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Something the size of HSU-001 definitely does not need a dedicated submarine yard to build, and certainly not nuclear certified yard. Huludao will build non-nuclear subs long before they start building UUVs, and there's no evidence they're doing even that.

The point is that in terms of shipyards used to building military grade underwater vehicles, you've only got Huludao and Wuchang. Given that UUVs are likely the next progression in underwater technology, it is logical to use these 2 existing shipyards. Remember that they both have commercial shipbuilding businesses, which are obviously not nuclear-certified.

The USN currently has 53x SSN, 13x SSBN and 4x SSGN for total of 71, it building 1.5x Virgina a year trying to ramp up to 2 a year, has a total of 12x Columbia ordered that won't enter service until 2030s, all 4x SSGN are schedule for retirement by 2028 and almost all Los Angeles boats will be retired by 2035, which means in 10 years US will have, assuming they can ramp up Virgina and Columbia stays on schedule, ~40x Virginia SSN, ~14x Ohios and ~2x Columbia.

So even if we start at 6+6 for China today (it's almost certainly higher), and not counting the 4 new bays added at Huludao, not counting bays prior to 2016 expansion, not counting conventional subs or semi-nuclear subs, in 10 years we're looking at conservatively 72x vs 56x, and if that's not enough for dominance, then give it 15 years for China 100 vs 70.

Sure submarines alone isn't enough to ensure global dominance over USN, which is where China's massive surface fleet construction and global prompt strike systems comes in. Remember, SSN was the USN's last saving grace.

Even 100 vs 70 isn't enough for dominance. Remember that "dominance" comprises domains underwater, on the surface and in the air.

Currently, Chinese SSNs operating beyond the 2IC will be operating alone in a high-intensity conflict. So when these Chinese SSNs approach an enemy CSG, the SSN will face a situation where the other side has control of the air, and therefore the ability to use helicopters and MPAs to go after the SSN.

Therefore Chinese dominance will also require enough aircraft carriers, which will probably take another 10-15 years.


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The point is that in terms of shipyards used to building military grade underwater vehicles, you've only got Huludao and Wuchang. Given that UUVs are likely the next progression in underwater technology, it is logical to use these 2 existing shipyards. Remember that they both have commercial shipbuilding businesses, which are obviously not nuclear-certified.

Even 100 vs 70 isn't enough for dominance. Remember that "dominance" comprises domains underwater, on the surface and in the air.

Currently, Chinese SSNs operating beyond the 2IC will be operating alone in a high-intensity conflict. So when these Chinese SSNs approach an enemy CSG, the SSN will face a situation where the other side has control of the air, and therefore the ability to use helicopters and MPAs to go after the SSN.

Therefore Chinese dominance will also require enough aircraft carriers, which will probably take another 10-15 years.

There are currently no effective ways to hunt down submarines at >1000km range and won't for the foreseeable future, whereas surface vessels are already tracked live from space and vulnerable to increasing number of long range attack vectors. At a global scale and outside listening networks sub vs sub fights is still very much valid if not critical, whereas carrier vs carrier fights are extremely unlikely in the age of missiles that far outrange carrier strike range. This means for global dominance in the prescence of global prompt anti-ship strike SSN quantity ratio matter a lot more than carrier count.

China has also never went for parity in any industry be it steel or shipbuilding or automotives or light industry, and the capacity at Huludao shows that. It's easy to get into the trap of using US as a reference for maxium size, but given the size of Chinese industry USN could just be the starting point. Which gets back to what I original stated: 6 SSN per year is the baseline conservative estimate and it's being expanded.

Lastly the the concept of island chains is psychological and only applies in peacetime, they're adjancent to China and across the Pacific from CONUS, in any direct conflict between China and US those islands are Chinese and effectively China's eastern great wall.


Lieutenant General

Yes the US and West act like a mafia to the world. What Marco Rubio whines about aren't crimes. Bypassing the Western system isn't a crime. The US makes money just from others using the dollar. US farmers keep supporting Trump because they think he's going to force China to buy their agricultural products. Damn the US ideal of the customer is always right. As usual like with freedom, they only believe in their own freedom not anyone else's. And they want to be treated like heroes because they only believe in their own freedom. Everyone else... they want to rape aka no freedom. And you don't think Western entities aren't going to be using the BRICS system? The whole idea of cryptocurrencies in the West was to avoid their own banking institutions. Remember when the US accused China of holding their companies' money not letting them take it out of China. No, it was their corporations wanting to avoid it from being taxed by the US. Lying about China not letting them take their money out helped hide the truth so US companies could avoid scrutiny.


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Armed man Vem Miller arrested outside Trump’s Coachella rally — as local sheriff insists it was third assassination attempt despite letting perp walk on meager $5K bail​

Local cops arrested an armed man outside a Donald Trump
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, and the local sheriff has doubled down on claims that a third assassination attempt was prevented – even though he let the suspect walk after posting a meager bail for gun charges.

“I truly do believe we prevented another assassination attempt,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco told reporters Sunday, a day after suspect Vem Miller was arrested at a checkpoint outside Trump’s rally in Coachella Valley.
Miller, 49, was caught at a police checkpoint allegedly trying to enter the rally with a phony press pass – but when cops noticed his car was unregistered, they searched the vehicle and discovered a cache of fake passports and driver’s licenses, along with a shotgun, a loaded handgun and a high-capacity magazine, officials said.

He was soon booked on weapons charges, and then sprung after posting $5,000 bail, but the sheriff turned around and told the Riverside Press-Enterprise that his department had all but saved Trump’s life

The deep state is worried Kamala will lose.


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I wont say unsuccesful. I have seen a Palestinian Muslim crying about dishonest media biased againat them then uncritically believe in China shit. Upon self reflecting, I've done the same. Believing dishonest media about other stuff even knowing how much they lie about China. Personally it happen much less these days, but I am aware media's lingering power, even after discredited.
That is true but all over the world. Deceitful Western media has everybody convinced in someway on some issue. I've seen it on this forum too. I wrote about it previously: when you know, as Chinese, how much Western media has lied about China, how can you believe them about other global affairs? Same applies to everyone else, including Muslims who fall for the trap regarding other affairs; i.e. many of them have "concerns" about Uighurs (because the West said so) but have never heard of the Hui.

India has a mental disease. It is truly the sick man of Asia, so much that most Asians don't admit that India is in Asia cus it's just too messed up. Because India was colonized, raped, brutalized and remains without the slightest hint towards upsetting the Anglo order that did this to them, their mental disease is one of the weak fantasizing to be strong and vicious. This is demonstrated by the fact that no matter what the conflict, India always sides with the stronger side and self-identifies with the stronger side NO MATTER whom they are.
Hindu Indians do not have much history to be proud of, no real culture except one of distasteful misery, partly because they've been ruled by foreigners for the past 2000+ years.

Last 1000 years, before the British, India was under Islamic rule by foreign Afghan, Persian, Turkic and Mongols. Before Islam, it was still foreign Turkic rulers dominating the subcontinent. Hindu way of life does not inspire resistance or self-preservation. In the 20th century, the Muslims' resistance against the British erupted like a malignant tumor - the Hindus took inspiration from the Muslims to revolt against the British (even the resistance had to be borrowed from others).

When tourists think of India, they think of Taj Mahal or Agra (Turco-Mongol monuments), not Hindu temples. Hindus try to concoct a false history to be proud of but even they know the absurdity of it; a mighty India from Poland to Indonesia, developing from an ancient Hindu civilization in the Indus Valley (both of which are false) is their current narrative to develop an identity.

What the British did was the cherry on the cake: absolute enslavement. Couple hundred years the British ruled over half a billion people using a force not exceeding 65,000 people, half of which were non-combatants! How is that possible? British convinced the Indians that "white is right, white is might; if you are white, you will succeed, etc". Hindus, not having much of a culture, fell into the trap and never got out to this day. They do not have self respect nor any morals driving their identity or to inspire self-development. They will always be a product of foreign influence.

There has been an update to the indian caste system. Check it out.
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Non-Hindus are actually considered lower than Dalits, even if they are the rulers of India.


Rumors of Israeli Chief of Staff assassinated by Hezbollah; Israel rejects the rumors
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The Jewish Israel-USA-Ukraine nexus. The number of Jewish names involved in this alarming: John Kerry, Blinken, Epstein, Zelensky, Soros, Nuland...

Effect of boycotts on Israel
Have you joined the movement?


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"Russia, which chairs the BRICS group this year, has called on its partners to create an alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to counter political pressure from Western nations ahead of the BRICS summit later this month.
BRICS, originally comprising Brazil, Russia, India, and China, has expanded to include South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. Top BRICS finance and central bank officials are meeting in Moscow this week.
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, who is hosting the meeting, said the global financial system is controlled by Western countries and that the group, which represents 37% of the global economy, needs to create an alternative.
"The IMF and the World Bank are not performing their roles. They are not working in the interests of BRICS countries," Siluanov said at an event on the first day of the meeting."

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