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Registered Member
He was rambling on about China evil, Chinese spies, danger to South Korea etc., during his recent speech. This lunatic has got to go.
I don't know, this guy might as well be a MSS plant. He was a hair's length from starting an aggression war with NK (meaning no US support) while at the same time destroying the SK government stability and doing the war with 0 buildup to prepare the public and wider military.

If his actions had succeeded, the results would be allowing the PLA/KPA to march nearly unhindered into Seoul, if not Busan.

SK is one of the hardest hit US empire provinces by the cold war. Combined with US' focus on Ukraine and Israel, it has left SK with a vulnerable information space. Imho both sides are to some extent infiltrated by China, with the goal of taking the SK piece off the board before the next major conflict.

Yoon's modus operandi with a handful of "extremist" military officials that went behind the back of everyone else suggests a conventional plot of using a few key power brokers to overthrow the whole public and plunge the country into anarchy. While Lee is carried by popular sentiment, however, said sentiment is vulnerable to long term propaganda social engineering.

A limited war like the Myanmar Shan state offensive, where China/NK takes control of Seoul and makes a limited advance past the 38th, would have allowed a trial run for North-South integration. SK would be left as a rump state like that what happened to Myanmar junta, too weak to approach US and just waiting around for the day when China comes to formally finish the job.
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Registered Member
Don’t fall for their trap! The Jai Hinds have been looking for a new colonial daddy since the British left and they made a total mess of running their own country. Their long con now is to try and goad China into a war that they will loose but won’t admit it and keep making meat assaults against China so China is forced to invade to end the madness. Kaching, hello new colonial daddy with tech, resources and know-how to actually make India into a modern functional country!
First order of business: We will invest in and develop your country with one condition - please all emigrate to the West first


Senior Member
Registered Member
ooooor, Luigi is impersonating the killer, that would explain why he is carrying all incriminating evidence on him.
Who was the real culprit, Mario?

Nah, Mario will defend his brother.

After all, he is the best criminal defense lawyer in New York:

Chatgpt is down

Massive AI outages
It's final exam season :D!

I can hear the screams of thousands of students who are realizing they will not have the help of chatGPT to write their essays.

I don't know, this guy might as well be a MSS plant. He was a hair's length from starting an aggression war with NK (meaning no US support) while at the same time destroying the SK government stability and doing the war with 0 buildup to prepare the public and wider military.

If his actions had succeeded, the results would be allowing the PLA/KPA to march nearly unhindered into Seoul, if not Busan.

SK is one of the hardest hit US empire provinces by the cold war. Combined with US' focus on Ukraine and Israel, it has left SK with a vulnerable information space. Imho both sides are to some extent infiltrated by China, with the goal of taking the SK piece off the board before the next major conflict.

Yoon's modus operandi with a handful of "extremist" military officials that went behind the back of everyone else suggests a conventional plot of using a few key power brokers to overthrow the whole public and plunge the country into anarchy. While Lee is carried by popular sentiment, however, said sentiment is vulnerable to long term propaganda social engineering.

A limited war like the Myanmar Shan state offensive, where China/NK takes control of Seoul and makes a limited advance past the 38th, would have allowed a trial run for North-South integration. SK would be left as a rump state like that what happened to Myanmar junta, too weak to approach US and just waiting around for the day when China comes to formally finish the job.
South Korea experiencing Japanization as economic and societal stagnation hit:
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