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This is why it’s so essential in a China US war, that China must win because the Anglo zionists demonstrate that for them it’s not enough for them to win, as they did against Assad, their propaganda organs will try to destroy any notion of Chinese pride and identity as a people with a “holohoax” of bizarre blood libel.
Reporter: Clarissa Ward
British-American television journalist who is the chief international correspondent for CNN. She won a "peobody award for her Syria reports".
She covers syria and seemingly also Wagner


It was her??
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China meanwhile, outside of vague promises they would rebuild Syria after the war which sadly will not come to fruition, has lost very little in terms of money, manpower, or assets.
If you risk nothing, you lose nothing, but you also don't have the potential to win. China has been playing a very safe, low risk strategy. I wouldn't advocate military involvement or even sanctions around the world. But giving Syria very good access to the Chinese market and just investing a little more money would have been a cheap way to do a little bit to help.

Investing with zero hope for profit is what China does in Pakistan. Why not Syria? Of course it should be more for neighbouring countries, but not essentially nothing. Apparently investment in Iran according to the ft is also minimal, not even a billion

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This is a bullshit story being circulated by Russia and Iran, because what else are they going to say, that they weren't able to do more to hold their positions? Nobody is going to simply admit defeat. I'm supposed to believe that Assad's government asked these two countries for help, but then refused the help once they spent all this money and put their reputations on the line? And then to reward Assad for humiliating them like that, they give him asylum and a Russian citizenship? Non of that adds up.
It's only bullshit coming out of you imagining what's happening rather than reading.
China lost more than both Russia and Iran in this, because now the US has a major burden off their shoulders and one less thing to worry about. Now they will up the intensity of Syrian resource rape and guess what? All of that money will be spent one ruining China's interests.
1. If Israel lets that happen. You think they don't want those resources?
2. Of all the advanced countries that are aligned with the US against China, Syria is really not one on the radar... if it even goes that way.
China definitely has a duty to provide its allies with the option of securing their information space, because the US will definitely use that to conduct coups and spread anti-China propaganda. Do you see Japan using Weibo for example? They won't even provide an English version of that to try and counter the misinformation, and that is just one example that would cost them literally pocket change.
TikTok? It seems we really don't need to do much; smart people can see through it and self-create content. Stupid people will always like stupid answers and we can't beat the US at stupid.
All this investment you are talking about would have paid for itself and then some. You don't think Iraq and Syria want stable railways and electricity? China is already working on megaprojects in Afghanistan right now as we speak, and these people have next to no wealth. Syria and Iraq are far wealthier and in need of infrastructure,too!
Low quality people present risks to investment. You need to think about that.
If you think a country as wealthy as China miraculously survive without a powerful military spread out around the world, then you are delusional.
1. We're surviving.
2. Our military is not all around the would; it's close to us.
3. So you're delusional, not him.
They are in direct economic competition with the US
It's an overall competition; the US can't really compete at all with us economically. They still have a traditionally more powerful military though.
, which automatically means the US has China in it's lenses and is right now brainstorming ways to disrupt Chinese global trade with or without the US military's direct involvement.
Not terribly impressed with their brainstorming results. Might work on some small fry but China is the Moby Dick they cannot defeat.
The state of success that China is in right now, is temporary unless China starts backing it up with actual military bases to host them away from home.
China's success is right at home. Whatever we build for the global south is nice, but our success does not depend on it.
Look at the lengths the US has gone to with Russia, sanctioning them, banning them from sports, arresting Russian nationals worldwide, sending missiles literally inside Russia, blowing up energy infrastructure. If Russia with it's massive nuclear arsenal failed to deter the US, Do you honestly think the US is afraid of the more forgiving and nuclearly weaker China in that regard?
Being nuclear has nothing to do with it. America's using it's post-WWII old boys club to rouse trouble. Really the only way you can beat that is to outgrow them economically, technologically, and militarily until they realize they're way behind and can't touch you.
Right now the US will look to invest heavily in infrastructure outside of China, and that may take a very long time, but it is happening whether you like it or not, and when that happens, then the US is free to sanction and isolate and disrupt Chinese people's lives all it wants, unless China starts spreading it's wings.
China's infrastructure investments around the world far out-strip America's. We build things; they do not.
China is not some irrelevant country. It is a superpower, and superpower, which means it is in this game not by choice, but by its wealth, power and influence. You cannot win a game by not participating in it, which is exactly what China is doing right now.
What game? Low IQ people don't see the game that high IQ people play. The highest level of game there is is elevating your own civilization until all conflicts are won by your superiority rather than wrestling in a pig pen.


Registered Member
They lost access to a naval host in the Mediterranean sea, a land corridor through Iraq and Syria, trade route protection through the Suez canal and the Red Sea, and whoever ends up ruling Syria will be a US puppet that will block Chinese investment in the country. That one base could have cost the US billions of dollars and created a balance of power in the region.
The Assad govt gave China bases in the Med?

The fact is this guy did nothing aside from retain his own basic rule, because he's politically paralysed due to his ethnicity/faith. So naturally the Syrian people would rather have someone extreme but at least capable of giving a promise, no matter how far fetched, of reuniting the country.
They could have and should have overthrown him if that story was even true, which I do not believe for a millisecond. What these two have lost here is incalculable.

I was talking about China's own interests rather than saving Assad. Assad is safe and sound. He will live a long and happy life away from all of this chaos. Regarding Taiwan, I used to think China could wait the US out, but at this point I have absolutely zero faith that China will ever recover Taiwan.
Taiwan is already China's, it's US that's disputing and it and it's US that will have to invade in order to change the status quo.
They don't do anything about anything at all,
Okay so since the cold war started, life in China has remained essentially unaffected by western action. If anything, when the war started, the PRC has a much weaker position, with active separatists in HK and Xinjiang. Those are now gone, while the CN economy remains booming like it was in 2014.

Meanwhile,since the start of the cold war, the western empire has received pressure to collapse multiple "democracies" (Romania, France, Hungary, SK). It has lost all growth in EU and Asia, with only US retaining a small amount of growth at the cost of consumer inflation. It has failed to convincingly surpass China's ally Russia in weapons output and sanctions have prevented them from developing an independent world class drone/robots sector.

So it is clear in plain sight which side is doing nothing, or at least not doing anything but flailing around in self defense: the west.
even when it's simple cheap things. Even Pakistan still double deals on them with the US, allowing terrorists to blow up Chinese infrastructure inside Pakistan and China sells their J-10CEs to them.
If you had to name all the nations that blow up western stuff while still receiving western support, do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
Myanmar is still getting obliterated by US backed terrorists right on China's borders.
US is not in Myanmar, it's all China's playground. So you're delusional and seeing US where they aren't lol

It's like thinking China is in Mexico creating cartels lmao you're ascribing mythical powers to an adversary for no reason, this reeks of either propaganda or an empty skull.
The Philippines, SK, Japan, all still host the US and are completely owned and operated by the US and China still does nothing about it.
US started out with those colonies, the Qing gave them up 100s of years ago, before the PRC was established.

China will need a vast military campaign to take back those colonies. Preceding such a campaign, a country should seek to weaken the enemy maximally, such as depleting his weapon stocks, using sanctions to destroy his industries, and destabilising his rule.


Junior Member
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After the recent events in the Middle East, I am forced to change my view about China. They will pay the ultimate price for not doing more to protect their interests in the region. There was not even much that was required of them to stabilize the situation. Now they will need to do so much more to regain what was lost, if that is even possible at this point. China can take all it's fighter jets and destroyers and shove them up it's ass. They are a joke. They build and build and build and do nothing with what they've built. No wonder they are surrounded with bases and more bases continue to be built around them, and they just sit there and watch. They are watchers, not doers, period!
You are having a huge meltdown over something that barely concerns China. Middle East has always been a powder keg. China is smart for not getting involved. Their priority is Taiwan province.
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Registered Member
If you risk nothing, you lose nothing, but you also don't have the potential to win. China has been playing a very safe, low risk strategy. I wouldn't advocate military involvement or even sanctions around the world. But giving Syria very good access to the Chinese market and just investing a little more money would have been a cheap way to do a little bit to help.

Investing with zero hope for profit is what China does in Pakistan. Why not Syria? Of course it should be more for neighbouring countries, but not essentially nothing. Apparently investment in Iran according to the ft is also minimal, not even a billion

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Completely different Pakistan served a Purpose which is to deter India and open a second front , plus they're a loyal friend, that ironclad friendship was form decades of trial and error that had enhance that friendship. So yes Pakistan is special for the Chinese and they know that the Chinese will stay with them until the end.


Senior Member
Registered Member
If you risk nothing, you lose nothing, but you also don't have the potential to win. China has been playing a very safe, low risk strategy. I wouldn't advocate military involvement or even sanctions around the world. But giving Syria very good access to the Chinese market and just investing a little more money would have been a cheap way to do a little bit to help.

Investing with zero hope for profit is what China does in Pakistan. Why not Syria? Of course it should be more for neighbouring countries, but not essentially nothing. Apparently investment in Iran according to the ft is also minimal, not even a billion

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Pakistan is a nuclear armed neighbour that can used to play off India. It also plays a role in the BRI. Let's say China finally takes action against Taiwan and India wants to intervene, Pakistan would come in handy to stop India. If China gets Taiwan, the investment will be well worth it.

I personally disagree with the investment in Pakistan given the lack of progress. But the CPC must see something I don't. What they need to do is slap those guys in Pakistanis to take their jobs more seriously especially with that India backed terrorist group.
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