whats the point of such a reply when you not want learn?.
I know there is nothing to learn from you. The point is to make fun of you so everyone can laugh.
i gave you number of links for the historic events from late 1920s (1933 Saudi-Standard Oil of California agreement) that shaped the current world.
They are all useless because all events past are historic and all historic events shape the world. Just because Arabs met the US president doesn't mean 10,000 other people haven't or that it gives the Arabs any significance.
The fact that you qualify Arabic significance by the people they meet rather than the people that they are (innovators, weapons makers, conquerers) shows how insignificant they are.
No technology -> powerless. No exceptions.
they are shaping the current world
Everybody is shaping the current world just by living.
which they feel US cannot do it alone.
Right, and if they Euros don't help them, they get sanctioned; if Arabs don't help them, they get Saddam'd. America can't get enough help around the world to compete with China but whether the powerless Arabs help is not their choice; it is America's.
so the alliance has to be broaden for effective implementation of Arab-Jewish dominance.
The term "Arab-Jewish" dominance is spoken by no one else except you and born out of Arab weakness allowing its sworn enemy, the Jews, to win. This is so delusional, it's like a man being killed by his cancer saying that he and his cancer and together dominating the world when it's just his cancer dominating him into delirium.
Russians are the most sophisticated in application of Arabic soft power. they will kick every one behind for it.
That's like being the Olympic champion of digging through dog shit.
It was they who said that large families are the Elite of Russia.
What the hell does that even mean?? LOLOL Have more kids and you get elevated to elite government status in Russia? What drugs are you on?
and it is there person in Dubai
LOLOL a person in Dubai? Very convincing LOL
saying we want to talk to Americans about future of the World not just Ukraine.
That's common sense when America is the leading power. But Russia does not talk to America about the future of Ukraine; Russia fights against America for it.
do you think he can say it without input from Gulf Monarchies.
Random useless statements anyone can say. Has no meaning, so, yes? No? Who cares?