I think its too late for that kind of rapprochement, although I might be wrong:
- Most people expect Trump to flip the table at some point when convenient, and try to pull a "I have altered the deal" type play to get better leverage over whatever is the flavor of the day; it would be foolish to think this is not going to happen at some stage(s) in the next 4 years.
- China is no longer willing to prop up the US, and has indicated so through supplying US dollars to global south economies in exchange for resources.
- The US is the weakest and most divided it has been since Vietnam; its future value to China is as a market, which is better served by a fragmented US rather than a strong cohesive one.
There's simply no benefit to 'helping' the US since the narrative under Trump will be good today, and "China virus" the next when convenient, however there is all the benefit in twisting the knife to further weaken it.
I am not saying Trump admin is trustworthy in the context I am alluding to. I am trying to look forward to what is likely as far as politics is concerned.
I am not saying China is willing to prop up anybody. China never fails me when some deal is better to China than conflict. This is a thousand-year old statecraft. From time to time, the Chinese public wants the government to be "tough", but the Chinese government always ended up more rational than the public wishful thinking. If there is a deal to be made with Trump 2.0, then China will likely play along.
US is relatively the strongest in the west, while it is relatively week in comparison to the golden days of Pax Americana. For the "problems" in US or China from the media and on the Internet, US is in the best shape in the west, while China is in the best shape in the rest. The world finally has its G2 right now; it is up to the main men if they want to destroy the playground or milk the playground.
I am not saying anything that is even close to "help". What I am essentially saying, now and in the past, that China is always willing to make a deal as long as it serves better long term interests at deeper levels. The past 8 years already demonstrated that China is the only adult in the room as far as international relationship is concerned.
Neither US nor China will sacrifice their respective national interests to please or help the other party. But they do deals as they see fit, which is what international relationship is essentially about.