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I would not take this rumour seriously, because Saudi Arabia is still too deep in the Western camp to readily become an partner in the Axis of Resistance. SA needed a constant stream of military supplies from the US for them to wage their war on Yemen. Furthermore, Uncle Sam could shutdown SA's military and allow Israel to punish them badly. SA's military is not a force to be feared. They have been humiliated by sandal-wearing Houthis. So against the Israeli military and without Uncle Sam's support, they are not gonna last long.

We cannot expect too much from SA. They are fat and comfortable with their ongoing energy business, and with the way the world revolves around them. If they were serious about Palestine, they would have funded Mujahedeens to fight there, just like what they did with Syria, Chechnya, and Afghanistan. A few moves here and there with the currency thing, and BRICS changes little. There is practically no self-interest for them to risk their necks for Iran or the Palestinians.
Saudi the most independent country in mind and acts. Saudis liberate 60% of Yemen. It could do more but it will have to smash Oman which it was not willing. I don't think Saudis want to associate themselves any more with failed states they will deal with them in some other way at later time.
Saudis have both foresight and insight. what ever Saudi did where it got into fight with Soviet/Russia in past it ultimately benefited Russian society that forever changed the country. It is that change that Putin can now ask Ten children per family.

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In Russia, employers will ensure that each employee gives birth to a child per year​

Russian employers are asked to monitor how many children their employees have​



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Saudi the most independent country in mind and acts. Saudis liberate 60% of Yemen. It could do more but it will have to smash Oman which it was not willing. I don't think Saudis want to associate themselves any more with failed states they will deal with them in some other way at later time.
Saudis have both foresight and insight. what ever Saudi did where it got into fight with Soviet/Russia in past it ultimately benefited Russian society that forever changed the country. It is that change that Putin can now ask Ten children per family.

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Tell me, honestly. If Saudi Arabia were to wake up and fight with Israel + West. Would Saudi Arabia prevail alone?


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TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – More than half of Taiwanese believe the United States will send troops to Taiwan if China attacks, a poll by a top military think tank showed Wednesday (Oct. 9).

The Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) found that 52.6% of poll respondents expected US soldiers in Taiwan. More than 70% saw at least indirect assistance from the US, per CNA.

The poll results may have been influenced by Washington’s policy of “strategic ambiguity,” according to INDSR Chief Executive Officer Lee Wen-chung (李文忠).

The indirect assistance would take the form of weapons, medicine, and food drops, with the US also imposing sanctions on China. According to 40% of the respondents, the US Navy would try and break a Chinese blockade even at the risk of direct confrontation.

As to the nature of the Chinese threat, 63.9% described its territorial ambition as a serious threat, 19.4% as an important but not serious threat, and 9.5% as not an important threat. Looking at the timing of a Chinese invasion, more than 60% did not see it happening within the next five years, though 24.3% said there was a possibility of an attack by 2029.

If a cross-strait war broke out, 67.8% would be willing to fight to repel the Chinese attack. However, there were mixed feelings about the defense capabilities of Taiwan’s military, with 47.5% expressing confidence but 47.9% lacking trust.

The Election Study Center at National Chengchi University conducted the phone poll on behalf of INDSR Sept. 9-16, and received 1,214 valid samples with a margin of error of 2.81%.

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A majority of Americans are in favor of the US supporting Taiwan, but most do not want their country to go to war with China, a US think tank poll showed yesterday.

Fifty-one percent of respondents in the Chicago Council on Global Affairs survey said they believe that the US should encourage Taiwan to maintain the “status quo,” rather than move toward independence (36 percent) or unification (4 percent).

The survey found positive sentiment toward Taiwan from most Americans: 61 percent of respondents said they supported recognizing Taiwan as an independent country, 59 percent support Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations and 74 percent support US weapons transfers to Taiwan.

Should China invade Taiwan, Americans support a range of policies to aid Taiwan, with 74 percent saying they support airlifting supplies to the country, while 72 percent said they support economic and diplomatic sanctions on China, and 59 percent support the US providing arms to Taiwan.

However, the poll found significant skepticism about direct US involvement in military affairs, especially if that could lead to war with China.

Up to 58 percent oppose putting US forces into a position that could lead to war with China, while only 37 percent of respondents said they support using the US Navy to break a blockade and 36 percent support sending troops to help defend Taiwan.

Craig Kafura, the report’s author and director of public opinion and foreign policy at the think tank, said the results “seem to present a puzzle,” as most Americans are in favor of greater support and deepening ties with Taiwan, but are wary of war.

The slight decrease in support for direct military intervention in the past three years of polling could also be influenced by US support for Ukraine and Israel, which feed into a sense that the country is overcommitted and overextended around the world, Kafura wrote.

The results were also generally bipartisan, as Democrats, Republicans and independents all showed similar levels of support for the policy options.

The survey also showed that 42 percent of respondents support a formal commitment to defend Taiwan, while 59 percent support the US signing a free-trade agreement with Taiwan and 62 percent said the US-Taiwan security relationship does more to strengthen US national security than to weaken it.

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why should they fight Israel and West at all let alone?. Can China fight West alone without Saudi support?
Soviet tried and failed.
Don't dodge my question! You shave been saying that Saudi Arabia is the most powerful/ most important country on this planet. Answer my question. Can Saudi Arabia defeat Israel and the West alone?


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China slaps sanctions on 3 US firms, 10 senior execs over weapons sales to Taiwan​

BEIJING, Oct 10 (Reuters) - China's foreign ministry on Thursday announced it had imposed sanctions on three U.S. military-linked firms and 10 senior excecutives over U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan.
The steps taken against the firms, including Edge Autonomy Operations LLC, Huntingdon Ingalls Industries Inc and Skydio Inc, became effective on Thursday and will freeze any property within China, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Looks like some bigger names on the individual sanction list.