Europeans and everyone else should blame Europeans themselves for the current mess they are in, and not their current transient momentary politicians. The citizens clearly want the power to resist the US recently mega-cucking them (not losing hundreds of billions due to the Ukraine war, not letting the US steal their economic value, now even stealing their territory), yet they still keep the inferior most idiotic type of political system, in the world, DeMoCrAcY, where the government is 100% always weak. Instead, they cope with that by changing various governments with 10-30% support rates, with new parties, they think something will magically change, yet it always remains the same, they all break their promises, precisely because the system is weak and the US and CIA can manipulate it in 300 ways to assure its dominance over various political parties, it's very logical to happen. Those political parties simply have no power to resist the reliance and dominance of the US. However, if citizens actually got rid of their delusions, and gave more power to their OWN domestic governments, something would change. Until that happens, Europe will always be more and more violated now that the US is collapsing and needs to compensate by stealing value from them.