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This is misrepresentation of that reddit thread.

East Asians do not worship Indians. They are are comparing effort to results. Indians come out far ahead. So, they are trying to learn how to play the game better. This should be applauded. The typical mindless Asian grinding and slaving for racists who want to Jack London your race is insane. One common problem noted by the commenters is that East Asians behave with high trust/honor in a low trust hostile society. That type of attitude only works in high trust cooperative societies back in East Asia.


Junior Member
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This is misrepresentation of that reddit thread.

East Asians do not worship Indians. They are are comparing effort to results. Indians come out far ahead. So, they are trying to learn how to play the game better. This should be applauded. The typical mindless Asian grinding and slaving for racists who want to Jack London your race is insane. One common problem noted by the commenters is that East Asians behave with high trust/honor in a low trust hostile society. That type of attitude only works in high trust cooperative societies back in East Asia.
You can try but it ultimately will fail. There is one thing east Asians cannot do which is change their genetics to have indo-aryan Caucasian heritage. That alone will make white people more hostile against you than Indians seeing your face is different from theres. Browner skin is secondary especially considering some guys like Italian or whatever have darker complexion. I remember some east Asians saying we should copy Jews and I'm like, do you look anything remotely close to Harrison Ford or Scarlett Johansson?

Of course what can be emulated is having in group preference like Indians and help each other out. At the very least the community helps each other to make things easier. But I wouldn't be surprised the white elites will notice it quite fast and crack down. In fact if you look at it, the whole point of western media to divide and conquer east Asians so they don't unite. If they do, that will be a huge problem. All four east nations fought hard against the US and kicked them out in some cases. India got suckered in for accepting anglo compromise and today are still paying the price. That's why we still have retarded stuff like some Taiwanese claiming they ain't Chinese as if people care beyond a surface level.

Btw one thing I noticed is people are saying Indians are good at politics. Politics is more than just infiltrating and climbing up an established system you know. Geopolitics is a prime example and India is doing a lot of wrong because you see there's no established system to bootlick your way up this time. One thing I noticed is since it's neighbours actively know what India is like and are hostile against it, notice how India is suddenly politically ineffective against them and has to resort to force?
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You can try but it ultimately will fail. There is one thing east Asians cannot do which is change their genetics to have indo-aryan Caucasian heritage. That alone will make white people more hostile against you than Indians seeing your face is different from theres. Browner skin is secondary especially considering some guys like Italian or whatever have darker complexion. I remember some east Asians saying we should copy Jews and I'm like, do you look anything remotely close to Harrison Ford or Scarlett Johansson?

Of course what can be emulated is having in group preference like Indians and help each other out. At the very least the community helps each other to make things easier. But I wouldn't be surprised the white elites will notice it quite fast and crack down. In fact if you look at it, the whole point of western media to divide and conquer east Asians so they don't unite. If they do, that will be a huge problem. All four east nations fought hard against the US and kicked them out in some cases. India got suckered in for accepting anglo compromise and today are still paying the price.
I am skeptical of that counter point. Lots of whites hate Indians for their looks yet they can still succeed. We as a group need to stop shooting down ideas before even trying them. It's a defeatist mindset..

Assimilation is not everything either. Working smarter by making money through business that has leverage (instead of slaving away in a job), acquiring assets, and having in group preferences would get us more financial power, which can be converted to political power.

Have we even tried more tribalism?

If whites do react aggressively then the answer is not to stop, but to avoid detection or some other adaptation.


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Canadian landlord throws out stuff of Indian tenant who refuses to vacate. That Indian squatter "defiantly" stood around, shouting back at his former landlord. I wonder why the landlord didn't call the cops. Might the cops not help, due to PC?

Civil vs Criminal.

Police don't get involved in Civil matters. Not unless there's a element invoking the criminal code or a judicial order. A tenant not paying rent is a civil matter. Someone squatting is also a civil matter. Which is why Police don't get and cannot get involved. Landlord locking "tenant" in/out or throwing stuff out will actually end with police involvement but not on the landlord's side, unfortunately.

Landlord actually needs to go to court and get an eviction notice in order for then court appointed executor (eg. Police) to get involved.


Junior Member
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I am skeptical of that counter point. Lots of whites hate Indians for their looks yet they can still succeed. We as a group need to stop shooting down ideas before even trying them. It's a defeatist mindset..

Assimilation is not everything either. Working smarter by making money through business that has leverage (instead of slaving away in a job), acquiring assets, and having in group preferences would get us more financial power, which can be converted to political power.

Have we even tried more tribalism?

If whites do react aggressively then the answer is not to stop, but to avoid detection or some other adaptation.
I remember a quote about cults. Cults will tell you to do this and do that. When it doesn't work, they will just say you're not devoted or you didn't try hard enough. They will never allow you to consider what they say is flawed and that perhaps maybe there is something else.

A lot of people think East Asians are stupid and never even considered above. They aren't experiencing success? Must be because they aren't trying hard enough. Stop asking questions about if the system is deliberately flawed and if it should be bypassed/replaced entirely

As for the whole owning business thing, I mean east Asians founded stuff like Nvidia and Lam Research. I don't why people think East Asians don't know about that considering there is no Indian equivalent of Jensen Huang. The better question is why despite these businesses being there, have they not really helped the Asian American community etc.


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Classic trade protectionism by Indonesia. The country had also blocked Yahoo, Paypal, and Amazon before. But SCMP loves to present things from an anti-China perspective. Indonesia's e-commerce, supply chain, and retailers are not as developed as Thailand, Malaysia, or Singapore. So there is irrational fear of the more efficient competitors from China. Other than that, Indonesia has not done anything else that is outright provocative against China, unlike the Philippines.

Best case scenario, the products affected are made in China anyways - direct sales via Temu cuts out a whole industry of importers, distributors and local brick-mortar retail shops (as well as local eComm businesses)

Worst case scenario, the products from Temu compete directly with local made products which means manufacturing is lost, on top of the aforementioned distrubtion-retail/eComm businesses.

China too benefitted in protecting their domestic industries during the nascent growth years. Allowing immature domestic industries and processes to grow. As can be seen in a lot of "free trade" examples from the past few decades, developing nations with small/immature industries get absolutely dominated by western MNCs that come in with very slick marketing, polished products and the ability to tank losses in the expansion markets from the profits in their home markets. Local industries have absolutely no chance against that kind of global competition.

Now, with the efficiency of international logistics, the foreign competition doesn't even need to come in directly. By way of example. Amazon offers free shipping to SG from US. It started out with a min. of S$120, then $60 (when they opened a warehouse in SG), then $40 and now ... no minimum. Think about how much business they must be doing in SG to be able to commit to free delivery in SG due to having almost daily containers and flights coming into SG from their US logistics hubs. In that way, think about how much business is not going to local distribution/retail businesses if the product source is from the US and the money all flows to the US? On top of that, we also now have Taobao offering free shipping to SG on orders of ¥199 and above. This leads to a very prevalent consumer behaviour of online price checking while in retail shops. This creates a lot of undue pressure on domestic industries which struggle to replicate the process, volume and cost structure of these foreign mature markets. Yes, the consumer benefits. More choices, better service, cheaper prices, etc. But what's good for the people is not always good for the country.

Bottom line, it's not about what did China do to Indonesia or what is Indonesia trying to do to China. Indonesia is a very big market in itself - 4th most populous country in the world. Indonesia has the market size to support very robust domestic players which may then turn into global players. It should be correct that the Indonesian government should be looking out for Indonesia's best interest (assuming that's what they're doing).
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Commonly speaking, Asian does not involve people from the subcontinent. 亞洲人 means almost always northeast Asian and very occasionally southeast Asian.

Subcontinent is their own thing, like how Australian is also not considered Asian despite geographically being on the side of the Asian half of Eurasia.
Depends where you are on the globe. In the UK, Asian typically refers only to the subcontinent and not any East Asians, while in North America, it is the opposite.

The rhetoric is that Indians are dominating western politics and corporations while overseas Chinese are powerless.

The reason given is that India is a democracy thus they know how to talk and get things done while weak Chinese are brainwashed by 1000 years of authoritarianism. Chinese only know how to work hard while Indians work smart, promote each other, etc.

West has understood the Islamic world as a threat for more than a thousand years (before because of Islam vs Christianity, and now because of Islam vs Secular Western Order), and understood China as a threat for I don't know how long (maybe a few hundred years?), but has never understood India as a threat.

These things can be calculated based on the philosophy of the general society, their aims and ambitions, culture, politics, etc. Indians have never been a credible threat to anyone in anyway which is evident by their inability to defend against foreign invaders, nor are they seen as effective administrators (could never make a stable unified country), and are easily manipulated into servitude of others. In other words, Indians are laborers who will do your work without interfering in your global order regardless of how evil it is.

Islamic doctrine is extremely resistive against oppression, laying out the philosophy as well as the strategy in detail, thus they are always a threat to anyone built on oppression. Only way to stop this is to eradicate Islam, or atleast "reform" it, which the West has been attempting unsuccessfully for some time. Cannot have a Muslim in authority because he might become "radicalized". For Indians [Hindus], there is nothing of this sorts; note how the Indians who gets positions of authority in the West are almost always Hindus and not Muslims that make up 15% of the Indian population. For Chinese, ...? You know more than me. Maybe the general work ethic + nationalism.


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I remember a quote about cults. Cults will tell you to do this and do that. When it doesn't work, they will just say you're not devoted or you didn't try hard enough. They will never allow you to consider what they say is flawed and that perhaps maybe there is something else.

A lot of people think East Asians are stupid and never even considered above. They aren't experiencing success? Must be because they aren't trying hard enough. Stop asking questions about if the system is deliberately flawed and if it should be bypassed/replaced entirely

As for the whole owning business thing, I mean east Asians founded stuff like Nvidia and Lam Research. I don't why people think East Asians don't know about that considering there is no Indian equivalent of Jensen Huang. The better question is why despite these businesses being there, have they not really helped the Asian American community etc.
Let's keep this civil. The game is rigged. We know that. Some of the ideas I suggested are a way of bypassing it completely. For example, these Asians that keep protesting over discrimination at the top colleges should instead learn basic money making skills since they clearly have a very high iq. The same applies to people in industries/jobs requiring high iq. Instead they're grinding at jobs with no or little leverage. They have the capability to make far more money running a business with far less effort.

Nvidia and Lam are in extremely hard industries. They're freak outliers. When I talk about business, I'm thinking of something that pulls in at least 6 figures in net income each year and is accessible to a vastly larger pool of Asians.

As to the last question. It's a good question. Why haven't they. That's what that thread was noticing. Why aren't we helping each other effectively like Indians are? Why are East Asians, who found and built these companies, less successful as a group than Indians who mismanage them with tribal policies?


Registered Member
I am skeptical of that counter point. Lots of whites hate Indians for their looks yet they can still succeed. We as a group need to stop shooting down ideas before even trying them. It's a defeatist mindset..

Assimilation is not everything either. Working smarter by making money through business that has leverage (instead of slaving away in a job), acquiring assets, and having in group preferences would get us more financial power, which can be converted to political power.

Have we even tried more tribalism?

If whites do react aggressively then the answer is not to stop, but to avoid detection or some other adaptation.
overseas Chinese did have in-group mentality before. from Qing Dynasty era until as recently as 1990's, everyone's attitude was that they were Chinese first. Just look at the classical HK movies, donations during WW2, Qian Xuesen, etc. IDK what happened after the 1990s.