Lindthey? I never would have guessed!
Lmao this isn't even news or surprising. If the news was with straight sex workers, then everyone would be surprised.
Lindsey Graham's homosexuality has been an open secret for a while now. Mentioned it here before:
Might as well as say the quiet part out loud, it's not like it's an actual secret: Lindsey Graham is a closet homosexual who has been LARPing as a God fearing disciple of Christ for decades.
Disclaimer: I do not discriminate LGBTXYZASDFWQERTH+...
You might not discriminate against LGBT-whatever, but you know who tends to be hostile to them in general: evangelicals in Bible Belt states like South Carolina.
In other words, much of Lindsey Graham's base either don't know he's gay, or refuse to believe it's true.
What's even more interesting is that mainstream media has not outed Lindsey Graham, despite an ever polarizing political environment where informal rules governing civility has eroded.
Think about it: if gay prostitutes are openly disclosing their encounters with Lindsey Graham on social media, what other skeletons does he have in the closet?!
Not going to speculate too much as to why mainstream media has been so gracious towards the honorable gentleman from South Carolina, but a look at his biggest donors may prove telling . . .