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Max Blumenthal had managed to interview the Iranian president, Masoud Pezeshkian.
It looks like all the rumours about him and his government are true. This current president is indeed pro-West, and is working hard to achieve a diplomatic solution with America and the West in hopes of achieving sanctions relieve. This man was against the "Hijab police", and against the conservative factions of the Iranian government. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but they do run a risk of being abit too aligned with Western ideology. He got alot of his votes from the Iranian middle class, who desire better relations with the West.

Pezashkian, having a non-politician background, makes him very naive to the designs of Israel and the West. He initially refused to retaliate against Israel for the assassination's of Haniyeh, but the conservative faction and the Ayatollah had other ideas. It seems that without the Ayatollah and Netanyahu's madness, this man might have driven Iran straight into the pro-West camp. Its sad to see that the pro-West faction of Iranian society have won the political war. They are going to be undoing decades of good work, only to fall to the false promises of the West. They might think that the West is gonna give them sanctions relieve and peace, but what they're actually gonna get is the doom of their nation. The Ayatollah and his conservative faction are still there to try to stop the rot for now. But only the Iranians can decide their future.
I mean so far all I can see is a good cop bad cop routine. If Pezashkian has the power to make Iran pro-West, he also has the power to stop fucking with the US in the middle east.

He is a vetted candidate by the Ayatollah... Expecting him to make exceptions for the west is the exact same mistake China did regrading Trump, expecting that this deep state vetted candidate actually can bring an exception to foreign policy.
Answers: Way more anti-Israelis died than Israelis. Israel controls more land today that it did at the beginning of the conflict and before it's over, they will seize more land than they have now. That is the most unbiased way to see who is coming out on top of this conflict and I am definitely NOT saying this because it pleases me.
Anti Israelis are drawn from a huge pool of people, who also get larger the more Muslim countries amplify their propaganda against Israel (not saying Israel isn't guilty of crimes against humanity, but it's an information campaign casting light on their behavior. Way more died in Rwanda, and nobody cared).

Israel barely controls a few more streets from the start of the war, and the north has seen heavy setbacks as cities/towns had to be evacuated. The contrast is quite clear to Russia's more undisputed success in taking cities and eliminating 100 000s of fighters.

Let's be realistic, these freedom fighters are not valued so much. And in their defense, they are at least selling their lives at higher cost than Zelensky's conscripts at least.

Probably people here, including me, would want China to deploy it's overmatch in technology and flatten the new Axis, from Tel aviv to Hawaii. But such ideas are never without risk, especially now that US is still able to cause mutual destruction. In the end, I trust the Xi government and that it has done a much better analysis on how to break down the US threat than is possible using civilian opinions based on open source data.

And sometimes, maybe that strategy involves throwing meatshields from another country/culture. Maybe back then, Americans also gritted their teeth watching Soviets slaughter the afghan mujahideen while superior US tech and weapons could have won on the field, but in the end, Americans had their revenge on all of the USSR.


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People are an expendable resource from the point of view of nations. Sure, the exchange is better for Israel. But over the last 12 months Iran has improved its position in the region while Israel has caused the next generation of Arabs to hate them and is now even becoming hated in Europe. Saudi Arabia is forced to not normalise with Israel and they're engaging economically with Iran. I'd say Iran is satisfied with the exchange, as long as Hezbollah survives

I dont know the reality but if Saudi is forced to do some thing than the revenge factors comes into play and they are way powerful any body else. what they publish just on this Ukraine war goes way beyond anyone else as if this is a training exercise and now they are directing people to rutube. They only put Europe into economic comma as they had that historic relations but it will not be for others.
Iran will have to demonstrate competence in that North-South corridor. When Russia talks to Iran its basically Sunni talking to Iran.


Arij Javaid

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Tbh, Iran's passive approach has avoided a potential WW3 but Iran has to balance it with showing deterrence.

This strategy is not working. They're stuck in a rock and hard place. Although this time Russia will 100% back them. China will only enter once it realizes Iran is in huge trouble.