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Registered Member
Yeah, people dont realise the dirty games that Vietnam is playing. Because they openly seem "friendly" or "neutral" that doesn't mean anything.

Vietnam is always playing its games on China. I dont blame them because they are independent country and they can do whatever they want but people should definetely not assume that Vietnam is a neutral country ("neutral" on surface, in reality I would say they are a hostile power)
Vietnam is friendly? Tell that to Cambodia


Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro, from what I gather if the quality of life in your country is high you will solve your demographic problems by immigration and if you have growth they will come. That is what happening in China and what is there not to like, the food is great, the women are beautiful and your security is assured. I know a lot of foreigners like to work in China and those who are able to save a lot and paid all their debts. I had seen videos of SK , TW and Japanese living their dreams in China.
Exactly..The Philippines should really start teaching their students putonghua and strengthen STEM education rather than going the usual route of working for low labour paying jobs or be pigeon holed as nurses. Filipinos are just as capable as anyone else in the world.


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They're trying to pressure the west/NATO of gaining membership or else. But that all else is a scenario that's a no go or a non starter for Russia and most Russian people. I don't know if Russians will be amenable down the road or the issue of Ukraine is just one of those sticking points that can never be assuage without using military power as the final and sole arbiter to resolve this tension once and for maybe not all.


Junior Member
Registered Member
What is Vietnam's excuse for sabotaging China at every turn (under the table)
okay I think I help you there. if you speak to any Vietnamese without letting them know that you are Chinese, they will quickly reveal themselves. the Vietnamese almost down to last man, woman and child are obsessed about that fact that Vietnam was once a province of China and they obsessively paranoid that China wants it back. if you read Vietnamese bloggers you'd really want to laugh, they are even more ridiculous than reading nazis talking about the jews. there was one time that some pigeons escaped and flew across the border, and the Vietnamese netizens said that China has sent birds with spy cameras.

which is totally ridiculous: if you look in history, after Vietnamese independence in the 970s there were only 5 wars between China and Vietnam
1st, Song dynasty, started by a Viet General plundering a Chinese village
2nd, Yuan dynasty, Viets refused to let the Mongols pass through to Southeast Asia
3rd, Ming dynasty, Viet General rebelled against his own king, then ambushed and killed the Chinese ambassador
4th, Qing dynasty, Viet king asked China as a tributary for help after getting overthrown by rebels
5th, P. R. , Viets attacked Cambodia which China was required by treaty to protect

but it makes them feel important to think that China is interested in them.


Registered Member
okay I think I help you there. if you speak to any Vietnamese without letting them know that you are Chinese, they will quickly reveal themselves. the Vietnamese almost down to last man, woman and child are obsessed about that fact that Vietnam was once a province of China and they obsessively paranoid that China wants it back. if you read Vietnamese bloggers you'd really want to laugh, they are even more ridiculous than reading nazis talking about the jews. there was one time that some pigeons escaped and flew across the border, and the Vietnamese netizens said that China has sent birds with spy cameras.

which is totally ridiculous: if you look in history, after Vietnamese independence in the 970s there were only 5 wars between China and Vietnam
1st, Song dynasty, started by a Viet General plundering a Chinese village
2nd, Yuan dynasty, Viets refused to let the Mongols pass through to Southeast Asia
3rd, Ming dynasty, Viet General rebelled against his own king, then ambushed and killed the Chinese ambassador
4th, Qing dynasty, Viet king asked China as a tributary for help after getting overthrown by rebels
5th, P. R. , Viets attacked Cambodia which China was required by treaty to protect

but it makes them feel important to think that China is interested in them.

It seems a large part of vietname culture is borrowed, either from the Chinese or French. Maybe it is like some han-jin complex where they feel they are not fully Chinese but also not fully westernize, but since they are program to think west is best, they rebel against the Chinese side since they see them as inferior


Registered Member
It seems a large part of vietname culture is borrowed, either from the Chinese or French. Maybe it is like some han-jin complex where they feel they are not fully Chinese but also not fully westernize, but since they are program to think west is best, they rebel against the Chinese side since they see them as inferior
The whole world is programmed to worship the West. Go to a former colony, find an uneducated person, tell him about BBC and he will say to you that it is very good and impartial.
Then ask him about UK and he will tell you that it is the best.


Registered Member
The whole world is programmed to worship the West. Go to a former colony, find an uneducated person, tell him about BBC and he will say to you that it is very good and impartial.
Then ask him about UK and he will tell you that it is the best.

I was actually tricked for a good part of my young life too. The west markets "freedom of press" really well etc... but they don't add the important part that the mass media press is mostly control by people that have political/financial/power interest. People think wiki is impartial but all the infomation is/could just be all bias depending on who wants to contribute. The one thing Trump did right was him screaming "fake news" , though he was spreading fake news too