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Registered Member

this reminds me of the story of how some Korean girl paid a professor at one of Korea’s top universities to write a research paper for her for her college applications
Indian Americans should continue to do whatever they are doing as they're clearly a model minority that deserves everything they've achieved. They should 2x, 3x, 10x their CEO seats.


Registered Member
Well, China has many times rejected the idea to form an union with outer Mongolia, due to their poverty and lack of resources.

Russia is an ally capable of independent economic strength and innovation, this makes it a premium asset to China, a type of asset even US doesn't clearly have today.

The regard and respect shown to Russia by China is beyond any other nation, and their return provided back is also beyond any other country. Russia enjoys a similar position in China's hierarchy as Israel enjoys in America's.

But in the medium term, I would guess that the vast majority in China and even many Russians living in Vladivostok would want the region to be returned to its original owner. Because China is simply much richer and many of the locals are already cross border migrant workers in the Harbin direction.

However, in my view, this land transfer should not be framed in anything close to resembling hostility to Russia. It should be done in such a way that existing Russians are allowed to have dual citizenship and a long adjustment period where they will have privileges/opportunities of both the Russian and Chinese system.

And Russia should be geopolitically compensated with expanded territory in Europe.
I wouldn’t mind re Mongolia if Mongolians weren’t die hard anti Chinese retards who have flirted with becoming an outpost for anti Chinese powers. They’ve even tried to induce mongols in China to rebel and commit treason.
Reminds me of this video before the takeover

notice how the tiktoker is Indian, the main recipients and beneficiaries of H1b as well as DEI. They manage to ape the Jews in playing both sides.


Registered Member
With sociopaths like this in charge, places like this in the US will have no future.
The funniest thing is that awhile ago, US bots and Ukrainians had a campaign posting dirty streets and potholes from Russia, saying that Putin is rather funding the war than cleaning his streets.

Like yeah you go Mykola, you really showed those Russians how they live in an utter trash heap. Oh wait Americans do too. So America literally has no higher ambitions of infrastructure and quality of life than Russia... A country with half the population and like 5x lower median income... That is also fighting a big war.


Lieutenant General

This is what I hate about how Chinese think. They want to play kumbaya but they setup conflict by saying nothing, doing nothing. Here for instance the Western narrative is there’s a huge battle ahead over AI between the West and China. No there isn’t. The West will have theirs and China will have their own. What’s wrong with that? Because no one challenges the Western narrative, there’s going to be conflict because people are going to believe one has win over the other. No, it’s the West that has win and be in control over everyone else. That’s what they want. Do you see China demanding everyone has to use their AI? No, the West is saying that for theirs because they want the world to worship their AI God so everything slants pro-West. Because no one Chinese says nothing doing nothing, their narrative is what everyone hears and believes. The Chinese claim they don’t like conflict but it’s going to happen because the US and the West frame it that way if the Chinese don’t embrace their AI. And why the Chinese don’t is because they’ll say it’s China that wants to take to over everyone else with their AI because why would they make an alternative? They want everyone to think their AI can’t do wrong because it’s a machine that can’t be biased. But they don’t want China to have it because it’ll be bias…? Again crimes are determined not by the act one commits. It’s determined by who commits that act and who’s the victim of that act. And that comes out of racism. And no one sees it because you say nothing, do nothing.


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Super Moderator

Had to share this
Marco Rubio on china

He says, and I quote, "I hate the Communist party of China okay, I think they are evil, but from a Chinese perspective, they (sic) are acting in the national interest of china and they are doing what we would do if we were in their position "

So he basically admitted that the US Govt is evil as well! Lol I literally laughed out loud.
So he admitted that Xi made China great again? Got it.


Registered Member

This is what I hate about how Chinese think. They want to play kumbaya but they setup conflict by saying nothing, doing nothing. Here for instance the Western narrative is there’s a huge battle ahead over AI between the West and China. No there isn’t. The West will have theirs and China will have their own. What’s wrong with that? Because no one challenges the Western narrative, there’s going to be conflict because people are going to believe one has win over the other. No, it’s the West that has win and be in control over everyone else. That’s what they want. Do you see China demanding everyone has to use their AI? No, the West is saying that for theirs because they want the world to worship their AI God so everything slants pro-West. Because no one Chinese says nothing doing nothing, their narrative is what everyone hears and believes. The Chinese claim they don’t like conflict but it’s going to happen because the US and the West frame it that way if the Chinese don’t embrace their AI. And why the Chinese don’t is because they’ll say it’s China that wants to take to over everyone else with their AI because why would they make an alternative? They want everyone to think their AI can’t do wrong because it’s a machine that can’t be biased. But they don’t want China to have it because it’ll be bias…? Again crimes are determined not by the act one commits. It’s determined by who commits that act and who’s the victim of that act. And that comes out of racism. And no one sees it because you say nothing, do nothing.
China likes to pick the conflict when they have an overwhelming advantage. It was that way first with green tech, then with batteries, then drones and now cars. It'll be the same with graphic cards and AI.

When growing the platforms, China often says "there is room for both of us" etc, but the moment they pull ahead, they switch gears and suddenly it's "all ours now".

Honestly I don't know why they actually act like that, because it's not like people have real alternatives to China anyways. They follow a predictable pattern and anyone can predict what will happen next, so why bother to obfuscate it?

The whole "they setup conflict" is 100% intentional, China often wants to fight because they gain ground from doing it.