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View attachment 142824

Can anyone who works in tech confirm how true this is?
Well I am in Europe and on the hardware side but I can imagine it being true. Software is just too dependent on hot money flowing. Which is currently not happening because of the interest rates. Also companies over hired during the pandemic because of "everything will be online after this" meme. Some CEOs now believe AI could replace coding jobs too. Here, I need to mention that I think there is no surplus of software devs. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many billionaire corporations without good websites. It will workout in the end and especially after the global economy gets better (probably starting with 2027). I wish best of luck to new CS graduates.


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Covid wasn't in 2018.
If anything 2020 - with it's lockdowns - seem to be the only year between 2017-2023 that didn't follow the trend.

There's also that one hypothesis of BLM kicking off in 2012-13 with the shooting of Trayvon Martin and slowly gaining momentum during the Zimmerman court case, and then a bunch of later incidents like Jocques Clemmons before it skyrocketed in cultural significance with George Floyd.

Cementing the idea of victimhood as the most significant cultural dogma; where each and every one is capable of applying victimhood to themselves thanks to the egocentric bias inherent to all humans, creating a culture where the rationalizing of evil is made as trivial as humanly possible.
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Registered Member

When will the Danes grow some balls and fight for what its rights and the protection of its subjects in Greenland? at least offer resistance, a fight, or has the blood of Attedag and Cnut been diluted so much? The Danes are stupid, they should've known the nature of the Anglos when Copenhagen was bombed during the Napoleonic wars, as a neutral territory, and yet they fed the anglo's insatiable appetite for more land and resources. Did they think they would be immune to anglo predation? Why? because you're white? Give me a break, the USG let its citizens die of COVID and doesn't give a rat's ass about its own soldiers let alone its own vassals.

Still, if the Anglos believe they can just take Greenland willy nilly, what's to stop China from taking Australia as a core territory, the new Xinjiang? And New Zealand to boot as well.


Registered Member

When will the Danes grow some balls and fight for what its rights and the protection of its subjects in Greenland? at least offer resistance, a fight, or has the blood of Attedag and Cnut been diluted so much? The Danes are stupid, they should've known the nature of the Anglos when Copenhagen was bombed during the Napoleonic wars, as a neutral territory, and yet they fed the anglo's insatiable appetite for more land and resources. Did they think they would be immune to anglo predation? Why? because you're white? Give me a break, the USG let its citizens die of COVID and doesn't give a rat's ass about its own soldiers let alone its own vassals.

Still, if the Anglos believe they can just take Greenland willy nilly, what's to stop China from taking Australia as a core territory, the new Xinjiang? And New Zealand to boot as well.
I mean tbh China will probably get Myanmar within the next 20 years. It's free real estate on the Indian ocean and they've gradually become an integrated state.


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View attachment 142824

Can anyone who works in tech confirm how true this is?
Can confirm it's true in Toronto at least. Entry level CS positions get hundreds of applications each so if you only know how to program, you're boned. The good thing is the candidate pool shrinks exponentially as roles go up in seniority and speciality.

I avoided this by doing data science as a first job; perks of doing a double major in CS and Stats.


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He can't take care of his own inner cities, border, collapsing dangerous infrastructure, and an apocalyptic social climate on the verge of breaking, approaching 40 trillion of debt, yet he wants to take... Greenland, wtf... For what? I feel like that should be his 10001st 'concern'.

If this is not some megalomanic spoiled weak final emperor, of an overextended rotting empire, that was the straw that blew the camel's back idk what is. This kind of clown having control of such weapons of mass destruction is the most dangerous moment in the history of humanity.

This ridiculous Frankenstain country will clearly not last a few more years lads. However, since he is a mentally unstable narcissistic delusional patient, at least his 'advisor' Musk should be a little smarter.

During the final future incursion against China, he will lead when they will be humiliated expressly, maybe China should do something to remove him and let his caretaker Musk take over and prevent global destruction.

I think Musk is pragmatic, and even though most of vapor 'wealth' will evaporate too, at least he could become a true techno-feudal local lord In North America above all laws when the whole thing collapses.

I think how far ahead China is, they should have a plan for everything and for how to deal with such an ultra-stupid but dangerous variable. Or at least, I hope so, for all of us... Since you can't talk with subhumans like that rationally.

Previously I thought that maybe Trump would have been content with leading some local faction after the collapse, but I doubt it now after hearing all the "annexing" of 5 countries in the past few days. He is too megalomanic and too mentally ill.

He will not accept such a humiliating resolution peacefully, so he will need to be removed. Probably by someone from the inside like Musk...
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