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Japanese gaming companies dealing with the unreasonable demands of a bunch of crazies in the US.

Chinese Semiconductor Companies: First time?
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Ahhhh, that hang man’s first time quote. That will never get old when dealing with these crazy assholes. Still surprised these pillow hugging lot only figured this out now. The DEI crowd would have Japan hug body pillows of ugly horse mouth looking she males if they have their way, no offense and I would laugh at this because this will add a whole new level of pathetic to an already neutered nation

Many citizens are dying if not missing after Hurricane Helene, but hey, here's an American flag covered in dirt that we should hold a performative funeral for:

And the president said recently in a tweet that they have no supplies to give them yet they give billions to Ukraine and to do a pissing match with China, what a mean son of a female donkey


Registered Member
The US has had a few failures - particularly the various color revolutions - but also plenty of successes. I have a hard time believing that people are talking about US failures to orchestrate "organic movements" in a thread where we're literally witnessing the power of US elite capture on the Global South.

Make no mistake, the US is immensely successful at this game. That's why so many more countries worship the US than worship China, Russia, India, or any other competing power. Elites in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, and most of the Arab world would rather send their children to Harvard and work in Goldman Sachs, than send their children to Qinghua and work in Huawei. This is despite the US continuously bombing their "fellow Muslims" for most of the last two decades.

That sort of power is deep rooted and tends to be underestimated. When people ask, "why is it that nobody in the Global South seems to do what is in their own best interest but just let the US win!?" They should remember that the cultural conditioning was established over the course of decades, if not centuries.

If there's one thing Western elites are extremely proficient in, it is in understanding the dynamics of multi-spectrum power and how to wield it. The writer in New York Times, the politician in Congress, the professor at Harvard, the industrialist in Lockheed Martin, the banker in Wall Street, the technologist in Open AI, the admiral of the Seventh Fleet, the intelligence agent in the Pentagon, even your average moderator on Reddit, they all work in coordination to advance the same common cause.

It's not just financial power; it's not just industrial power; it's not just cultural power; it's not just military power; it's not just espionage power; it's everything, all at once. And that's what the rest of the world, by comparison, are so bad at.
End of day for China to win global south, China must ruin US as an attraction. Expect global south to help defeat US first is counter productive.

To acquire this power China must have a center for extreme foriegn wealth, and somehow not let that influence seep inward. Know that greatest strength of US is its corruption attracts other corrupt elite, but that same corruption is the same reason why the country is in ruin.

I can't say I am jealous of this trade off. Let US keep its strength and weakness. I dont want China to follow its path. At best, learn from US. Learn to engineer the principle of its power without its drawback, some day.


Registered Member
When China had those investment arrangements with Iran, I looked at the comments and noticed there was a lot of negativity or distrust from Iranians. Maybe those comments were from diaspora who still want their puppet Shah back which is funny because he himself went against the west towards the end and said they and Israel were not to be trusted. Seems like those guys just never learn.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the average Iranian doesn't think much of China. After all they are far away from China and were the original aryans of Persia. Ignoring religion, it is no surprise they identify more with the west that look like them. It really does come down to race and facial features in the end. Thats why only an entity like China can full heartedly oppose them because it knows its not a white nation. It also doesn't help that Iranians can be quite hotheaded and arrogant.

That said, I get why China still deals with them because they ultimately have the most potential of the middle east. They are good physically (wrestling and weightlifting) and intellectually (olympiads and key figures). They just need to get their heads out of their asses. The USSR was the same. Ultimately its arrogance let to its inflexibility that messed everything up.
if you understand the meaning of below pictures than USSR was just anomaly and it was saved by muslims during WWII.
Kadyrov fame is his pmc that gather volunteers from mostly muslim countries but there is some thing else that Putin will not tell in public that Chechnya despite much closer in distance to Iran/ Turkey Kadyrov hardly visited them in past couple of decades. that is his foresight. since he has foresight his opinion matter thats why those new officials visit him. that foresight only comes from regularly hanging out with Gulf Monarchies. This is not a minor difference to keep a distance and it was demonstrated during FIFA opening match in Moscow where the guests were Saudis.

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Putin responded to Kadyrov's words, calling himself "just an infantryman
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reports , when asked by a journalist whether “Putin’s foot soldiers” like Kadyrov justify his trust, Putin said: “If I had more of these foot soldiers, I would be very happy, but even one such foot soldier is worth a lot.


Arij Javaid

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For all the people who are crying for a more assertive china for the past 2 days

Let me tell you, China hasn't entered it's phase of assertiveness yet

They are ironing out few issues, food security and de-dollarization which make china vulnerable.

Once china feels it's ready to go, you'll see Taiwan being unified and you'll see anyone who stands in china's way will be crushed and you'll see Europe being neutral and you'll see global south backing china.

That's bound to happen with a current trajectory.

But right now is not the time.


Registered Member
Who would you classify as china's true allies??

North Korea, Russia, Pakistan??

North Korea.

But that does not really matter.

What matters is how the world is changing.

During the Cold War, countries were on one side or the other. China was on one side, then the other side.

After the Cold War, it was the American unipolar moment.

That world is gone. This world is changing.

That is the important thing, how this world is changing.

Also, more important is how people and countries adopt to these changes. Remember, no one controls the battlefield.


Who is allied with who, is not the question in my mind, and not what we should be asking.



Registered Member
Also, more important is how people and countries adopt to these changes. Remember, no one controls the battlefield.

Case in point. Who is the most powerful country in the world.

Arguably, we can make a case for the United States.

Then we look at what is happening. Clearly Israel is the tail that is trying to wag the dog, and doing so rather successfully.

Too funny!

So ... my point is ... let's not get too ahead of ourselves.

We wait for the outcome to that war in Europe.

That is the American's problem.

They always get way too far ahead of themselves.

Make all sorts of crazy assumptions, mostly like they will win no doubt about it.

That is where and how they always paddle up shit creek then break their paddle.

It is like Forrest Gump, all over again. Like de ja vu our ass..



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I think a war is exactly what Iran needs, just like Russia. Iranians will be completely demonized. Their elites will ostracized in west. Like a bandage to a festering wound, it will be better in long run. Russia certainly agrees. Their oligarch is a lot more loyal after west sanctioned them, even dogs and trees.
Elites really are morons. All that money and they still think the west will make a special exception for them.

But I guess it's expected. Class warfare states a rich black has more in common and feels common around a rich white guy as opposed to being comfortable about his own kind in the hood.

While all the lower classes are all being nationalistic on the internet against each other, the elites of those countries spend their time golfing together and probably laughing at the lower classes together.