As much as I revel in this sort of posting that mocks India's misplaced arrogance, it's best that we temper our critiques about India's shortcomings—perceived or otherwise—since they don't really add value. They only confirm what most of us on this forum knew a long time ago.Denizens of the great Supapowar, Akhand Bharat will be very displeased with Ray Dalio's ranking. How dare he puts the Supapowar at 7th place? It should have been above China, at #2 place behind the top dog USA. Jai Hinds are going to feel an intense sense of injustice.
I'm certainly guilty of sharing similar posts in the past, so I'm no saint here. But if we keep going down this path, we'll end up becoming the very people we swore not to be like: unhinged.