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No matter how some on the forum wanted Iran to start a war, or for china to shart shooting when Pelosi was traveling to Taiwan, or want Russia to shoot down all NATO assets around eastern Europe, the same hard power dynamics are still at play.
Russia missile technology is way beyond Europe but Europe is Arabs play ground. sorry to say Europe has become bankrupt on every level and this attracts all kind of foreign investments. you never know where Airbus or so many other industrial products production can get disturbed if Russia start firing missiles at them. The best Russia can hope for is to use Ukraine experience to upgrade its air defense technology.
This city of Dubai crown prince not UAE crown prince visiting Uzbekistan. you can start with 747 to Mercedes G wagons. I am sure he has North South in mind.



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When China had those investment arrangements with Iran, I looked at the comments and noticed there was a lot of negativity or distrust from Iranians. Maybe those comments were from diaspora who still want their puppet Shah back which is funny because he himself went against the west towards the end and said they and Israel were not to be trusted. Seems like those guys just never learn.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the average Iranian doesn't think much of China. After all they are far away from China and were the original aryans of Persia. Ignoring religion, it is no surprise they identify more with the west that look like them. It really does come down to race and facial features in the end. Thats why only an entity like China can full heartedly oppose them because it knows its not a white nation. It also doesn't help that Iranians can be quite hotheaded and arrogant.

That said, I get why China still deals with them because they ultimately have the most potential of the middle east. They are good physically (wrestling and weightlifting) and intellectually (olympiads and key figures). They just need to get their heads out of their asses. The USSR was the same. Ultimately its arrogance let to its inflexibility that messed everything up.


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China is going against some sort of timer here. Japan is trying to weasel out of its obligations from ww2. This so called US-Japan alliance is a threat to the Potsdam declaration peace.

We don't have too many years, maybe 5-10 at most. Japan can't be allowed to militarize, China should strike first and with the purpose of annexation. Legal justification already exists. Asia cannot be truly safe until China is the undisputed leader of the region. And whoever leads Asia also controls the world.

US has since the start of going against China not managed to offer much serious threats. But this might be it.
I would argue that it is both Japan and the USA that is on borrowed time here and they are in a big rush to get a fight going without any proper build up or real planning. But seriously with the Japanese economy in the dirt and the USA having procurement issues along with issues in regards to its navy strength and hence it overall fight strength, it’s going to be hard to start a fight where Japan and the USA hold any kind of advantage worth much, especially with a chaotic election around the corner.
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Registered Member
I just remembered the so called "G2" moment. US offers China a unique opportunity, instead of confrontation and competition US and China can rule the world together, the only price is for China to give up their friends in the global south so that both countries can happily exploit the less fortunate countries in the world ever after....

Sweet deal right? I know some people here would leap at that chance and sign it right away. Guess what's gonna happen once China held up their end of the bargain?

Not just the Iranian president but a large portion of the Iranian population are so delusional about the west it is hard to watch. Once I debated with an Iranian friend and shear amount of western propaganda they absorbed is friggin incredible
Lol I work with a delulu Shah loving Iran, who insist that the election in his country is a sham. Not to mention that the man is an admirer, even a lover of the country doing a lot of carnage in the middle-east right now. For a supposed lover of democracy, he's so enamored by a dictator a.k.a. Shah.


Lieutenant General
I've mentioned before that according to Western anthropology there are only three races on the planet... Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. When you're dead and buried and the only thing left are your bones, they can tell which race you belong to just by looking at the bones. Middle Easterners and Indians are Caucasian. When I was in college a friend told me he took a Social Studies class where a Palestinian student said Asians should be banned from driving because they don't know how to drive. Apparently he was envious and didn't like seeing Asians driving Mercedes. Palestinians are the lowest seen among people in the Middle East/Islamic region and they think they're more superior than Asians. That was then. This is now... but you better believe some in that part of the world still want to think they're superior to Asians. Saudi Arabia was in line with the US and the West back during the Cold War on how they saw Chinese. Before the West saw those in the Islamic Middle East as a threat, people there identified with the West more than anyone else. It should not be surprising that there are those in the world not Western hold some demeaning view of Asians because guess what? The West especially when they were colonizing the world taught people everywhere they went.. "It's only you and me against everyone else..." so that means everyone else hates each other but not whites. And that's how the world turned out and you see that legacy today.

Some deluded Asians who want to believe they're white don't want to believe this but there was a time when both Africans and Asians were seen at the same level by the West. If you look at the Americas, Latin countries see Mexico as the lowest of them. Why? Because they are seen to have more Indian blood. And where do Indians come from? Asia. That's why both Africans and Asians have experienced more historical macro racist hatred than others. Blacks hate Asians and Asians hate blacks. The West really hated people who weren't "Caucasian" and they taught others to see it the same way.

Some are not happy that this country or that country sides with the West more. Well don't be surprised because you see Chinese say China should not get involved in affairs that have nothing to do with China. You just better not be a Chinese that holds both views. Which also says don't be disappointed to find out others are motivation by who's side is going to give them money. The West doesn't have it hence why countries are leaning towards China because they have the money. So don't be surprised when countries abandon China when it doesn't have the money. When you're not willing to side with others, don't be surprise when they don't side with you.
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Lieutenant General
I've mentioned before that according to Western anthropology there are only three races on the planet... Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. When you're dead and buried and the only thing left are your bones, they can tell which race you belong to just by looking at the bones. Middle Easterners and Indians are Caucasian. When I was in college a friend told me he took a Social Studies class where a Palestinian student said Asians should be banned from driving because they don't know how to drive. Apparently he was envious and didn't like seeing Asians driving Mercedes. Palestinians are the lowest seen among people in the Middle East/Islamic region and they think they're more superior than Asians. That was then. This is now... but you better believe some in that part of the world still want to think they're superior to Asians. Saudi Arabia was in line with the US and the West back during the Cold War on how they saw Chinese. Before the West saw those in the Islamic Middle East as a threat, people there identified with the West more than anyone else. It should not be surprising that there are those in the world not Western hold some demeaning view of Asians because guess what? The West especially when they were colonizing the world taught people everywhere they went.. "It's only you and me against everyone else..." so that everyone else hates each other but not whites. And that's how the world turned out and you see that legacy today.

Some deluded Asians who want to believe they're white don't want to believe this but there was a time when both Africans and Asians were seen at the same level by the West. If you look at the Americas, Latin countries see Mexico as the lowest of them. Why? Because they are seen to have more Indian blood. And where do Indians come from? Asia. That's why both Africans and Asians have experienced more historical macro racist hatred than others. Blacks hate Asians and Asians hate blacks. The West really hated people who weren't "Caucasian" and they taught others to see it the same way.

Some are not happy that this country or that country sides with the West more. Well don't be surprised because you see Chinese say China should not get involved in affairs that have nothing to do with China. You just better not be a Chinese that holds both views. Which also says don't be disappointed to find out others are motivation by who's side is going to give them money. The West doesn't have it hence why countries are leaning towards China because they have the money. So don't be surprised when countries abandon China when it doesn't have the money. When you're not willing to side with others, don't be surprise when they don't side with you.
Yeah but the Anglo sphere or Western influences are waning with each new generations. Nothing in life stays the same forever. That's why there are so many Westerners and Middle Easterners are jealous of China's old history and the continuous existence of its civilization. China went through various changes throughout its history and still able to maintain the Chinese culture. The West and Middle East and Israel (Christians, Muslims, and Jews) are all based on the Abraham type of religion. If China dominates again, that means their gods and values do not exist, because their culture rest on that one absolute intuitionalism way of thinking. That the entire world has to follow that or else.


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Helene death toll climbs past 100 as Southeast digs out from storm's devastation​

The number of storm-related deaths climbed past 100 across the Southeast on Sunday, as authorities rushed to airdrop supplies, restore power and clear roads after massive rains from the powerful
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left people stranded and without shelter.

Helene has left at least 116 people dead, CBS News has confirmed, and caused widespread destruction and knocked out power to several million people. Thirty fatalities were reported in Buncombe County, in North Carolina, one of the states that was hardest hit by the storm.
A very devastating storm hit US south east. I think it did a lot more damage than anyone expected.

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Interesting developments, wonder if this will affect the entire semi production or mainly US?

Quartz is very abundant, even high purity ones. I doubt it will be much of an impact.


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Helene death toll climbs past 100 as Southeast digs out from storm's devastation​

A very devastating storm hit US south east. I think it did a lot more damage than anyone expected.

Quartz is very abundant, even high purity ones. I doubt it will be much of an impact.
This thing was coming right for us. I was expecting 70-80mph winds, flooding and power outs but nothing happened. We got a lot of rain and that's all. I turned on the news at 2am and saw that it changed course due east a mere 50 miles away from us. It was expected to sweep through Atlanta GA and go north into Chattanooga TN. But it went east and hit South and North Carolina instead. This was why there were so many deaths. It did not go where it was expected. Those 2 states were unprepared for it and since it changed course like 1-2am, people were not alerted in time as they were sleeping. The Carolinas suffered a combined 73 deaths so far and the count will go up further as they dig up more destroyed property. There were over 600 people still unaccounted for just in the Carolinas last time I checked and that was an hour ago with the death toll at 95.

Florida was super prepared; it made landfall at 140mph in Florida but only 13 people have been found dead so far. It was made very clear to these people that if they stayed in their homes rather than evacuating, they will die. 20 feet waves = "unsurvivable" was the word they used. So Florida suffered the brunt of the property damage but very little in civilian deaths by comparison.

In comparison, Super Typhoon Yagi was equally powerful at 140mph winds during landfall in Hainan and then again in Guangdong but caused only 4 deaths. At the time, I was thinking the US media's gonna make a bitch about it saying China's so incompetent, it let people die in a storm. I guess that story won't be rolling off the press anymore...
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Registered Member
I've mentioned before that according to Western anthropology there are only three races on the planet... Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. When you're dead and buried and the only thing left are your bones, they can tell which race you belong to just by looking at the bones. Middle Easterners and Indians are Caucasian. When I was in college a friend told me he took a Social Studies class where a Palestinian student said Asians should be banned from driving because they don't know how to drive. Apparently he was envious and didn't like seeing Asians driving Mercedes. Palestinians are the lowest seen among people in the Middle East/Islamic region and they think they're more superior than Asians. That was then. This is now... but you better believe some in that part of the world still want to think they're superior to Asians. Saudi Arabia was in line with the US and the West back during the Cold War on how they saw Chinese. Before the West saw those in the Islamic Middle East as a threat, people there identified with the West more than anyone else. It should not be surprising that there are those in the world not Western hold some demeaning view of Asians because guess what? The West especially when they were colonizing the world taught people everywhere they went.. "It's only you and me against everyone else..." so that means everyone else hates each other but not whites. And that's how the world turned out and you see that legacy today.

Some deluded Asians who want to believe they're white don't want to believe this but there was a time when both Africans and Asians were seen at the same level by the West. If you look at the Americas, Latin countries see Mexico as the lowest of them. Why? Because they are seen to have more Indian blood. And where do Indians come from? Asia. That's why both Africans and Asians have experienced more historical macro racist hatred than others. Blacks hate Asians and Asians hate blacks. The West really hated people who weren't "Caucasian" and they taught others to see it the same way.

Some are not happy that this country or that country sides with the West more. Well don't be surprised because you see Chinese say China should not get involved in affairs that have nothing to do with China. You just better not be a Chinese that holds both views. Which also says don't be disappointed to find out others are motivation by who's side is going to give them money. The West doesn't have it hence why countries are leaning towards China because they have the money. So don't be surprised when countries abandon China when it doesn't have the money. When you're not willing to side with others, don't be surprise when they don't side with you.
North Korea never had money. China fought for North Korea in 1950s and a few years ago reaffirmed the MDT.
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Interesting developments, wonder if this will affect the entire semi production or mainly US?
I believe the high purity quartz is used as a tool component, so it is kinda indirect.