South Korea's political crisis continues.
Although this has all been a popcorn chomping spectacle, there will come a time to get serious especially since predictably among many boogeymen Yoon's people are using to get right wing Koreans riled up to their cause, Chinese are among them.
When it comes to Chinese diasporas being the victims of political violence, like Hoa or Chinese Indonesians, China in the past was non-interventionist, biggest reason was of course pre-2000's China simply did not have enough power projection and there are questions to whether the CPC even has an obligation to support ethnic Chinese who are non-PRC citizens as well as the can of worms it would open if they chose such a stance.
But in the case of Korea, the bulk of their Chinese population are Joseonjeok from Yanbian Perfecture, many of whom still have PRC citizenship as they only went to Korea as migrant laborers.
Considering how tense things are getting, with a fullblown information war being waged by both sides and the added factor of Western right wing social media personalities joining in parroting PPP propaganda, even if Korea may not be currently a priority for the CPC hopefully they can set some time aside to have a contingency plan to ensure the safety of PRC citizens living in Korea, be they Han or Joseonjeok.