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India picked its team a long time ago. A good long read.
India must be recognized by the global South as a sub imperialist, a subsidiary for the true imperialists. They are only a voice for the Global South in that they represent the hated collaborator class.

The Indian Empire has already swallowed several free and independent states and reduced them to poverty. The greatest victims of the Indian Empire are its subjects who are forced to endure poverty and ignorance for the wealth of their elite masters. They are viewed as a human mine for data mining, medical testing and low cost labor.

It is truly a glimpse of the world if the imperialists won.


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"Japan saw the highest number of bankruptcies since 2013 in the six months through September, as companies were increasingly hit by rising costs.

Some 4,990 firms went bankrupt in that period, increasing 18.6% from the previous year, according to a report by Teikoku Databank on Tuesday. The number of firms going under in Japan has continued to increase since the second half of the year ending March 2022."

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India must be recognized by the global South as a sub imperialist, a subsidiary for the true imperialists. They are only a voice for the Global South in that they represent the hated collaborator class.

The Indian Empire has already swallowed several free and independent states and reduced them to poverty. The greatest victims of the Indian Empire are its subjects who are forced to endure poverty and ignorance for the wealth of their elite masters. They are viewed as a human mine for data mining, medical testing and low cost labor.

It is truly a glimpse of the world if the imperialists won.
Gotta give it to India. They really are taking the heat off China in some ways. All those anti China shills and traitors will need to find real jobs since their engagement has plummeted as the average person moves on to hate India more. The elites trying to keep their pet project alive only makes things worse.

Can't blame the average person for being more interested in hating on India either. The stories you hear about it are so whacky you cant believe they are real yet they somehow are. You even have video evidence which I try to avoid since some of it is really disgusting to the naked eye. Like even the most undeveloped parts of Africa will not have people doing such stuff. Then you have the online Jai hinds telling you that eating cow dung is a GOOD thing.

So when people hear another China bad story, it just becomes oh ok in a sort of bored tone.


I think they call that, "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."
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A majority of Americans are in favor of the US supporting Taiwan, but most do not want their country to go to war with China, a US think tank poll showed yesterday.

Fifty-one percent of respondents in the Chicago Council on Global Affairs survey said they believe that the US should encourage Taiwan to maintain the “status quo,” rather than move toward independence (36 percent) or unification (4 percent).

The survey found positive sentiment toward Taiwan from most Americans: 61 percent of respondents said they supported recognizing Taiwan as an independent country, 59 percent support Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations and 74 percent support US weapons transfers to Taiwan.

Should China invade Taiwan, Americans support a range of policies to aid Taiwan, with 74 percent saying they support airlifting supplies to the country, while 72 percent said they support economic and diplomatic sanctions on China, and 59 percent support the US providing arms to Taiwan.

However, the poll found significant skepticism about direct US involvement in military affairs, especially if that could lead to war with China.

Up to 58 percent oppose putting US forces into a position that could lead to war with China, while only 37 percent of respondents said they support using the US Navy to break a blockade and 36 percent support sending troops to help defend Taiwan.

Craig Kafura, the report’s author and director of public opinion and foreign policy at the think tank, said the results “seem to present a puzzle,” as most Americans are in favor of greater support and deepening ties with Taiwan, but are wary of war.

The slight decrease in support for direct military intervention in the past three years of polling could also be influenced by US support for Ukraine and Israel, which feed into a sense that the country is overcommitted and overextended around the world, Kafura wrote.

The results were also generally bipartisan, as Democrats, Republicans and independents all showed similar levels of support for the policy options.

The survey also showed that 42 percent of respondents support a formal commitment to defend Taiwan, while 59 percent support the US signing a free-trade agreement with Taiwan and 62 percent said the US-Taiwan security relationship does more to strengthen US national security than to weaken it.

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How cute. The man wants a bear skin rug but does not want to fight a bear LOL


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Don't dodge my question! You shave been saying that Saudi Arabia is the most powerful/ most important country on this planet. Answer my question. Can Saudi Arabia defeat Israel and the West alone?
it is still single most important country but it does not mean it can take alliance of much bigger population countries alone
and yes Saudis are independent you can see from there stance on China related issues. No one can sway them. so your earlier assertions of too deep (meaning of too deep) in Western Camp were wrong along with defeating Houthis.
Houthi lost the country despite Saudis not properly closing the supply lines and now getting bombed by some one else. Thats the Saudi power to hand over problem.
Even UAE is worth more than Iran.
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Iran Summons Chinese Envoy Over Disputed Gulf Islands​



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But I think first and foremost, we need to kill off the infighting first. If you believe that your kids should whore themselves out to the whites or suggest something equivalent, you should be rightfully ostracized from the group. Go live with those whites you love so much, you're not welcome here. And keep asian stuff out of your mouth as well and stop using it for clout. Imagine asian Americans did this with all those traitors.
What you are suggesting is basically ethnic nationalism. But that only works in a homeland. Chinese people living in China probably don't have these issues but being in a diaspora changes the rule of the game. People here keep bringing up the Jews as an example. 72% of non-Orthodox Jews in America are intermarried per the latest Pew report. Non-Orthodox Jews are nearly 90% of all Jews in America. So even for a very tribal group known for clannishness, intermarriage rates are shooting up. What's the intermarriage rate in Israel? Probably less than 1%.

So this isn't an Asian issue per se. It's a diaspora issue.

As for Indians, I read somewhere that 90% of Indian-Americans came after 1990 and 2/3rds came after the year 2000. So the vast majority of Indian-Americans are basically 1st-gen migrants, which are usually less assimilated. I suspect East Asians are now increasingly 2nd gen and even 3rd gen. That alone makes a lot of difference.

If India would follow the East Asian pattern, then we'd see Indian immigration cooling off and the diaspora assimilating. But I don't think that will happen. East Asians no longer emigrate in large numbers because their own homelands got nicer and nicer, so people felt less need to emigrate. But India will likely lag behind for decades, which should make the Indian immigration wave continue for much longer. The Indian diaspora will soon be the largest Asian sub-group in every Western country. This is already true in the UK and Canada. It will soon be true in NZ. America will be next and Australia the last one. But it will happen.