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New sanctions on Russia by US
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The fresh sanctions ban US financial institutions from trading in newly issued Russian state debt, known as OFZs, and bonds issued by the Russian central bank and National Wealth Fund.
The share of Russia’s rouble-denominated Treasury bonds held by foreigners fell to a more than five-year low of 20.2 per cent in March, down from more than 30 per cent just a year earlier.
Big escalation, they are trying to strangle the Russian Gov's ability to finance their debt (wont affect them much in the short/medium term)

Measures targeting new state debt have long been viewed as a “nuclear option” for the US and a milestone in Washington’s sanctions regime against Russia
This is important, I think the US is getting closer to the SWIFT nuclear option, to kick them out of using the dollar

President Xi should personally thank Biden for strangling Russia and thus pushing it closer to seeking China's help.
Maybe time for China to gain active role and dominate in Central Asia?
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Lieutenant General
How could China “force” any US sub to the surface, it’s just not believable to me. Why would a detected sub not just leave the area, why would it surface?

And and Ohio in the SCS?, also seems unbelievable.

Depends on where exactly this is supposed to have occurred.

If it was within 12nm of one or China’s SCS islands or Chinese coast, then China does actually theoretically have the power for force unknown submarines to surface under threat of direct attack, because international law requires submarines to transit territorial waters on the surface and showing its flag. Some states (including China) also require prior notification and express permissions to be granted beforehand.

The following is a good and detailed summary of the legal point, with the most relevant point quoted below, emphasis mine.

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In the territorial sea, a submarine is “required to navigate on the surface and show its flag.”15 This is not only a rule of conventional law but also of customary law, dating back to the 1920s when navigational laws were universally framed on the theory of surface navigation to ensure that ships conform to the accepted standards of safety to navigation.16 It has since been incorporated in the legislation of a number of States.17 This requirement, however, does not clearly entail the denial of the right of innocent passage when it is not met. Some States have interpreted it to mean that the coastal State may attack a submerged submarine because such passage is not innocent and therefore a violation of the coastal State’s territorial sovereignty.18

If this occurred within Chinese territorial waters, then the 054A would continuously ping the submarine(s) with active sonar, and the PLAN task force may well have scrambled multiple ASW helicopters who would all also be pinging the sub with active sonar via dipping sonar and/or dropped sonar buoys.

That is basically the equivalent of fighter jets locking on with fire control radars, and would be an unambiguous final warning prior to attack.

The subs would have surfaced because they were totally boxed in and had no other choice since they would have had an array of literal guns pointed at their heads. Had they tried to run, the PLAN would have been well within their rights to open fire without any more warning.

An SSN/SSBN can outrun an 054A sure, but good luck outrunning ASROC andhelicopter dropped torpedoes.

Not saying it definitely happened, but it absolutely could have.



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They're saying it has tritium in ppm as low as drinking water and no radioactive substances from the original explosions and damage. I mean debris is likely in the water but they reckon they filtered it all out? I doubt it. There is no filtration system built by mankind that has been able to deal with this sort of volume of water to this level. The existing water treatment technologies used for drinking water don't even get particles down to zero and how many of those particles in this water is from the explosion and the flood waters carrying fuel and materials?

How come they won't let a single other group test that water? A neutral third party should test it and then if they verify the Japanese results, then we know for sure it's all fine and actually is drinkable.

Having said that, even if it isn't drinkable grade, it's not going to be that damaging to the ocean. People should chill with this and realise we're talking the tiniest trace amounts which btw we ingest on a daily basis. Every banana you eat probably has more radioactive substances than the equivalent volume of that water. People forget that we constantly drink, eat, and breathe in radioactive substances that alpha beta and gamma decay. While that treated water may or may not be "drinkable" however they're defining it, it's certainly pretty safe to put into the ocean especially if they're doing it gradually over time.


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Random Western media/analyzt/ social media commenter" woohoo, vietnam is on our side to fight the chinese in the pacific"


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During a reception for Chinese Ambassador Xiong Bo, Giang affirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to its relations with China, and will make all-out efforts to consolidate and strengthen the time-honoured relationship and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with the neighbouring country.

The minister briefed the ambassador on upcoming defence external activities to be held by Vietnam and China in the time ahead.


Registered Member
Random Western media/analyzt/ social media commenter" woohoo, vietnam is on our side to fight the chinese in the pacific"


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During a reception for Chinese Ambassador Xiong Bo, Giang affirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to its relations with China, and will make all-out efforts to consolidate and strengthen the time-honoured relationship and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with the neighbouring country.

The minister briefed the ambassador on upcoming defence external activities to be held by Vietnam and China in the time ahead.
Vietnam is a snake. Japan at least is a US vassal and thats why it behaves that way vs China.

What is Vietnam's excuse for sabotaging China at every turn (under the table)