I have a "joke". How can you measure how nationalistic/political a Vietnamese person is? Ask them if they are celebrating Chinese new year. If their head explodes 10 feet into the air - cares a lot. Their head stays on their neck/0 - does not care.okay I think I help you there. if you speak to any Vietnamese without letting them know that you are Chinese, they will quickly reveal themselves. the Vietnamese almost down to last man, woman and child are obsessed about that fact that Vietnam was once a province of China and they obsessively paranoid that China wants it back. if you read Vietnamese bloggers you'd really want to laugh, they are even more ridiculous than reading nazis talking about the jews. there was one time that some pigeons escaped and flew across the border, and the Vietnamese netizens said that China has sent birds with spy cameras.
which is totally ridiculous: if you look in history, after Vietnamese independence in the 970s there were only 5 wars between China and Vietnam
1st, Song dynasty, started by a Viet General plundering a Chinese village
2nd, Yuan dynasty, Viets refused to let the Mongols pass through to Southeast Asia
3rd, Ming dynasty, Viet General rebelled against his own king, then ambushed and killed the Chinese ambassador
4th, Qing dynasty, Viet king asked China as a tributary for help after getting overthrown by rebels
5th, P. R. , Viets attacked Cambodia which China was required by treaty to protect
but it makes them feel important to think that China is interested in them.
Also, I guess you never heard of Peak Oil, deminishing global EROEI, climate change, and population overshoot
US is more likely to shrink to 100 million than to grow to one billionScrew that. China will not 'save the world' at her own expense while the US grows to 1 billion people. China is already rapidly installing renewables and will probably not even use fossil fuels in 50 years, so your point is moot anyway.
In the age of AI, income is decoupled from work or labor. Having more people is no longer correlated to greater national wealth or output...
Machines do all the work, and humans enjoy a distributed income.... it makes sense in UBI society that population must be controlled if per capita living standards are to be maintained at quality level
US is more likely to shrink to 100 million than to grow to one billion
At the its heights the American was 5% world population consuming 50% world resources...And with that you show your delusion. The current population growth rate of the US is almost double China's.
At the its heights the American was 5% world population consuming 50% world resources...
For the last 30 years the real standard of living for the average American has been steadily declining...
The US is already imploding... and you want to increase its population by another factor of three?
Which, even if its real GDP PPP was to stay the same (in the age of Peak oil and now that global hydrocarbon production has in fact peaked and in decline since 2018 and nothing will make up for the shortfall in the next few decades) that would immediately reduce the US GDP per capita to 1/3 of what it is now....
A meal at McDonald's would cost $30 while you would have to work a whole day just to afford a lunch
A flight overseas would cost $50000 in basic economy and most average Americans would have to work 10 lifetimes to manage to save up that much in this society