okinawa and China to resume military occupation of japan as determined by the treaties of ww2If they don’t get at least Okinawa as part of the negotiations then China deserves to get ruled by Chinese libs for another 500 years. Taiwan is core national interest and not for trading.
if this mouthpiece was not Jewish, he would get canceled. Also, really puts the lie to the claim that Jews can be racist.China's like the new Islam, we can't be honest about them because they're not white.
Is China still allowing tourist groups to US? I don't know why the Chinese MFA letting such behavior go unpunished. At some point there has to be some action, you can't keep ignoring such behaviour.
revenge is a dish best served cold. If these bureaucrats and eunuch officials thought it was gonna be business as usual, theyve got a rude awakening and we haven’t even gotten to the Enabling Act yet.Those are all running dogs of democrat party and reactionaries, Lord Protector Ma would give them what for
Into the Pentagon? How about a busy airport?
His x profile has US, israel and ukraine flags. Also said former AEI(?) Is that the anti china thinktank? Also he seemed to have writtem for wsj? Also in his profile banner photo...
BTW did someone come up with a list of people who will receive special treatment when we go camping?
His x profile has US, israel and ukraine flags. Also said former AEI(?) Is that the anti china thinktank? Also he seemed to have writtem for wsj? Also in his profile banner photo...
Ismt DC like geographically surrounded by maryland?