Miscellaneous News


It seems that some of our neighbours in South Korea are waking up to the actual reality that China's ascendancy has been carefully nurtured and encouraged not just by the Chinese society, but by the party state apparatus responsible for the unprecedented growth and progress that China is experiencing across all domains.

Reading some of the comments of the YouTube video the Koreans are lamenting the actual sorry state of their country's education system that's been heavily geared towards lawyers, liberal arts, patent lawyers, Doctors, and more doctors. One of the comment even said that perhaps it's time for Koreans to stop looking down on big countries: N.Koreans look down on the U.S. while South Koreans look down on China!! Perhaps it's in our blood to be spiteful of those who's bigger and better than us!!
Unfortunately for South Korea, their population barely exceeds 51 million, while there are more than 1.4 billion Chinese.

Deserts are a hash environment for trees. Some of them will inevitably dead. Anymore questions?
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Many Westerners no long have illusion about their own regimes.

Notice China has 4 times the population of the US. With such statistics, it's hard to believe that your government is working hard for you.