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Denizens of the great Supapowar, Akhand Bharat will be very displeased with Ray Dalio's ranking. How dare he puts the Supapowar at 7th place? It should have been above China, at #2 place behind the top dog USA. Jai Hinds are going to feel an intense sense of injustice.
As much as I revel in this sort of posting that mocks India's misplaced arrogance, it's best that we temper our critiques about India's shortcomings—perceived or otherwise—since they don't really add value. They only confirm what most of us on this forum knew a long time ago.

I'm certainly guilty of sharing similar posts in the past, so I'm no saint here. But if we keep going down this path, we'll end up becoming the very people we swore not to be like: unhinged.


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Modi’s India sees themselves as the next China and seek to create the conditions for India to become the global replacement for China’s role in the last few decades. They’ve moved their people in place across many domains in the US as executives, FBI directors, senators, etc. So I don’t blame Modi for being confident.

The problem is the US will never allow the rise of another China. They’ll give India just enough to be an useful asset in a war vs China (which the Indians will gladly do given their historical designs on Tibet), but won’t give them the necessary support to become the next super power; Modi thinks he can play Trump because he thinks Indians will & have joined the ruling class in the US, but I think he underestimates the racism of white elites & shall pay for that mistake.
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In the future, there will be multipolar major countries instead of just one superpower.

When I think of what a superpower means, it is the total dominance in politics, military and economy. I don't think either U.S or China can achieve sole superpower status in the future. U.S is losing edge on alot of things so it doesn't fit the definition of a sole superpower.. however U.S is using whatever it can to prevent China from being one.

The major power status pie is split among india, china and USA
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Registered Member
Modi’s India sees themselves as the next China and seek to create the conditions for India to become the global replacement for China’s role in the last few decades.
Why not have Poland + the Baltics, sub Saharan Africa or Indonesia replace China's role? While we're at it, after replacing the no1, theres no need for a no2 either, they can not only replace China but US also.

India has nothing in particular going for it that the above the examples don't.
The problem is the US will never allow the rise of another China.
US has never allowed Chinese restoration, the restoration happened inspite of America's best efforts. More Americans died fighting China in various cold war proxy battles than America lost in any war besides the US civil war. In contrast, has India even inflicted a single casualty to the west during wartime?

If US had fought tooth and nail against India like it did against China, India would be a giant Somalia today.
They’ll give India just enough to be an useful asset in a war vs China (which the Indians will gladly do given their historical designs on Tibet), but won’t give them the necessary support to become the next super power; Modi thinks he can play Trump because he thinks Indians will & have become among the ruling class in the US, but I think he underestimates the racism of white elites & shall pay for that mistake.
US struggles to pay enough to maintain their slaves in EU. That India still grapple with the illogical questions like if US can "allow" them to become a superpower (how does a broke person "allow" another broke person to become rich???) is why India remains just a third world nation with nothing going for it than the others in this group.

The more important question for India is if China will allow them to reach developed country status...


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Modi wants to decouple from CN supply chain?



"Thousands of international students in the United States are facing uncertainty after the suspension of several prominent scholarship programs, including Fulbright, due to halted federal funding by the U.S. State Department.[...]"
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"Can the US ban them all? China just identified a quadrillion possible fentanyl compounds
As the US struggles to keep ahead of the deadly fentanyl trade, Chinese scientists create a simple way to identify new variants[...]"
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Just like I thought, Operation "Destroy BRICS" is underway. That's what all the courting of Russia and India is about, get them on board and proceed to isolate China. Russia will not play but like I said: India is a Trojan horse. They'll likely tilt west because they want to do a "China" by attracting investments and becoming a manufacturing giant.


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Why not have Poland + the Baltics, sub Saharan Africa or Indonesia replace China's role? While we're at it, after replacing the no1, theres no need for a no2 either, they can not only replace China but US also.
But sub-Saharan Africa is a continent and not a country, I get what people are saying but when people just blanket label an entire continent as if it were a country it's just weird. African leaders are beyond stupid and greedy so that won't happen. On paper only few countries can become a manufacturing hub as many African countries are landlocked or have political and social problems.


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As much as I revel in this sort of posting that mocks India's misplaced arrogance, it's best that we temper our critiques about India's shortcomings—perceived or otherwise—since they don't really add value. They only confirm what most of us on this forum knew a long time ago.

I'm certainly guilty of sharing similar posts in the past, so I'm no saint here. But if we keep going down this path, we'll end up becoming the very people we swore not to be like: unhinged.
Honestly I rather not waste my time thinking about India and to be fair, I actually have been thinking less more recently since there are far bigger issues. The world is in an ugly place economically/physically and the west especially is gnashing it's teeth hard so China needs to be on the defense.

Thing is Indian presence makes it hard to ignore due to 1.size and 2.their inability to keep quiet when no one has even asked them anything.

So they are fully deserving of everything coming to them. What we should do is not give an excess amount of our time and energy since we need it for bigger fights.

Anyway I saw that clip of Modi. Once again Indians trying to claim credit of Buddhism from Nepal.

Two things I realized. Indians love to blame Islam for the decline of Buddhism but don't like mentioning that Buddhism was already on the decline 600 years earlier as Xuanzang documented. Many royalties including late Guptas sided with the brahmins and gave most funding to Hindus instead so indirectly choking out Buddhism. The other thing is even Jews do not go around Europe or South America claiming credit for Christianity and therefore claiming ownership over those places.After all they don't like Jesus and are generally consistent like that. Yet you see Indians trying to claim the rest of Asia coz of Buddhism. Makes me realize Jews have way higher standards.


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View attachment 147923
I'm glad Trump is back, the Biden regime made the US military look like a bunch of pussies in the red sea. If the US empire can't even project a strong image abroad, then collapse is surely near. Looks like Trump will pull out of Europe and East Asia to focus on the Middle East, was starting to worry about a potential US-Iran deal phew.

Unlike many ppl who see this attack on the Houthis as a favour for Israel, I think it is in the interest of US empire. What good is the US Navy if it can't even keep the shipping lanes safe? The Suez crisis ended the British and French empire, the US would be wise not to let that repeat again.
Biden didn't make US look like pussies, Biden tried the exact same thing, US military are just a bunch of pussies.
It's not about will, it's about ability.