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Registered Member
Ukraine is an example of a bail out and they aren't even in NATO. A few more and Nato won't be able to take it anymore.
Give some credit to Ukraine. At least Ukraine fights, and it fights till the last man. Comparing Ukraine to Syria, is like comparing gold with dirt

People who are willing to fight and die for their beliefs, even if they are brainwashed for these beliefs, get infinite more respect from me than the garbage that talk big game and play tough but the moment something happens they collapse like a house of cards..

So it's time to seriously strengthen the CSTO, SCO, and BRI Security counter terror operations and weed out the incompetent. This is much easier said than done, but something must be done anyway.
It's not even so bad news for China imo. Pro players smell danger or a crisis and can turn it to an opportunity. The thread of terrorism can act like a perfect boogeyman for China to further it's goals wrt SCO, mil-to-mil and further influence to all these countries.

It's like how the US keeps such a perfect leash on Eastern Europe with the boogeyman threat of the big bear wanting to devouring them and how only big mama US is the only one that can protect them. Syria and all these terrorists can in similar style play the same role for China.
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Registered Member
Meh Russians started changing their world view a few years into the Ukraine War when they realized who really are the superpowers in this would and can keep them afloat, Iran will have to learn that lesson in their own way. Their run of luck with getting good leaders like Soleimani and beating up on weaker opponents to form the resistance crescent gave them an overinflated opinion of themselves. When they finally start to play geopolitics at the big table and face the pro players they will gain a more accurate understanding of themselves.
Perhaps next its gonna be Ottoman Erdogan and Bharat Empire to eat some superpower humble pies.

As for China aiding Syria let's do a thought experiment. Suppose Russia is not busy with Ukraine and is able to direct as much resource to help Assad as last time there was a civil war. Could Russia have mobilized fast enough to save Syrian government when they're putting up so little resistance that they lose in 11 days? I think that's questionable at best. If Russia who's been operating in Syria for much longer and has much easier time force projecting there can't do it given the extremely short time frame, what difference could China make? Even if PLANMC set sail on a 075 on the very first day of fighting they wouldn't have arrived by today anyway.

You can't help someone who don't want to help themselves, else it will just be like what the Americans experienced in Afghanistan.
Exactly. Even if China wanted to help Assad militarily, there is nothing the PLA could do to help if Syria itself wants to fall in 11 days. If the PLA does arrive, they'll be left to fend for themselves in the wildlands of the Syrian Caliphate. Never ever help people who would not help themselves, or you'll be dragged along to their demise.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Give some credit to Ukraine. At least Ukraine fights, and it fights till the last man. Comparing Ukraine to Syria, is like comparing gold with dirt

People who are willing to fight and die for their beliefs, even if they are brainwashed for these beliefs, get infinite more respect from me than the garbage that talk big game and play tough but the moment something happens they collapse like a house of cards..

It's not even so bad news for China imo. Pro players smell danger or a crisis and can turn it to an opportunity. The thread of terrorism can act like a perfect boogeyman for China to further it's goals wrt SCO, mil-to-mil and further influence to all these countries.

It's like how the US keeps such a perfect leash on Eastern Europe with the boogeyman threat of the big bear wanting to devouring them and how only big mama US is the only one it can protect them. Syria and all these terrorists can in similar style play the same role for China.
Yeah thats how fragile Nato can be if they were loaded with deadbeats. Many Ukrainians are really just Russians in denial. That means they can be very resilient and smart like Russians. And despite that you still have a lot of guys in the west complaining they waste too many resources with no progress.

Now imagine for starters those Ukrainians had the resilience and intellectual capability of Syrians. Actually no, if thats was the case there would be no Ukraine right now.

So i guess the point is Nato looks strong because it has selected its members who will not be a drain on the system. It is also understandable why Ukraine will not be joining it any time soon until things have long cleared.

For a proper BRICS like network to work, the members must be carefully selected. Anyone who is or has potential to be a liability should be discarded.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I want to agree, but I don't think the Russians have learned this. Putin and the leadership certainly understood this when they flew the entire Kremlin to China for the last presidential summit, but I don't think the lesson has entered the popular consciousness. Russian appear to still operate by and large on the principle that China makes plastic junk.

One could say "who cares what the peasants think?" and there's a large degree of truth to that, but I'd still like to see the idea take root.
It's a reality that happen overnight the minute CPC decides to impose a total embargo on manufactured goods going to the Russian military, halt all manufactering of drones for the Russian war effort, and secretly threaten North Korea with a decline in material aid in order to disuade their military aid to Russia.

Or, more to the style of the CPC, they'll just let things play out until reality becomes something Russians either willingly accept or accept while chest down in the mud looking up knowing it is not whatever pitiful beg they can spit from their lips, but purely the quantity of genorisity the figure standing above them is willing to dole out, that will influence whether a helping hand gets extended to them or not. As we saw the Syria collapse, patience and knowing when to make the right move is everything.

If you see some Russians online still not getting the memo, just move on living your best life knowing this one simple fact, that one day they will.


Registered Member
He basically transferred power without any death and destruction, what more do you think he can do?
Nobody wanted to fight after 10 years of civil war, including his "clan"
Do you think Ukraine with it's entire male population wiped out is better?

He's a dynastic ruler from a small minority in a traditional country. Losing power tends to end poorly for them, ask the xianbei and Mongols.