Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Thank goodness. India was always a deadweight. Decision-making should become easier without India obstructing at every opportunity.

BRICS should learn from this and stop expanding for the sake of expansion. Countries like Turkey with feet in both camps should have no place in BRICS. Even admitting UAE and Egypt into an orginization was a questionable decision IMO.

I assume Western publications will be taking a victory lap now and declare this a huge strategic triumph for the Trump admin, without realizing that most people in favour of BRICS are celebrating this news.
lol BRICS without Arab support? not even SCO can exist if Arabs turned against it. and this South Africa will get real treatment much beyond Qaddafi Libya. Arabs have alot of moderating influence on many countries but the opposite is also true. when Russia want to show things to Arabs they built separate pavilion outside the trade show in UAE and offcourse not every thing person can write but the direction of Soft Power is obvious.

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Kazan, the capital of Islamic culture in 2026​



Registered Member
About fucking time.
Is this really true or fake news, but still India is unreliable as hell and quite frankly a gigantic liability to who ever they deal with but still it does sound too good to be true in all honesty.
Thank goodness. India was always a deadweight. Decision-making should become easier without India obstructing at every opportunity.

BRICS should learn from this and stop expanding for the sake of expansion. Countries like Turkey with feet in both camps should have no place in BRICS. Even admitting UAE and Egypt into an orginization was a questionable decision IMO.

I assume Western publications will be taking a victory lap now and declare this a huge strategic triumph for the Trump admin, without realizing that most people in favour of BRICS are celebrating this news.

Sadly it's not true, India is staying stuck in BRICS.

@tygyg1111 another channel that offers insights on India, not as funny as Mr. Hunzi though :p


Registered Member
There are universal principles that work - being first, framing, word choice, repetition, simplification, working on emotion, social proof, etc. I want them to use effective universal principles. It has no nationality.
Where doesn't China already employ most of these principles?
The West uses the universal principles to win.
But they are not winning, no?
Is using a double blind research experiment setup becoming Western? You're conflating things.

The usa successfully shifted the blame for their biological weapons attack onto the victim, China.
Okay so assume covid was a biological weapons attack by US. What was the covid that swept the west and India, killing orders of magnitudes more than in China and incurring much greater economic losses? Either China's counter bioweapon or a case of mustard gas being blown back into your own trench by the wind?

Either way, China successfully demolished a lot of hostiles in the covid saga with much less losses.
They got a lot of Middle Easterners to believe China committed genocide on Uyghurs.
There are more middle easteners than ever in history handing over their economy, security and even lives in combat to help China.
People still believe tank man got run over by a tank.
No no no not people, NATO nationalists. Nazi inheritors. Not people. They don't "believe" it anymore than nazis believed concentration camps were resorts or that Soviets were the real antisemites. It's all just a tongue in cheek game for them, they know they are evil but make tongue in cheek references claiming others are worse.
They duped Chinese people into thinking the West is a utopia.
China has the same expatriation rate to US as Germany. That's not very high, and as an academic nation, at least during peacetime, it makes sense that at least some students will engage with the other big names in academia.
The vast majority of people are not high iq. Good luck with avoiding people getting duped.

These are universal principles that work. Knowing what they are and when to use them is a skill. For example see
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- things that are repeated often are more likely to be believed whether they are true or false.

This is not for you to decide. China already wants to "tell China's story better". And the best way to do that is to use effective communication tactics that are universal. Tiktok is global and can reach users (possibly excluding usa in the future). Tiktok refugees at XHS show that Western hard power control is not invincible.

The example is irrelevant to soft power / psychological warfare. You're talking about their internal speaking style within an organization. How is "- under promise, over deliver" going to help counter a Western psyop like the Xinjiang atrocity propaganda?

Again, there are universal principles that work. No one is is saying China should lie, exaggerate, be a mouth cannon, spread hate, etc like the imperial West. For example, is it going to ruin our culture to use more repetition so an idea sticks? If so, how?

China has already westernized a lot. The politburo wears western suits and ties. Disney has theme parks brainwashing Chinese kids all day long inside China. We have night clubs, bars, raves, extreme feminism, plastic surgery to look more Western, a lot of Christian converts, celebrate Christmas, obesity, etc. Using universal communication principles should be the least of your worries.

That doesn't apply to using universal communication principles.

This is not going to change Chinese culture. It's not going to Westernize anyone. It's like you're freaking out over Indian mental-math shortcuts. Using the shortcuts changes nothing about Chinese culture. It just makes math easier to do.

Using universal communication principles doesn't change Chinese culture. It just makes influence easier to achieve.
Do you understand?
You always need to ask yourself what is the cost of doing a particular influence operation. China isn't blindly spamming them because the government is accountable to the constituents(taxpayers). While the west throws shit at the wall and hope some sticks.

Yeah, together with salafists, they incited ISIS to attack Xinjiang, killing a few hundred Chinese. But at what cost? They lost that particular ISIS chapter wholesale, they boosted Xinjiang's safety and global standing, and now there are emboldened terrorists that have killed tens of thousands of westerners, even blatantly massacring soldiers and prisoners in Israel, the land the west views as a holy cow. And now the salafists are so cowed by China's display of strength, that various islamists are falling over themselves to make deals with China... Iran, Saudi, Qatar etc.

And in covid yes, they created some vaccine scepticism and managed to not let NATO countries at least become fully sinovac reliant, despite this being the gold standard. At the cost of millions of their own lives.

So you see everything has an associated cost and nothing is truly free. I'd bet that if China isn't doing a particular intel op, it's because China's actually functioning department of government efficiency is nixing it.


Registered Member

I think
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makes some good points about the current Munich Security conference, but imo it shares more similarities with the 1938 one rather than the 2007 one.

He is of European descent so we understand his stance, but to the rest of the world, why is another war in Europe a bad thing? Europeans have been killing each other since the beginning of history, without external interference they will resort to the same behaviour. I think the three great powers, US, China and Russia should mostly leave Europe to themselves and let them sort out their own problems. Furthermore, the Europeans have been killing non-Europeans all across the world for centuries, they often pit different ethnic groups against each other (i.e., Asia, Africa, Americas), now that the tables have turned I'm sure it's only fair that Europeans get a taste of what proxy wars feel like.

A warring Europe means more customers for the US MIC, less competition for Chinese industries and more influence for the long sidelined Russians. Europe is weak militarily and politically, they cannot threaten the big three and their citizens are living a life beyond their means. It's time to let Europeans live the life they deserve.

My thoughts are well encapsulated within this netizen's comments

Deepseek's translation

View attachment 145680

First result when I search Europe on reddit is this self-boasting chart, it's like wearing a ...
Look at that $20 Trillion juicy piece of meat, ripe for the taking. China needs a 21st century Open Door Policy to prevent Europe from being split by only Russia and USA.
Ironically this is the second result when I search Europe on reddit.
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