Lieutenant General
I've seen the articles, but haven't read, of the Chinese ice cream company beating the number of McDonald franchises but didn't hear of the cope from the US over it. The spin is that the only reason why this ice cream company in China beat McDonald's is because China's economy is collapsing and Chinese can only afford cheap food hence why this company is so more popular than McDonald's in China. That's how desperate the US is that number of fast food franchises is sensitive to them. At least these guys see the absurdity of the Western media.
The only reason why the West believes China is going to collapse is because they think the same fate Japan is going through awaits for China. And that's because they're racist thinking Japan is the same as China. Like because if China buys soy beans from the US that the US doesn't use themselves, friendlier other Asian countries to the US can replace China in buying them. Why? Because they're all Asian and they all eat soy like the Chinese do because they look just like them.
Frankly I'd rather be Chinese than anyone else who thinks they're better than the Chinese. I wouldn't want to be Korean or Japanese. Why? Because when the Western world is long gone from the Earth, China will still be around. Countries that depend on the US will die-off with the US. Being liked by US more than China is the only thing they can hold on to and it in actuality is pretty worthless. They should be embarrassed for themselves for being that stupid.
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