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At least these two went down trying.
"At least they tried." Funny sentence coming from someone supposedly ranting authoritatively about China's lack of understanding to geopolitical reality. Here's some reality for you Russia and Iran "tried," okay so what? In the end, after 10 years of investing manpower and money, the reality is that Russia is now without any base to project power in the Middle East as well as potentially Africa, Iran's neo-Persian Empire has been reduced to the Houthis and a shaky hold over Iraq, and both powers just have to suck it up. China meanwhile, outside of vague promises they would rebuild Syria after the war which sadly will not come to fruition, has lost very little in terms of money, manpower, or assets. You keep talking of trade, less we forget, Syria only joined onto BRI in 2022. I don't care if "trying" gives Russia and Iran more legitimacy or makes them more credible powers from your perspective. The only thing that matters when the dust settles is, they both made a bet and lost, China withheld its bet and gets to move on with more pessing matters.
Maybe tone it down on churning out 052Ds and 075s and do something useful with that money, such as what I mentioned above. All these ships are concentrated around China and they need to at least spread them around the world to complicate matters for their enemies.
Tone down on churning out warshhips, but also spread the PLAN around the world to complicate matters for the US? Now you're just talking nonsense. Take a deep breath and just have some perspective on things.

Its so easy for people like you to talk of how the CIA is this omnipresent agency for whom getting countries to sever economic relations with China is so easy they might as well have their own economic version of a death note. On the internet is easy to fall into hyperbole, so if I may ask in real life if the the reality really was as dire as some claim to be, why hasn't it come to pass? From what I've seen, China has just making more and more economic inroads into Latin America despite being "America's backyard," it already has Africa on lock, Central and South Asia, it recently reached a deal to build HSR in Vietnam.

Maybe the reality of the world, even if its hard for those who think of everything in the context of hammer and nails, is that things have changed from the days of the Cold War. The key battleground is the development of the global south and simply put, China is better placed than anyone to provide that development. The West can play their tricks but so long as they cannot provide an alternative and as long as America takes 20 years to build a single rail line in its own country, China will always be there as the only viable option.
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Junior Member
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He was rambling on about China evil, Chinese spies, danger to South Korea etc., during his recent speech. This lunatic has got to go.
Out of curiousity I went to check, and you're correct. Brazen anti-Chinese rhetoric. It's encouraging that the opposition is actually calling out Yoon's deranged foreign policy in their impeachment bill
President Yoon has continued to pursue a one-sided policy of “pro-US, anti-China” since taking office and has strengthened diplomatic relations with Japan. The impeachment bill released by the opposition party on the 4th contains the content, “(President Yoon) has been hostile to North Korea, China, and Russia under the pretext of so-called value diplomacy, and has insisted on a strange foreign policy centered on Japan, thereby inviting isolation in Northeast Asia and triggering the crisis of war.”
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It's really annoying. Like you are seeing NATO unironically ask China to stop the the Ukraine war even though it's not their damn problem and when China comes up with a suggestion, they get mad at it.

Now you get Russia/Iran supporters saying China should save Syria even though Syria refused help from them and don't want to be saved.

They say China is too arrogant and forceful. Maybe China should be more clear on saying "Not my problem" so people don't get the wrong expectation.


Registered Member

This is why it’s so essential in a China US war, that China must win because the Anglo zionists demonstrate that for them it’s not enough for them to win, as they did against Assad, their propaganda organs will try to destroy any notion of Chinese pride and identity as a people with a “holohoax” of bizarre blood libel.


After the recent events in the Middle East, I am forced to change my view about China.
A view that nobody cares about.
They will pay the ultimate price for not doing more to protect their interests in the region.
They have acted like this for decades and all they have done is speed past rival after rival until only the US is left and it's scared.
There was not even much that was required of them to stabilize the situation.
Classic example of stupid people seeing nothing. How would China have prevented the defeat of a people who basically wanted to lose and be done with it?
Now they will need to do so much more to regain what was lost, if that is even possible at this point.
Nothing needs to be regained. It was a muslim territory run by people who kill each other the second Israel starts killing them. Nothing can save them.
China can take all it's fighter jets and destroyers and shove them up it's ass.
Then the US would have a breakdown and accuse China of non-transparancy for hiding its military assets. You can take all your childish emotional outbursts and shove them up yours.
They are a joke.
The US isn't laughing. Neither is the EU. You're the only fool who thinks its funny.
They build and build and build and do nothing with what they've built.
Does China has comprehensive military power superior to the US and possibly whatever spills out of the rest of NATO? If not, then how can you possibly advocate using them at this point?
No wonder they are surrounded with bases and more bases continue to be built around them, and they just sit there and watch.
Those were all built after WWII. We watch the fools dance and struggle as we outgrow everyone and make their bases useless and eventually too scared to fight.
They are watchers, not doers,
Most people regard building a military as doing. And most people consider building islands as doing. But you consider... only war as doing? No, it seems instead that you are a cryer, not a thinker.
Hope yours is over soon. You're on day 1?
They lost access to a naval host in the Mediterranean sea, a land corridor through Iraq and Syria, trade route protection through the Suez canal and the Red Sea, and whoever ends up ruling Syria will be a US puppet that will block Chinese investment in the country. That one base could have cost the US billions of dollars and created a balance of power in the region.
1. The dust hasn't even settled. We'll see who rules Syria and what we/Russia can/cannot do.
2. Even if the loss is great, there was nothing that we were in a position to do.
They could have and should have overthrown him if that story was even true, which I do not believe for a millisecond. What these two have lost here is incalculable.
Your overreacting is incalculable and no one cares what you believe.
I was talking about China's own interests rather than saving Assad. Assad is safe and sound. He will live a long and happy life away from all of this chaos.
Yeah, he quit. You can't prop up someone who is already gone.
Regarding Taiwan, I used to think China could wait the US out, but at this point I have absolutely zero faith that China will ever recover Taiwan.
No one cares about your faith and the plan was never to wait the US out. It was to grow until we were too strong for them to intervene and everything is on schedule. If your plan was to wait, then you're the one who's the watcher and not the doer.
They don't do anything about anything at all, even when it's simple cheap things.
How cheap, like normalizing military flights around the island? Building the biggest and most advanced military in the world? That one's not cheap though...


Even Pakistan still double deals on them with the US, allowing terrorists to blow up Chinese infrastructure inside Pakistan and China sells their J-10CEs to them.
Muslims are an unstable bunch. If we leave, you bitch and moan about us not being doers. If we're there, you complain that they're not loyal people... abd that's somehow on us too. Classic time of the month behavior.
Myanmar is still getting obliterated by US backed terrorists right on China's borders. The Philippines, SK, Japan, all still host the US and are completely owned and operated by the US and China still does nothing about it.
Honestly you're putting China on a pedistal with your expectations. Terrorists and proxys are America's game because America doesn't have the inner power but it does have the post WWII connections. Growing is China's game because we have everything we need at home. Myanmar's relations are already much closer to China than the US. We keep beating up Filipino boats, taking islands and building them while the US just watches; it's not our fault they're too stupid to get it that they're hugging the wrong leg. You expect us to totally smoke the US even at their own game before we're done overtaking them? You know it takes decades, centuries in the old times for a large power to rise above another, right?
They had a many other options to preserve that did not involve fighting the US. They could have supplied weapons and advisors like Russia and Iran did. At least these two went down trying.
Trying what? You give these people anything and they throw it on the ground and run. There were no options there.
China got checkmated while day dreaming.
You're daydreaming that China's playing that game. We're not. We're in our lab making tech that no one else can contend with, not bleeding out trying to prop up people trying to commit suicide.
This is a matter of fact.
"Alternative facts" LOL Haven't heard that in a bit, huh? It's coming back!
This ignorance and disregard for foreign policy will cost more Chinese lives than it would ever have if China had intervened.
What lives? Syrian lives. Not Chinese lives.
The more countries the US takes down, the closer they get to isolating China.
You are more easily scared than a mouse. The US has no chance at all of isolating China; the new Syrian government's first priority was declaring the China and Russia that everything we have there is safe. I don't really trust them, but you have clearly missed the global trend of China becoming more and more integral to the world economy.
The Chinese strategy of trying to make friends through trade alone is bound to fail.
Hasn't failed so far. What's your strategy? Making friends by couping/invading people? As the non-dominant superpower? Stupid and suicidal.
All the US has to do is overthrow democratically elected leaders one after the other, install puppets and have them block trade and development with China like we see happening right now.
Oh, I guess then we should see Chinese trade declining, right? Right? Do we see that?
They install terrorists all over the world and kill Chinese civilians all around the world and all China does is cry to the UN security council about it.
Pakistan being "all over the world?" Muslim countries are not safe; we knew that going in. And even so, we have recently began to fight against the terrorists there. The only crying is you on this forum.
When will this stop?
When we have grown more powerful than NATO and are confident that we can not only win but win a decisive, none phyrric WWIII if it were to pass.
When will China realize that trade alone does not guarantee it's economic and financial security?
1. When they start building a massive and modern military... did it happen yet?
2. Trade and economics is the number one option. The EU/US wishes they could still use trade to boost their global power.
Even Brian Berletic was talking about how China is good at protecting it's own information space, but doesn't do much for their allies information space, which eventually gets their allies to lose their pro China leaders by fomenting hate towards China.
The US sometimes wins at its game of regime change but we always win at our game of becoming stronger. I'd bet on a growing young lion over a king of mice and roaches anyday.
Maybe tone it down on churning out 052Ds and 075s and do something useful with that money,
Wowwww that is stupid. All your posts are stupid but this one wins. Wait... I remember someone saying China should stop churning out warships to invest more on the Olympics.... was that you?
such as what I mentioned above.
What did you mention? Provide weapons to people known for throwing away weapons and running. Other than that, all you mentioned... was bitching...
All these ships are concentrated around China and they need to at least spread them around the world to complicate matters for their enemies.
That doesn't complicate anything for them; it complicates things for us. It overstretches our logistics, overstretches our military and puts them out there for things that do not align with China's national goal, which is to first wrest control of Asia from the US if conflict occurs.
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Junior Member
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Assad government was warned a couple months in advance by their partners. They proceeded to do nothing with that information. No amount of Chinese weapons or advisors is going to change anything. Wagner has videos of thousands of SAA deserters walking down the road after ditching their weapons and clothes.
This is a bullshit story being circulated by Russia and Iran, because what else are they going to say, that they weren't able to do more to hold their positions? Nobody is going to simply admit defeat. I'm supposed to believe that Assad's government asked these two countries for help, but then refused the help once they spent all this money and put their reputations on the line? And then to reward Assad for humiliating them like that, they give him asylum and a Russian citizenship? Non of that adds up.
This is an Iranian-Russian pet project of theirs. Saying China got checkmated over something they were never involved in is scapegoating. You are looking for someone to blame for Assad government incompetences while demanding Chinese military intervention that borders on criminal negligence. Reckless disregard of the domestic political support by sending Chinese soldiers to die in an irrelevant conflict. Which puts national security at risk by allowing hostile foreign powers to exploit the conflict as propaganda to undermine the government.
China lost more than both Russia and Iran in this, because now the US has a major burden off their shoulders and one less thing to worry about. Now they will up the intensity of Syrian resource rape and guess what? All of that money will be spent one ruining China's interests.

It is ridiculous to be blaming China for this. They do not control the information space of other countries. As such that means that is a domestic political issue. Unless they have the political will to crack down on information then there is little China or Russia can say on the matter. Their relationship is nowhere similar to the US vassalage of Europe where the Americans control the entire circus.
China definitely has a duty to provide its allies with the option of securing their information space, because the US will definitely use that to conduct coups and spread anti-China propaganda. Do you see Japan using Weibo for example? They won't even provide an English version of that to try and counter the misinformation, and that is just one example that would cost them literally pocket change.

Why is it in China interest to host a naval base in the Mediterranean Sea. You are talking about protecting trade routes when you should be asking how are you going to protect a base that is 9200 nautical miles or 3200 miles on ground from China. As for the land route, how does it benefit China to invest in a land corridor through an unstable region of terrorists, militia, and fanatics where conflict has been ongoing for decades. While there is the Suez Canal and the West Asia corridor (network with Iran-Turkey). What benefit does Iraq and Syria provide as a land corridor?
All this investment you are talking about would have paid for itself and then some. You don't think Iraq and Syria want stable railways and electricity? China is already working on megaprojects in Afghanistan right now as we speak, and these people have next to no wealth. Syria and Iraq are far wealthier and in need of infrastructure,too!

If you think a country as wealthy as China miraculously survive without a powerful military spread out around the world, then you are delusional. They are in direct economic competition with the US, which automatically means the US has China in it's lenses and is right now brainstorming ways to disrupt Chinese global trade with or without the US military's direct involvement. The state of success that China is in right now, is temporary unless China starts backing it up with actual military bases to host them away from home. Look at the lengths the US has gone to with Russia, sanctioning them, banning them from sports, arresting Russian nationals worldwide, sending missiles literally inside Russia, blowing up energy infrastructure. If Russia with it's massive nuclear arsenal failed to deter the US, Do you honestly think the US is afraid of the more forgiving and nuclearly weaker China in that regard? Right now the US will look to invest heavily in infrastructure outside of China, and that may take a very long time, but it is happening whether you like it or not, and when that happens, then the US is free to sanction and isolate and disrupt Chinese people's lives all it wants, unless China starts spreading it's wings.

China is not some irrelevant country. It is a superpower, and superpower, which means it is in this game not by choice, but by its wealth, power and influence. You cannot win a game by not participating in it, which is exactly what China is doing right now.

A view that nobody cares about.
Well, since you don't care about my views, save your time and don't engage with me in personal attacks and disgusting racism.
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