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View attachment 140094
View attachment 140095

I'm no expert on Philippine politics, but aren't the president and vice president supposed to be in the same political party?
Nope, not in the Philippines which is why they're always going to have this perpetual issue regardless of whoever wins in the future. Not unless the VP also comes from the same party.

The VP is elected separately from their President and ironically enough, the current PH VP Sarah Duterte received the most votes in that country's election history, more than what their current scumbag and corrupt American lapdog received -- owing to the Duterte support that they're now spitting openly.

Marcos legacy is f..d lol


Registered Member
So is all Game of Thrones all over there.

View attachment 140097
Marcos Jr and his family could be compared to the LANNISTERS - albeit with one major caveat, the Marcoses never pays their debt.

Whereas you have the regional political scion of the Duterte clan (Davao, Mindanao) as equivalent to the STARKS from what can be considered as a relatively backwater area but politically important for votes and stability due to strong separatist tendencies that's been marginalized by the entire government apparatus.


Registered Member
10 year project? Will it start from Trump1.0 time? 4 years per president per term in US right?


"Why Trump Means Nothing Good for China According to Xiao Gongqin
"The possibility of an entente between US and Russia should absolutely not be ignored." "

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Why the change? Was it bcoz Hzblh used more advanced missiles recently? Do they need to replenish arms? Trump effect? Internal? Will this materialize even if ops in G4za continue?
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Nobody expect western countries to arrest their own people, US itself isn't even a signatory of ICC.

US could have pretended to care about the ruling and then did nothing about it, but instead these people are so dumb, so narcissistic and so psychopath they don't get that making them discredit their own "rule based order" and destroy their own soft power is the whole point of going after Israel at ICC.


Lieutenant General

American arrogance that no one can do it without white people is what's going to destroy the Western standard. Yes it comes down to simply that. What makes them think the world would rather go by their standard when they're weaponizing everything for their advantage. Western apps are going to have to make apps that work on Chinese standard if they're going to survive. So it doesn't matter the criticism that Harmony OS doesn't compare to Android or Apple O/S. The world is going to follow the Chinese standard because Chinese technology is going to be cheaper to afford than the West and it will get and be better.