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A few worthless mountains, which can easily be taken back if required, are a cheap price for peace at the border
China should just tolerate a growing fascist neighbouring country that has a repeated history of invading China. A few worthless hilly islands, and frozen waste land, which can easily be taken back if required, are a cheap price for peace at the border. What could go wrong? I'm talking about 1930s China of course.

They might absorb Bangladesh and Pakistan, but they can't do serious harm to China unless China has a civil war or very poor governance.
Japan just absorbed Liuqiu and Korea, but they can't do serious harm to China unless China has a civil war or very poor governance. It's almost as if China has a history of recurrent civil wars in the past 5000 years, perhaps China should build an security environment that looks more than 10 years into the future.

It's much more important to keep India powerful enough today that it doesn't get overwhelmed by the west and can increase trade within the global south. If India collapsed into civil war, the west's share of global power would increase.
Something something pan Asian union and Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Did you know China actually cheered on the Japs during the Russo-Japanese war, I'm sure sentiments like yours would have been common back then.

If they do it without even gaining industrial or technological leadership, they just provide a market for China and other non western countries. That'd be perfect.
Early Chinese industrialists and pro Japanese factions thought the same thing, who doesn't love a market for Chinese goods?

The people trying to steal Xizang from China, are the same people who invaded Beijing over 100 years ago.

You don't have to subscribe to offensive realism to see why India is a growing problem for China.

From Chinese perspective, India really isn't that important or a major threat. And Pakistan is a huge reason for it. Having a nuclear armed neighbour with a better trained military that you're allied with helps china to focus on pressing issues in the Pacific, south china sea and the Taiwan strait where the military is needed more.

Historically, India has committed about 3/4th of their army near Pakistan border and the Line of control in Kashmir. This helps China to not commit their military in mass to India's border as India is already getting spread up

As much as we love our Pakistani brothers, we are severely disappointed in your performance. China cannot rely on Pakistan as the counterweight to India anymore.
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"India's Hypersonic Missile Program To Outpace Global Capabilities" | GRAVITAS | India News | WION

Ukranian did Programme on Oniks/Brahmos and already flying faster than specifications and 10 m in final flight in land attack role. they dont have air defense to intercept it. and now these things are integrated with drones. slight upgrade to this missile is already best in class. these things need extensive practical tests. Russia had foresight that they have wealthy ($700b reserves) India to spend money for all kind of tests.



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China should just tolerate a growing fascist neighbouring country that has a repeated history of invading China. A few worthless hilly islands, and frozen waste land, which can easily be taken back if required, are a cheap price for peace at the border. What could go wrong? I'm talking about 1930s China of course.

Japan just absorbed Liuqiu and Korea, but they can't do serious harm to China unless China has a civil war or very poor governance. It's almost as if China has a history of recurrent civil wars in the past 5000 years, perhaps China should build an security environment that looks more than 10 years into the future.

Something something pan Asian union and Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Did you know China actually cheered on the Japs during the Russo-Japanese war, I'm sure sentiments like yours would have been common back then.

Early Chinese industrialists and pro Japanese factions thought the same thing, who doesn't love a market for Chinese goods?

The people trying to steal Xizang from China, are the same people who invaded Beijing over 100 years ago.
View attachment 137626

You don't have to subscribe to offensive realism to see why India is a growing problem for China.

As much as we love our Pakistani brothers, we are severely disappointed in your performance. China cannot rely on Pakistan as the counterweight to India anymore.
So you suggest a preemptive invasion of India? Realistically, can China win a world war against the US and deal with a rising India at the same time?

The area we're talking about here is very small and remote. The regions taken by Japan in their invasions were vast and geographically close.

If the worst case is losing Tibet 150 years from today, that has happened multiple times in Chinese history. And it's rather unlikely, as india will most likely be in conflict with the islamic world. But what would be worse is losing a world war against the west today. Keeping India neutral and as a trading partner for China and the global south is more important for now. If the west disappears this century, there will be plenty of time to focus on India later


Registered Member
The area we're talking about here is very small and remote. The regions taken by Japan in their invasions were vast and geographically close.
Uh, FYI just Aksai Chin, a small portion of the China-India "border dispute" is already larger than Taiwan. Back in the Qing dynasty Taiwan was also China's borderlands, analogous to Aksai Chin today.

If the worst case is losing Tibet 150 years from today, that has happened multiple times in Chinese history. And it's rather unlikely, as india will most likely be in conflict with the islamic world. But what would be worse is losing a world war against the west today. Keeping India neutral and as a trading partner for China and the global south is more important for now. If the west disappears this century, there will be plenty of time to focus on India later
Giving up land so India will be "neutral" during WWIII? Lmao, do I even need to bring out more WWII analogies?


Junior Member
Uh, FYI just Aksai Chin, a small portion of the China-India "border dispute" is already larger than Taiwan. Back in the Qing dynasty Taiwan was also China's borderlands, analogous to Aksai Chin today.

Giving up land so India will be "neutral" during WWIII? Lmao, do I even need to bring out more WWII analogies?

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Secret protocols in the new agreement stated that Germany would renounce its claims to the Lithuanian Strip in the "Secret Additional Protocols" of the
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and that the territory would be regarded as within the Soviet sphere of influence, for which Germany would be paid 7.5 million dollars (31.5 million
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Because of currency fluctuation issues, the parties used American dollar demarcations for compensation totals.
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If India collapse then China share of power increases too. At least in BRICS China will not have to face India c*ckblocking. Also free the world from Hinduism may actually be a good thing.
If India goes away than you will have a large Muslim state created and that combined with Afghan Superstate will have enormous Arabic influence. already there are nearly 400 weekly flights between Saudi and India. You will get Hindu/Jewish run Arabic empire just like Jewish run Ottoman empire was the longest running and expansionist.
there are some pics of Industrial products for BRICS audience in Kazan. three out of 7 pics are of new born baby. but what is not in mainstream media is that enhance status of a religion. not many countries can afford Aurus class vehicle for a city mayor.
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Chechen mayors arrived in Kazan with their traffic police officers – they arrived in Aurus and Mercedes cars (photo)​



Registered Member
A few worthless mountains, which can easily be taken back if required, are a cheap price for peace at the border
Giving up land so India will be "neutral" during WWIII? Lmao, do I even need to bring out more WWII analogies?

Surrendering territory in exchange for promises and is dangerous and wishful thinking. It is far more likely to embolden China adversaries. As this will be perceived as a sign of weakness, which will signal to the anti-china hardliners that the time to make demands is now.

Arij Javaid

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The reason why racism is at an all time high against indians is because indians have managed to turn everyone against them due to their actions

Chinese are against indians due to their unhinged behavior and their racism towards Chinese and their feeling of superiority.

The Muslim world has turned against indians due to modi's anti-muslim policies and indians sucking upto the Zionist entity while engaging in dehumanizing Palestinians.

The whites have always been against indians. Now they've turned on them even more due to increasing rates of immigration.

Africans also hate indians due to indians constantly looking down upon them while Africans remind them of the toilet problem.

Koreans have had a recent spike of anti-indian sentiment due to poor behavior of indian immigrants

The only group of people left that they still have friendship with are Israelis.


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Scientists shocked by rediscovery of giant mekong ‘ghost fish’ thought to be extinct​

(CNN) – Environmentalists are shaking their heads in disbelief about the recent discovery of a fish in southeast Asia that many believed had become extinct.

Several years ago, Cambodian fishermen spotted the giant salmon carp in the Mekong River.

Information detailing the discovery that happened between 2020 and last year has now become public.

The fish was last seen nearly 20 years ago, and because it had disappeared, it earned the nickname “The Mekong Ghost.”

The giant salmon carp can grow as large as 66 pounds.

When fishermen caught a couple last year, they weighed between 11 and 13 pounds and were up to 3 feet long.

Environmentalists said climate change and projects like hydropower dams are hurting some of the species that once thrived in the river.

They estimate nearly a fifth of the Mekong’s fish are threatened with extinction.

But the reappearance of the giant salmon carp offers new hope.