Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
This thing was coming right for us. I was expecting 70-80mph winds, flooding and power outs but nothing happened. We got a lot of rain and that's all. I turned on the news at 2am and saw that it changed course due east a mere 50 miles away from us. It was expected to sweep through Atlanta GA and go north into Chattanooga TN. But it went east and hit South and North Carolina instead. This was why there were so many deaths. It did not go where it was expected. Those 2 states were unprepared for it and since it changed course like 1-2am, people were not alerted in time as they were sleeping.

Florida was super prepared; it made landfall at 140mph in Florida but only 11 people have been found dead so far. It was made very clear to these people that if they stayed in their homes rather than evacuating, they will die. 20 feet waves = "unsurvivable" was the word they used. So Florida suffered the brunt of the property damage but very little in civilian deaths by comparison.

In comparison, Super Typhoon Yagi was equally powerful at 140mph winds during landfall in Hainan and then again in Guangdong but caused only 4 deaths. At the time, I was thinking the US media's gonna make a bitch about it saying China's so incompetent, it let people die in a storm. I guess that story won't be rolling off the press anymore...
In that regard it was very similar to Yagi since majority of the death came from Vietnam and Myanmar which accounted for over 800.


Senior Member
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I've mentioned before that according to Western anthropology there are only three races on the planet... Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. When you're dead and buried and the only thing left are your bones, they can tell which race you belong to just by looking at the bones. Middle Easterners and Indians are Caucasian. When I was in college a friend told me he took a Social Studies class where a Palestinian student said Asians should be banned from driving because they don't know how to drive. Apparently he was envious and didn't like seeing Asians driving Mercedes. Palestinians are the lowest seen among people in the Middle East/Islamic region and they think they're more superior than Asians. That was then. This is now... but you better believe some in that part of the world still want to think they're superior to Asians. Saudi Arabia was in line with the US and the West back during the Cold War on how they saw Chinese. Before the West saw those in the Islamic Middle East as a threat, people there identified with the West more than anyone else. It should not be surprising that there are those in the world not Western hold some demeaning view of Asians because guess what? The West especially when they were colonizing the world taught people everywhere they went.. "It's only you and me against everyone else..." so that means everyone else hates each other but not whites. And that's how the world turned out and you see that legacy today.

Some deluded Asians who want to believe they're white don't want to believe this but there was a time when both Africans and Asians were seen at the same level by the West. If you look at the Americas, Latin countries see Mexico as the lowest of them. Why? Because they are seen to have more Indian blood. And where do Indians come from? Asia. That's why both Africans and Asians have experienced more historical macro racist hatred than others. Blacks hate Asians and Asians hate blacks. The West really hated people who weren't "Caucasian" and they taught others to see it the same way.

Some are not happy that this country or that country sides with the West more. Well don't be surprised because you see Chinese say China should not get involved in affairs that have nothing to do with China. You just better not be a Chinese that holds both views. Which also says don't be disappointed to find out others are motivation by who's side is going to give them money. The West doesn't have it hence why countries are leaning towards China because they have the money. So don't be surprised when countries abandon China when it doesn't have the money. When you're not willing to side with others, don't be surprise when they don't side with you.
I mean Jesus is technically Palestinian/Middle Eastern. Nuff said.

I never expected much from the middle east and probably China doesn't either. They have oil and money and we want to trade. They do that part, we are good and it's ends there.

I'm more disappointed with the east and sea Asians. They have no excuse. One reason ethnic minority separist movement is weak in China compared to other places is because ultimately they mostly look like Chinese.


Junior Member
Yeah but the Anglo sphere or Western influences are waning with each new generations. Nothing in life stays the same forever. That's why there are so many Westerners and Middle Easterners are jealous of China's old history and the continuous existence of its civilization. China went through various changes throughout its history and still able to maintain the Chinese culture. The West and Middle East and Israel (Christians, Muslims, and Jews) are all based on the Abraham type of religion. If China dominates again, that means their gods and values do not exist, because their culture rest on that one absolute intuitionalism way of thinking. That the entire world has to follow that or else.
hmnnn...are you saying when china dominates God does not exist but when china declines God existed again?


Registered Member
Why is everybody trying to cope with Israel killing so many more of their enemies than they are killing Israelis and pretending that Israel isn't winning? Just cus you hate Israel? Me too but reality is reality. Money's not even a real thing; it's artificial. America will bankroll everything Israel needs then print the extra money to send that inflation through the world. The people who died fighing Israel did not sacrifice their lives to waste Israel's money, ok? They are not happy with that. With all the civilians that Israel killed I honestly think it's well over a 10-1 ratio in favor of Israel. How can it not be when every Israeli killed is a soldier taken out by guerillas (who probably sacrificed a few of their brothers to get it) while Palestinians and Lebanese die in the hundreds as Israel drops bombs on hospitals and stabs/shoots every child they see on the street?

Israel is an evil far too great for any force in that area. Only China can end Israel with a beast mode full military strike lasting one night only leaving Israel in total shambles and then dare anybody to do anything about it. But if that day comes, I presume it will have come because China has grown so strong that even Western European countries will only say Israel deserved it and never draw China's ire. And it will also have to depend on Israel's stupidity because we Chinese never strike people when they are in submission.
Calm down, and analyse the situation. what I said is the nature of the conflict. A smaller stronger country need to kill more and lose less to make up the size difference.

First off, lets say Israel is doing 20 to 1 casualty ratio. That in reality is closer to 2 to 1 once you account for size difference. IDF is mainly losing soldiers, something their cowardly society is running low on. Israel is killing leaders and civilians. Killing civilians do not really diminish the fighting potential, it actually increase the available recruits. Killing leaders hurts, but only temporary. The bottom up nature of them means they can come back. Just like Taliban eventually win despite losing entire leadership many times. On other hand if Israel lose their Netyanhu, the war wont last very long.

So the situation is not as bad as the death count suggests.

Don't get me wrong, I still think Israel has the upper hand. This is mainly due to potential outside support. I think Israel likely win if US gets in directly Vietnam style. But until that happens I think resistence has a fair chance against Israel in current form.


Registered Member
Israel is killing leaders and civilians. Killing civilians do not really diminish the fighting potential, it actually increase the available recruits. Killing leaders hurts, but only temporary. The bottom up nature of them means they can come back. Just like Taliban eventually win despite losing entire leadership many times. On other hand if Israel lose their Netyanhu, the war wont last very long.

I dunno man, Israel killing Iran's hardliner Raisi and replacing him with comprador Pezeshkian has paid off a lot. The core of your argument is that the resistance is different from the Israelis, somehow more united and less hierarchical. I don't buy that at all.


Registered Member
The thing is though that as Israel has correctly read the geopolitical environment today and is doing what is doing, bet you that when/if China becomes the top dog, by that time Israel would have long accomplish its objectives and then started 'atoning' for its sins

Maybe they would preserve some limited areas where people can visit Palestinian cultural artifacts. Build some museums, maybe make a national holiday for remembering the bad things that then "old generation" did. Then new generation would say "why blame US for what our grandparents did" etc, basically the US defence for what they did to native Americans and black Americans.

See, smart countries know how to be nimble and flexible. In that case, as long as Israel knows how to play the game and read the geopolitical situation correctly, nothing serious will happen to it
Then surely they dont mind if another country destroy them, so long as their descendents apologize for it.:p


Registered Member
This is the key. It's all about hard power dynamics.

If the enemy can bomb and kill you indiscriminately, rhetoric without actions is all that's left to try and salvage. Iran knows this, so does china and Russia. They are still bidding their time, and smartly so.

No matter how some on the forum wanted Iran to start a war, or for china to shart shooting when Pelosi was traveling to Taiwan, or want Russia to shoot down all NATO assets around eastern Europe, the same hard power dynamics are still at play.

That being said, if the enemy backs one into a corner eg. keep territorial integrity and security such as Korean war, Ukraine joining NATO, than you gotta fight as best as you can. Otherwise, you got to evade. There's no shame in doing that as long as you have a plan to come back stronger.

Iran is somewhat compromised. They just had a new president, with the previous one dying under suspicious circumstances.

Their population is divided. They need to hunker down, clean house. Starting a war is not what they need or can do. Many here may disagree with me but Hezbollah is not absolutely essential to Iranian territorial security. Hazbollahs success offers the Iranian ruling class mainly bragging rights and some political strength but it's mostly internal economy that counts towards population support.

Thats why I still feel Putin had the right idea. He had to fight to keep Ukraine form joining NATO and becoming an existential security threat to Russia. When he couldn't get a quick political agreement, he started the slow grind, but focused on keeping the economy afloat, maintaining support and logistics. This is, I feel, a much more superior strategy than trying to overwhelmingly destroy and conquer Ukraine with tons of men and recruits, then spending inordinate amount of money to keep and suppress local uprising and guerrilla warfare, like what the US did in Afghanistan and Vietnam. Russia would probably be bankrupt and there would be a lot more social unrest, Putin probably would have lost lots of support or even have lost the election.

I suspect that was what the west had hoped Putin would do because that would be a sure way for him to lose support

All warfare is based on deception. If your enemy is superior, evade him; if slightly inferior, yiu should avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, you should flee from him.”
— Sun Tzu
I think a war is exactly what Iran needs, just like Russia. Iranians will be completely demonized. Their elites will ostracized in west. Like a bandage to a festering wound, it will be better in long run. Russia certainly agrees. Their oligarch is a lot more loyal after west sanctioned them, even dogs and trees.