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Behind the Dismantling of Hezbollah: Decades of Israeli Intelligence​

A Times investigation shows how extensively Israel penetrated the Lebanese militia, closely tracking the group’s commanders and culminating in the assassination of its leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Iran and proxies have some hard thinking to do.
I wouldn't trust anything nytimes writes, it's directly from the mouth of IDF. Even if they were a regular and moral force fighting a legitimate war, it would still not make sense to reveal how they achieved successes.

Imho he in particular just got sold out by one of the Lebanon government traitors or one of Assad's traitors. You know it was a mostly external event chain because Hezbollah itself is not experiencing much trouble or changes in the aftermath.

So I find an American propagandist talking about some Russians doing a 180 because of the war, and he's kinda mad in the video, although playing it off in a joking way.

I like this story because it shows what kind of people Russia was infested with before the war and how they're now no longer under western delusion.

The host talks extensively about how this Russian actress would have had a "bright future" being a western celebrity, working with western brands, and now instead she became a ZVO influencer. Well, if she had become a western celebrity, would she not just be sucking Netanyahu's dick and cheering for murderers and criminals anyways?

That's why China (and Russia) needs the ZVO, because it's better that influencers cheer for our murderers than their murderers. Plus we are supposedly more moral, and this is arguably completely proven with how much China has contributed to global welfare. While US only leaves behind ruins after their aggression.

Edit: also observe how she goes from crackhead looking to glowing after changing to ZVO. Almost as if the real orcs are the ones that make people look like orcs when they associate with them. (probably her looks improved because she had to stop doing drugs)
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I don't know where would be the right place to post this, but it's too off topic/speculative for the Ukraine war thread.

An interesting video on how Russia keeps growing it's army while making the war popular.
whether war is popular or not but Arab stamp of approval is on it. That letter that Putin sent to Saudi King was practically very network.
they didnot need North Korean either.
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Monday, December 30, 2024 8:36 PM

New Emirati mediation between Russia and Ukraine succeeds in releasing 300 prisoners​

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What I was thinking is that should, or is it even possible for China to emulate the same system? China also has a booming overall economy to pay essentially unlimited money, and fairly populated inner regions that are not as rich compared to the rest of the country.

Basically the drawback of this system is that things can become disorganised and "crowdfunded", but perhaps that is no drawback at all when thinking about infantry whose job is simply to occupy enemy territory and sometimes participate in assaults. Compared to the Russians, the vast majority of China's fighting will be from the air. It seems less viable to give pilots bonuses on the basis of just blowing things up. Or maybe it's also fine?

If US makes a move on Taiwan, China should strive to keep the war popular, and going full Ukraine with forced mobilisation is at least a sure way not to. But while China can rely on home territory boost in Taiwan, the war does not stop there and will encompass all of Asia, in many places China has never invaded or feel ties to in recent history.

China needs a way to create the "people's war" under modern conditions. The Russians might have the right idea with their decentralised, crowd funded and self-replicating (bounty money are reinvested in better kit, so soldiers can hunt even more bounties) model.

Unlike Russia, China's core troops will be very professional (in the sense that they don't post photos of themselves or care about bounties), since these are essentially patriotic career soldiers. But China can also create a huge 2nd echelon of mobiks who are not held to the same standards, these mobiks would only be unleashed in specially designated low intensity combat zones roughly on par with GWOT operations, and in addition to normal salary, they would be paid in bounties.

Unlike with Russia's system, many of China's mobiks do not need to risk themselves at all, as they can be drone operators sitting in safe territory. They would fly cheap(er) crowd funded drone designs and focus on pacifying the enemy's ground forces.

In this way, China would solve the problem of war popularity, of the military losing knowhow retention, and also how to keep occupations going at low cost.
This is incorrect to say any one can surpass Russia in airpower just like no one can built Tu-214 Presidential comparable. Performance, range and protection of wide body into smaller airframe. even lower complex version was hit by bird strike and nothing happened.
This Su-25 can do ten sorties per day is 1980s jet with average is 3 to 4 from distributed airbases. now imagine what level of engine tech they have now. and this first war with mass deployment of attack chopper where attack choppers are doing deep strikes with extended range fuel tanks and missiles. that Tu-160M is not participating. that is total different tech level for much higher sortie rate and payload than Tu-95. the first mass deployment of cruise missiles. the technology is moving two directions. lighter cruise missiles like Kh-69/50/65 and the heavier hypersonic cruise missiles Kinzal/Kh-95. these are two extremes only larger bombers can effectively deploy them. Su-34 can do but much scale down.

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Russian pilots set daily sorties record An informed source told Sputnik that Russian attack pilots in the special operation zone can perform up to ten sorties per day on the Su-25 aircraft per person, which is a record for jet​



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May I ask do you understand Chinese? What was said in the video is totally opposite to the text of the X post.

Here is a screen dump in the middle and is the key point of the whole speech.

It says "Ren Zhengfei made his own brand for internationalization, I do not necessarily agree with everything he did, but he is great". Firstly, "not agree with everything" is definitely not the same as "disagree", it is difference in details, not disagree the objective, it is like VW and BMW disagree how to make their ICE, not like they disagree in principle of how ICE works. Secondly, Liu Chuanzhi said "Ren Zhenfei's doing is great". This is totally opposite to the X poster's intention.

From now on, this X poster is in my watch list of fake patriate = "打着红旗反红旗" a foreign agent, or she is just a total idiot. There are lots of these people who must beat other Chinese when "promoting" their own idols, like Huawei, SAC/CAC fighting, or PingPong fans etc. It is sick, cancer of the society.
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And look what happened to Shinzo Abe...a "buckshot breakfast"- to hell.Wow this week's debut of literally a generational transformation-dare I say a "Great Leap Forward" in military spheres has all of a sudden changed Japanese attitudes toward China for the "better".Let us hope it is sincere,profound and deep lest little Japan see the rest of China's arsenal-from its massive PLARF,to who knows what marvels-back by hate and desire for blood vengeance served cold,very cold.BTW my deepest apologies to KJ3000(Chubby Girl 2.0)",Z9 ,MD22 and 076 LDA-all absolutely superb.I am still gorging on this veritable "feast" and will take time to digest.
I believe the supposed "CHANGE" WITH ACTIONS not some words that are easily forgotten and recanted.


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I know the news of Jimmy Carter's passing is known by now, but I didn't know just how awesome he was.

He selflessly went into a nuclear reactor to repair it after being told he would never have children if he did. He had radioactive urine for months afterwards. Thankfully he was able to make a full recovery, have kids and live a long life.

He was brave not just in a physical sense but also morally (see his early critique of Zionism). I agree with those who said that he was the last decent US president.


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And look what happened to Shinzo Abe...a "buckshot breakfast"- to hell.Wow this week's debut of literally a generational transformation-dare I say a "Great Leap Forward" in military spheres has all of a sudden changed Japanese attitudes toward China for the "better".Let us hope it is sincere,profound and deep lest little Japan see the rest of China's arsenal-from its massive PLARF,to who knows what marvels-back by hate and desire for blood vengeance served cold,very cold.BTW my deepest apologies to KJ3000(Chubby Girl 2.0)",Z9 ,MD22 and 076 LDA-all absolutely superb.I am still gorging on this veritable "feast" and will take time to digest.

Coming soon to an Okinawa base near you.



Registered Member
I know the news of Jimmy Carter's passing is known by now, but I didn't know just how awesome he was.

He selflessly went into a nuclear reactor to repair it after being told he would never have children if he did. He had radioactive urine for months afterwards. Thankfully he was able to make a full recovery, have kids and live a long life.

He was brave not just in a physical sense but also morally (see his early critique of Zionism). I agree with those who said that he was the last decent US president.
Literally exactly like some of those Soviet soldiers who volunteered to go into chernobyl first.

Enemy or not, someone to be respected by every side. And what an implication of the strength of American civil society at that time that such a person would be made leader.


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A plot in paradise and India’s struggle for influence in Asia​

Secret contacts between Indian agents and politicians in the Maldives over ousting its pro-China leader reflect the growing contest between Asia’s great powers.
MALE, Maldives — In late 2023, Mohamed Muizzu became a problem for India.
In fiery speeches, the newly elected president of the Maldives pledged to expel Indian troops stationed in his island nation. He was instead friendly with China, India’s regional rival, and sought to sign a military assistance pact with Beijing. By January 2024, agents working at the behest of India’s intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), began quietly discussing with Maldivian opposition leaders the possibility of removing Muizzu, according to people involved in the discussions. And within weeks, a plan emerged.
In an internal document titled “Democratic Renewal Initiative” and obtained by The Washington Post, Maldivian opposition politicians proposed bribing 40 members of parliament, including those from Muizzu’s own party, to vote to impeach him. The document also proposed paying 10 senior army and police officers and three powerful criminal gangs to ensure Muizzu’s removal. To pay off the various parties, the conspirators sought 87 million Maldivian rufiyaa, or $6 million, and according to two Maldivian officials, it would be sought from India.
After months of secret talks, the plotters failed to gather enough votes to impeach Muizzu, and India did not pursue or finance an attempt to oust him.
Still, the Maldivian plot and its backstory offer a rare view into the much broader, often shadowy struggle between India and China for influence over a strategic swath of Asia and its surrounding waters. This competition has unfolded particularly in the smaller nations around the Indian Ocean, where the continent’s two largest powers have offered generous loans, infrastructure projects and political support — both public and covert — to bolster their preferred politicians.
In January, after Muizzu had won and taken office, an adviser to the Muizzu family said, a senior RAW intelligence officer at New Delhi’s embassy in Washington explored a plan to overthrow the president with two Indian intermediaries who had political and business contacts in the Maldives. One intermediary was Shirish Thorat, a former Indian police officer who has worked as a private military contractor and who advised Mohamed Nasheed when he was the Maldivian president on how to curb Islamist radicalization. The other was Savio Rodrigues, a publisher based in the Indian state of Goa who previously served as a spokesman for India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
The Muizzu family adviser provided The Post with surveillance records of phone calls and meetings held by the RAW official and Thorat, who now lives near Washington, but did not explain how the records were obtained.

Loincloth imperialists ending 2024 with massive Ls. I know we poke fun at Iranian OPSEC, but Indian OPSEC is a complete joke.
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Registered Member
I know the news of Jimmy Carter's passing is known by now, but I didn't know just how awesome he was.

He selflessly went into a nuclear reactor to repair it after being told he would never have children if he did. He had radioactive urine for months afterwards. Thankfully he was able to make a full recovery, have kids and live a long life.
A man, a person worthy of respect. For that, I salute him.

May he rest in peace