toppled in order to achieve some kind of political nirvana.DW is probably the worst Western Media outlet these days. The fact that its German State Media probably indicates where Germany-China relations are headed.. Just today i saw them report on
1. China Metoo case.. Judiciary is CPC controlled, not fair or independent. Women have no rights.
2. Evergrand China economy collapse, bad policies by Xi,
3. Some Xinjiang activist and genocide blah blah
DW is now competing with Murdoch Media in spreading Sinophobia. Also majority of the times its some India anchor doing those segments.
The charges of China's political system being so fragile and weak has no basis in historical analysis or actual appreciation of the CPC strength in China. The country and the party had went through the great leap forward, the cultural revolution two seminal events that cost China significant amount of human casualties, yet the party and the country survived. So all of these challenges that China is facing looks like heaven compared to where they were decades ago. The Chinese people know this fact with the exception of the western leaning fanatical Chinese who frankly don't live in reality but in a fictionalized world of Netflix/Hollywood.