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LOL That's fucking stupid; do they just beg for things now instead of trading or dealing for them? Macron's vulnerability was liquor so he asked Xi not to target liquor and then went to start the conflict anyway?! It'd be way smarter to just shut up and not mention it! That's like Israel tweeting to Iran with an address NOT to hit because all the Mossad fuckers are gonna be taking refuge there, and then launching a few rockets at Iran to kick things off. Seriously I think common sense has gone down a lot in the Western world.
Yes that's exactly it.

Is this even the real world lmao
Bunch of clowns in France
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Paris accused China’s President Xi Jinping of breaking a
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he had made to French President Emmanuel Macron
of not imposing temporary duties during a visit to Paris last May.
“I find these measures incomprehensible. There is no justification for them,” said France’s Junior Trade Minister Sophie Primas.

“We are very disappointed by this announcement, which goes against the commitment made by President Xi during his visit to France,” she said via written statements to POLITICO.

“I will soon be attending the G20 Summit in Brasília, where I will be taking the opportunity to hold a dialogue with my Chinese counterpart. I'm ready to go to China to put forward our positions,” she added.


Registered Member
So with a new government, Indonesia tariffed Chinese EVs, invited Australia military chips to sail in its waters, now bans Chinese apps. So much for being neutral. Why don't they ban amazon? Most of Amazon's stuff comes from China too.

Is the new president known to be this anti Chinese?

Good chance that Indonesian Chinese are behind this. If you read the article it mentioned TikTok needing to form a JV with GoTo group to gain entry into the local market. CEO of GoTo is connected with the Soeryardjaya family who are ethnic Chinese.


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Why Oregon has a reputation as a "white haven":
Oregon is "white" because it was founded on racist exclusionary principles by white supremacists who would terrorize and murder people of color.
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The white "founders" of Oregon were so racist they banned slavery so they wouldn't have to be around Black people. It is not a historical accident Oregon is "so white" but the result of deliberate exclusion and ethnic cleansing.

Looks like neocons aren't keen on seeing the Middle East develop their own technology ecosystems. Without the tech edge they and Israel wouldn't spy and dominate as effectively there.
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Lieutenant General
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Paris accused China’s President Xi Jinping of breaking a promise he had made to French President Emmanuel Macron of not imposing temporary duties during a visit to Paris last May.
“I find these measures incomprehensible. There is no justification for them,” said France’s Junior Trade Minister Sophie Primas.
FAFO. They honestly thought that China would just stand around while they put tariffs on their cars. Seriously?
Current EU leadership is pretty pathetic.

Adding some sort of luxury tax if they insist on this could be next. Guess what France and Italy export the most.

The Chinese government needs to promote its own luxury brands and stop the gravy train.


Junior Member
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Libya proves the point that trying to install democracy without civil society cohesion and education is a waste of time. It had those things under authoritarian rule but has since been destroyed and it's attempt to revitalize it under democracy has been chaotic.

Democracy has always been chaotic in 100% of countries, even Americans increasingly don't want that brain rot system anymore.

There is a legit 1/4 of the population openly calling for autocracy and this is rising.

Imagine in China if 1/4 of the population demanded that they install American-style liberal idiocracy there, haha,

It wouldn't even happen in a dream. They know that they are cooked and looking for solutions.

It is just that they, along with many elites like Musk, believe that Trump is their autocratic efficient savior and not the catalyst for a sooner collapse.

It is clear that democracy failed even in the West, it simply can't work for the long term under any circumstances, even theoretically.


And this is just the support for Trump to do it if he loses, without any valid reason needed, whereas he could probably find a few reasons to present always as election irregularities. In reality, it is probably around 1/3 of the support for Trump's autocracy as this illustrates,

A December
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found that 36 percent of US adults did not believe Biden was legitimately elected, compared to 29 percent two years prior. And in a Pew Research poll conducted earlier this month,
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said that Trump did nothing wrong in trying to overturn the election results,
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And keep in mind that whereas democrats are a lot more passive than Trumpists, they have a certain percentage of voters probably supporting autocracy of their own rule, open or covert, either from preventing Trump takeover or because they also feel like it.

If we take it all as combined, I would probably say that close to 50% don't support the current political system anymore.

Imagine them then constantly criticizing China which has a 95%+ supported system, and propping up your system that failed and even you yourself don't want anymore.

This is like half of China wanting to adopt the Western system and we would hear no end to it from them bragging and making fun of if then.
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Scratch a liberal and a _____ bleeds.
According to the good fellows at the "Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation", all the Nazis annihilated by the USSR are "victims of communism".

Typical US alarmist news about China investing in Nuclear Fusion power. The horror...

Watching the video you would also assume that the US invented Tokamak technology and China "stole" it. When Tokamaks were invented by Soviet scientists.
Some of the alarmists are worried for a reason. The US is no longer its former self and can hardly accomplish anything of significance in a reasonable time frame. Below is an example.