I already wrote what I know in the:
- From the previous page.
Basically, I'm optimistic and think Vucic won't be overthrown anytime soon (I laid my reasons there),
But this is definitely the most serious pressure he has ever faced since coming to power 13 years ago.
These protests are 100% propelled by the West because just think about it logically; would people organically rise so much to try and replace the entire regime, anywhere else in the world, due to some random mass shootings or infrastructure failures, if they are not manipulated somehow?
Vucic is definitely not anti-West (because our economy depends on them so much), but in my opinion, he is as neutral as you can get between the West and the East, which makes him the most pro-Russian and pro-Chinese leader East of Belarus pretty much.
That's why he is such a thorn in their side, surrounded by NATO, but never yielding fully.
They see the Balkans as their exclusive Western backyard, and then you have Vucic and Serbs messing up their plans there, pursuing some strategic autonomy. This is what they don't tolerate and constantly spawn dumb protests.
They would like it more than anything in the world to overthrow the Vucic, but the problem is that the man is truly a genius at politics we are lucky to have, who is a master at navigating everything and will soon write books on how to resist Western regime changes.
Nevertheless, even if they don't manage to topple him, they can put some pressure on him in this way.
Think about what is currently happening to the Serb Republic and why they now also cause disturbances in Serbia to try and stop us from assisting the Serbs there.
This will obviously go against us, yet stupid Serbian idealists and narrow-minded ultra-nationalists still protest against Vucic.
Basically, those who protest are not pro-West, they are 20%, those who protest are the ones who think that we should somehow turn into Belarus or become a Russian external province when we are surrounded and blockaded by NATO from all sides.
But, they don't realize they are doing the Western bidding by protesting. Basically, some useful tools and retards that don't realize that Vucic is the best we can get both geopolitically and in terms of governance.
This is also the reason why the Russian government is never backing those protests, they all know of this.